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Eclipse Ditto :: kubernetes

This folder contains example yaml files which can be used to start Eclipse Ditto with its backing Database - MongoDB - and a reverse proxy - nginx - in front of the HTTP and WebSocket API.

Running Eclipse Ditto on kubernetes

Configure nginx

The nginx's configuration is located in the nginx.conf file and contains a "Basic authentication" for accessing the HTTP and WebSocket API. The users for this sample authentication are configured in the nginx.htpasswd file also located in this directory.

In order to add a new entry to this file, use the "openssl passwd" tool to create a hashed password:

openssl passwd -quiet
 Password: <enter password>
 Verifying - Password: <enter password>

Append the printed hash in the nginx.htpasswd file placing the username who shall receive this password in front of Ditto like this:


Create configuration mappings for nginx

kubectl create configmap nginx-conf --from-file=deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/nginx/nginx.conf
kubectl create configmap nginx-cors --from-file=deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/nginx/nginx-cors.conf
kubectl create configmap nginx-htpasswd --from-file=deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/nginx/nginx.htpasswd
kubectl create configmap nginx-index --from-file=deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/nginx/index.html
kubectl create configmap swagger-ui-api --from-file=$PWD/documentation/src/main/resources/openapi


There are two ways starting a MongoDB instance. Either use a simple MongoDB container without persistence.

kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/mongodb/mongodb.yaml

Or use the stateful MongoDB set with a local persistent volume. Before running the following commands be sure that the /data/db/ directory is existing.

kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/mongodb-statefulset/storage-class.yaml
envsubst < deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/mongodb-statefulset/persistent-volume.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/mongodb-statefulset/mongodb-statefulset.yaml
Dedicated MongoDB

In case you already have a MongoDB in the cloud or elsewhere it is possible to connect Ditto to this MongoDB. This can be done by setting the MongoDB URI via env variable "MONGO_DB_URI" in the deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/ditto/ditto-cluster.yml for all services except the gateway. Other MongoDB settings can be set via env variables and are documented in Operating Ditto section.

In case your "MONGO_DB_URI" contains sensitive information like username and password it is recommended to use a kubernetes secret. To create a kubernetes secret use the following command;

kubectl create secret generic mongodb --from-literal=mongodb-uri='<mongodb_uri>' 

In order to use the kubernetes secret replace the variable "MONGO_DB_HOSTNAME" with the following lines:

  - name: MONGO_DB_URI    
        name: mongodb
        key: mongodb-uri

Start Eclipse Ditto

Ditto uses the latest tag for its images. If you want to use a different version replace the latest tag in deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/ditto/ditto-cluster.yml with the version you want to use.

If DITTO_LOGGING_FILE_APPENDER is set to 'true' then the following step have to be done. In order to be able to access ditto log files run the following command to initialize the hostPath.

kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/ditto/ditto-log-files.yaml

Start Ditto with the predefined version or another of choice.

kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/ditto/
# Start ditto services with an alternative version e.g. 0-SNAPSHOT
# cat deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/ditto/ditto-cluster.yaml | sed s/latest/0-SNAPSHOT/ | kubectl apply -f -

Start Swagger UI

kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/swagger/swagger.yaml

Start Reverse Proxy (nginx)

kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/nginx/nginx.yaml

Verify all pods are running

Run the following command to verify that everything is up & running.

kubectl get pods
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mongodb-0                        1/1     Running   0          5m
policies-5d6798cc6-dzklx         1/1     Running   0          3m
gateway-d9f9cbb65-4fsbk          1/1     Running   0          3m
things-search-768c894bd4-v4n2z   1/1     Running   0          3m
things-5787ffdf7f-mn2cs          1/1     Running   0          3m
connectivity-54b9799b8f-496f5    1/1     Running   0          3m
swagger-b8asd6f857-651bg         1/1     Running   0          2m
nginx-7bdb84f965-gf2lp           1/1     Running   0          1m

Have Fun!