- Fix deprecated message typos.
- This project is no longer supported, please consider using node-service-metrics-logger instead.
- Remove OSX from travis ci due to build performance issues.
- Fix lodash and handlebars security issue.
- Dependencies updated.
- Get MongoDB storage size in bytes
- Add MongoDB oplog metrics.
- Upgrade rollup dependency.
- Add name of MongoDB replication set member to metrics.
- Upgrade rollup dependency.
- Dependencies updated.
- Get replication lags from all MongoDB replication set members.
- Upgrade jest dependencies.
- Upgrade rollup dependencies.
- Upgrade typescript to version 3.5.1.
- Dependencies updated.
- Default host for datadog metrics.
- Push MongoDB and Redis metrics as logs instead of metrics to Datadog.
- Add OSX to travis build system.
- Add version metrics for MongoDB and Redis.
- Add version tag to each MongoDB and Redis metric.
- Add tags to Datadog transport options
- Add additional MongoDB metrics for storage size and replication set members
- Add Greenkeeper as a dependency update helper.
- Datadog options interface import.
- MongoDb Replication set name added as tag to Datadog transport
- General refactoring.
- MongoDb metrics for replication sets.
- MongoDb operation logs per second.
- Dependency updates.
- General refactoring.
- Add redis info master link down to metrics
- Small refactoring
- Add redis info latency to metrics.
- Add redis slow log execution time percentile (95) to metrics.
- Add redis changes since last save metric to Datadog transport.
- Add redis database size to metrics.
- Upgrade mongodb, mongodb-memory-server, rollup, ts-jest, typescript dependencies.
- Code refactoring.
- Database type added as a tag to Datadog transport.
- Datadog support.
- Upgrade ts-jest and typescript dependencies.
- Upgrade @types/redis, mongodb, mongodb-memory-server, tslint, cfenv, jest and rollup dependencies.
- Calculate free memory and storage size for MongoDB and add it to logs.
- Calculate used percentage of memory and storage for MongoDB and add it to logs.
- Add missing MongoDB memory status to logs.
- Jest dependencies updated.
- Add missing MongoDB replication set status to logs.
- Convert Redis metrics values to numbers.
- Different MongoDB metrics are merged into a single response.
- MongoDB metrics response is reduced to most relevant metrics due to size limitations of some log services.
- MongoDB replication set metrics added.
- MongoDB polling issue.
- Database type is added to the returned metrics.
- A name to identify the returned database metrics added.
- CloudFoundry connector adds database name to credentials.
- Make this library more general by separate cloud foundry functionality to a separate connector.
- Skip mongodb unit test for now.
- Implement pub sub pattern to receive metrics as well as application logs.
- Proper mongodb error handling.
- Update Readme.
- Update of jest.
- Replace coveralls with sonarqube quality gate.
- Sonarqube quality gate.
- Replace coveralls with codecov.
- Cloud Foundry Service Metrics Logger.
- MongoDB support.
- Redis support.