As Current JetPack 6 is a derived of Ubuntu 22.04, we will stick with Ubuntu 22.04 to minimize compatibility issues. In addition, we will use ROS2 Humble as it is a LTS version that supports Ubuntu 22.04. With this bundle of environments, it is recommended to use Gazebo Fortress. See this document for ROS2 and Gazebo version pairing. Make sure you are looking for the documents with the right version. For example,
Differences | Fortress | Harmonic |
sdf version | 1.8 | 1.10 |
plug-in name | libignition-gazebo | gz-sim |
You must install ROS2 before installing Gazebo. Then run this following command.
sudo apt install ros-humble-ros-gz
Noted: if you use other version of ROS, you might need to compile by source Check this document.
You might see ros_ign_xxx
in some documents.
These commands are likely to be missing as the names have been changed to ros_gz_xxx
If you just copy commands from the tutorial and run into errors, check the command's name.
First we need to start a remote control node from base_station repo.
ros2 launch joystick diff_drive_launch.yml
Joy node will read inputs from the joystick then map those inputs into Twist message.
Then navigate to Gazebo folder and run following command to bridge Twist message from ROS to Gazebo.
See ref1 and ref2 for more detail about parameters.
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge --ros-args -p config_file:=config.yaml
Then start Gazebo.
After you start simulation and click on play
button (or press space on your keyboard), you will be able to control the robot with the joystick
ign gazebo tutorial.sdf
ign topic -e -t /imu