The application shows how to connect to the IoT Hub messaging endpoint and send a command to a device in one-way mode. It sends automatically a "switchLight" command with the payload "On" to a device which must be connected.
For a more complex example see the Hono example application. The guide only works for Linux & Mac systems, for MS Windows you have to adapt the paths and options.
following software must be installed:
- Java 8 (Oracle JDK or OpenJDK) or newer
- maven 3.5.2 or newer
- mosquitto_sub for subscribing to receive commands
An existing IoT Hub service instance and a valid tenant ID are needed to run the application. Please consult IoT Hub documentation on how to book a IoT Hub service instance. In the 'Credentials' information of a IoT Hub service subscription information, you will find the 'tenant-id', the 'messaging-username' and 'messaging-password'. Please register a device and setup password credentials. You will need the 'device-id', 'auth-id' and the matching secret for the 'auth-id'.
To receive commands, a device must subscribe to a specific command topic. As exemplary device the Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT client is used. Please make sure auth-id and the matching secret is set correctly.
mosquitto_sub -d -h -p 8883 -k 30 -u {auth-id}@{tenant-id} -P {secret} --capath /etc/ssl/certs/ -t command/+/+/req/#
To build and package the application as a runnable JAR file run:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
The command application needs a few parameters set to run. Please make sure the following are set correctly:
: the username for the IoT Hub messaging endpoint (messaging@tenant-id)messaging-password
: the password for the IoT Hub messaging endpointtenant-id
: the tenant IDdevice-id
: a device ID to send command
To start the application, run:
java -jar target/command-and-control-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --hono.client.tlsEnabled=true --hono.client.username={messaging-username} --hono.client.password={messaging-password}{tenant-id}{device-id}
The application will connect to the IoT Hub and send the command to a subscribed device. You should see the received command in the 'mosquitto_sub' output.