##Portfolio Projects Projects that belong to a specific organization
- project
- name Name of the project
- activity Project's activity level like low, high etc..
- primary_language The primary language in which the projects repos have code in
- i_use_this Number of people who mark that they use this
- community_rating Average rating of the project as rated by openhub users
- twelve_mo_activity_and_year_on_year_change Last 12 months activity compared with previous 12 months activity
- commits No of commits in the last 12 months
- change_in_commits Diff between no of commits in this 12 months and the previous 12 months before that
- percentage_change_in_commits % measure of change in commits
- contributors No of contributors in the last 12 months
- change_in_contributors Diff between no of committers in this 12 months and the previous 12 months before that
- percentage_change_in_committers % measure of change in contributors
- detailed_page_url This page's relative url