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Iris proof style

Warning: this document is still in development and rather incomplete. If you run across a question of style (for example, something comes up in an MR) and it's not on this list, please do reach out to us on Mattermost so we can add it.

Basic syntax


This applies to Context, Implicit Types, and definitions.

  • Put a space on both sides of the colon.

    Good: (a : B)
    Bad: (a:B), (a: B)

  • Prefer (a : B) to a : B. (TODO)


Disjunctions & branches

  • Always mark the disjuncts when destructuring a disjunctive pattern, even if you don't bind anything, to indicate that the proof branches.


    Lemma foo : ∀ b : bool, b = true ∨ b = false.
      intros [|].


    Lemma foo : ∀ b : bool, b = true ∨ b = false.
      intros [].


  • Use "[H1 H2]" when possible otherwise do "(H1 & H2 & H3)". (TODO)


  • Always use Unicode variants of forall, exists, ->, <=, >=.

    Good: ∀ ∃ → ≤ ≥
    Bad: forall exists -> <= >=

Equivalent vernacular commands

  • Use Context, never Variable.

  • Use Implicit Types, never Implicit Type. (TODO)

  • Use Lemma, not Theorem (or the other variants: Fact, Corollary, Remark).

  • Always add Global or Local to Hint, Arguments, and Instance. (TODO)


  • Never put Require in the middle of a file. All Require must be at the top. If you only want to import a certain module in some specific place (for instance, in a Section or other Module), you can do something like:

    From lib Require component.
    (* ... *)
    Import component.


  • Prefer first [ t1 | fail 1 "..." ] to t1 || fail "...". This is better because the latter will fail if t1 doesn't make progress. See Note that first [ t1 | fail "..."] is simply incorrect; the failure message will never show up and will be replaced with a generic failure.

Coqdoc comments

  • Module-level comments (covering the entire file) go at the top of the file, before the Require.


  • Indent the body of a match by one space.


    match foo with
    | Some x =>
       long line here using x

    RJ: This is odd, usually everything is in (multiples of) 2 spaces, I think.


  • Avoid using the extra square brackets around an Ltac match.


    match goal with
    | |- ?g => idtac g


    match goal with
    | [ |- ?g ] => idtac g
  • Use coqdoc syntax in comments for Coq identifiers and inline code, e.g. [cmraT].

  • Put proofs either all on one line (Proof. reflexivity. Qed.) or split up the usual way with indentation.


    Lemma foo : 2 + 2 = 4 ∧ 1 + 2 = 3.
    Proof. split.
      - reflexivity.
      - done.
  • Put the entire theorem statement on one line or one premise per line, indented by 2 spaces.


    Lemma foo x y z :
        x < y → y < z →
        x < z.


    Lemma foo x y z : x < y → y < z → x < z.

    Good: (particularly if premises are longer)

    Lemma foo x y z :
      x < y →
      y < z →
      x < z.
  • If the parameters before the : become too long, indent later lines by 4 spaces and always have a newline after :.


    Lemma foo (very_long_name : has_a_very_long_type)
    (even_longer_name : has_an_even_longer_type) : x < y → y < z →
      x < z.


    Lemma foo (very_long_name : has_a_very_long_type)
        (even_longer_name : has_an_even_longer_type) :
      x < y → y < z → x < z.
  • For definitions that don't fit into one line, put := before the linebreak, not after.


    Definition foo (arg1 arg2 arg3 : name_of_the_type)
      := the body that is very long.


    Definition foo (arg1 arg2 arg3 : name_of_the_type) :=
      the body that is very long.
  • For tests with output put Check "theorem name in a string" before it so that the output from different tests is separated.

  • For long t1; t2; t3 and t; [t1 | t2 | t3] split them like this, and indent by 2 spaces.



File organization

theories/algebra is for primitive ofe/RA/CMRA constructions theories/algebra/lib is for derived constructions theories/base_logic/lib is for constructions in the base logic (using own)


  • *_ctx for persistent facts (often an invariant) needed by everything in a library
  • *_interp for a function from some representation to iProp
  • If you have lemma foo which is an iff and you want single direction versions, name them foo_1 (forward) and foo_2 (backward)
  • If you have a lemma foo parametrized by an equivalence relation, you might want a version specialized to Leibniz equality for better rewrite support; name that version foo_L and state it with plain equality (e.g., dom_empty_L in stdpp). You might take an assumption LeibnizEquiv A if the original version took an equivalence (say the OFE equivalence) to assume that the provided equivalence is plain equality.
  • Lower-case theorem names, lower-case types, upper-case constructors
  • TODO: how should f (g x) = f' (g' x) be named?
  • list_lookup_insert is named by context (the type involved), then the two functions outside-in on the left-hand-side, so it has the type lookup (insert …) = … where the insert is on a list. Notations mean it doesn’t actually look like this and the insert is textually first.
  • Operations that "extract" from the data structure (lookup, elem_of, ...) should come before operations that "alter" the data structure (filter, insert, union, fmap). For example, use map_lookup_filter instead of map_filter_lookup.
  • Injectivity theorems are instances of Inj and then are used with inj
  • Suffixes _l and _r when we have binary op x y and a theorem related to the left or right. For example, sep_mono_l says bi_sep is monotonic in its left argument (holding the right constant).
  • Suffix ' (prime) is used when foo' is a corollary of foo. Try to avoid these since the name doesn't convey how foo' is related to foo.
  • Given a polymorphic function/relation f (e.g., eq, equiv, subseteq), the instance of type A is called A_f_instance, and we add a lemma A_f that characterizes the instance. In case of many instances, this lemma is proved by unfolding the definition of the instance, e.g., frac_op, frac_valid. However, in some cases, e.g., list_eq, map_eq, set_eq this lemma might require non-trivial proof work.
  • For lemmas involving modalities, we usually follow this naming scheme:
    M1_into_M2: M1 P ⊢ M2 P
    M1_M2_elim: M1 (M2 P) ⊣⊢ M1 P
    M1_elim_M2: M1 (M2 P) ⊣⊢ M2 P
    M1_M2: M1 (M2 P) ⊣⊢ M2 (M1 P)
  • Monotonicity lemmas where the relation can be ambiguous are called <f>_<relation>_mono, e.g. Some_included_mono.
  • For lemmas f x = g ... that give a definition of function f in terms of g, we use f_as_g. For example, map_compose_as_omap : m ∘ₘ n = omap (m !!.) n.

Naming algebra libraries

TODO: describe any conclusions we came to with the mono_nat library

Parameter order and implicitness for lemmas

  • Parameter order is usually from more higher-order to less higher-order (types, functions, plain values), and otherwise follows the order in which variables appear in the lemma statement.
  • In new lemmas, arguments should be marked as implicit when they can be inferred by unification in all intended usage scenarios. (If an argument can sometimes be inferred, we do not have a clear guideline yet -- consider on a case-by-case basis, for now.)

Lemma statements

Iris lemmas: -∗ vs

  • For low-level lemmas, in particular if there is a high likelihood someone would want to rewrite with it / use them in non-proofmode goals (e.g. modality intro rules), use
    • P ⊢ |==£> P
    • (|==£> |==£> P) ⊢ |==£> P
    • ▷ own γ a ⊢ ◇ ∃ b, own γ b ∧ ▷ (a ≡ b)
    • (P -∗ Q) i ⊢ (P i -∗ Q i)
  • If a lemma is a Coq implication of Iris entailments (where the entailments are visible, not hidden behind e.g. Persistent), then use
    • (P1 ⊢ P2) → recv l P1 ⊢ recv l P2
  • Else use -∗
    • a1 ⋅ a2 ~~> a' → own γ a1 -∗ own γ a2 ==∗ own γ a' (curried and hence not rewrite-friendly)


TODO: move these to the right place

  • P Q for bi:PROP (or specifically iProp Σ)
  • Φ and Ψ for (?A -> iProp), like postconditions
  • φ and ψ for Prop
  • A B for types, ofeT, or cmraT

Suffixes like O, R, UR (already documented)