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Metrics Accumulator
Metrics Accumulator


The metric accumulator will accumulate additively time-series metrics for ephemeral jobs such as.

  • GCP CloudRun
  • GCP Functions
  • AWS Lambdas
  • Kubernetes Jobs
  • Cron Jobs running somewhere
  • ETC

This is an alternative to Prometheus Pushgateway for when you need persistent data on "subsequent" metric pushes.


  • Aggregates metrics
  • Has TTL for metrics
  • Hot reload configurations

Program Arguments

Argument Description Example Required
--config-file path to the configuration file /metrics-accumulator.jar --config-file=/path/to/configs.yml yes


Api Endpoint Method Required Headers Description
/reset-metric-group/{metricGroup} PUT N/A Erases the metric group metrics out of memory.
/reload-configuration PUT N/A Reloads configuration that were passed in via --config-file. The File source will be reread from storage. All Metrics will be erased
/update/{metricGroup} POST X-API-KEY Updates metric group metrics.
/service-discovery GET N/A A service discovery mechanism for prometheus Please see documentation
/metrics/{metricGroup} GET N/A Returns the metrics for a metrics group.
/current-configurations GET N/A Displays the current loaded configurations
/swagger-ui/index.html#/ GET N/A Swagger Endpoint

Getting Started


Start docker container

 docker run \ 
   -p 8080:8080 \ 


Build the project

mvn clean package -DskipTests=true

Start The Application

java -jar target/app.jar --config-file ./metrics-accumulator.yml

Navigate to http://localhost:8080

Pushing Data

run the following command twice

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8080/update/default' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-API-KEY: 0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5' \
  -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
  -d '# TYPE test_total counter
# HELP test_total
test_total {span_id="321",trace_id="123"} 5.0'

Then get the metric data

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8080/metrics/default' \
  -H 'accept: text/plain'

You should receive this

# TYPE test_total counter
test_total{span_id="321",trace_id="123"} 10.0

You'll notice that test_total has a value of 10


You can run this example at the swagger endpoint http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/

Supported Types


Counters will be combined additively


Gauges are a special case. When a new gauge value comes then the last guage value to be added will be preserved. To change this behavior you can set the label _metrics_accumulator_latest with the value of a number such as the epoch time. Subsequent pushes on the same gauge will compare the vlaue of _metrics_accumulator_latest and largest number will be persisted.

_metrics_accumulator_latest is not displayed when scraping.

How to Utilize this service.

In the metric-groups.yml file add your metric group

For example

  restartCronExpression: "0 0 0 ? * *"
  hostAddress: localhost:8080

    displayMetrics: true
    name: default
    maxTimeSeries: 2500
    apiKey: 0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5
    restartCronExpression: "0 0 0 ? * *"
      env: qa
      version: v31
    displayMetrics: true
    name: metric-group
    maxTimeSeries: 100
    apiKey: 0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5
    restartCronExpression: "0 0 0 ? * *"
      env: test
      version: v45 


Under Global


Attributes Description
restartCronExpression Used to set when your metrics are wiped from memory. This is useful getting rid of stale data. Ideally your data should be wiped at least once a week or more.
hostAddress This is the address of the metrics accumulator used for service discovery. For example, you might set up in DNS an A record pointing to the ip address of the instance running this service such as

Under MetricGroups

Attributes Description
displayMetrics Determines if prometheus should read your metrics or not.
name The name of the endpoint you'll push your metrics to.
For example if the name was super-app then the endpoint you'd need to POST your prometheus metrics is:
maxTimeSeries The maximum number of timeseries you can have in memory for your service. To deal with stale time series we have the restartCronExpression your metrics from history.
apiKey The apikey must be passed in the header X-API-KEY when you POST your metrics. This helps to prevent an accidental POST to another metric Group or another environment such as prod/dev/qa.
restartCronExpression Used to set when your metrics are wiped from memory. This is useful getting rid of stale data. Ideally your data should be wiped at least once a week or more.
serviceDiscoveryLabels Additional labels to be added when scraping the serviceDiscovery endpoint. This is useful during the relabeling

Service Discovery

There's an example of service discovery via docker compose. In the root directory of the project.

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
docker compose up --build --force-recreate

Then navigate to http://localhost:9090/targets?search= and make sure your applicationis being scraped. Follow the example Getting Started/pushing data to see metrics being consumed

How Does It Work?

The endpoint /service-discovery returns a json structure that prometheus uses for service discovery

    "targets": [ "<hostAddress>"],
    "labels": {
      "__meta_metrics_path": "metrics/<metricGroup>"

In the Prometheus config you'll need to setup a scrape config for service discovery

  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any time-series scraped from this config.
  - job_name: "metrics-accumulator"
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - source_labels: ["__meta_metrics_path"]
        target_label: "__metrics_path__"
      - url: "http://localhost:8080/service-discovery"

Prometheus will query the service discovery endpoint http://localhost:8080/service-discovery and relabel will replace the metrics path with /metrics/<metricGroup>. A target is created for every metric as defined in your configuration file

Metrics Accumulator Clients

There's full client support

There is a java example of a client found here



python -m pip install metrics-accumulator-client


from Client import Client
from prometheus_client import Counter,Gauge, CollectorRegistry, metrics
metrics.disable_created_metrics() #*****Important****** If you don't set this then metrics accumulator will Amber Heard the bed
registry = CollectorRegistry()
c = Counter("hello_total", "dock", labelnames=['application'], registry=registry)

g = Gauge("man", "dock", labelnames=['application'], registry=registry)

client = Client("http://localhost:8080", "0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5")
client.update_metrics("default", registry)



npm install metrics-accumulator-client


import {Registry, Counter} from "prom-client"

const registry = new Registry()
new Counter({
    name : "counter_example_total",
    help: "help",
    registers: [registry]

let client = new Client("http://localhost:8080", "0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5")
client.updateMetrics('default', registry).then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.getMetricGroup('default').then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.reloadConfigurations().then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.resetMetricGroup("default").then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.serviceDiscovery().then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.currentConfigurations().then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))