Please search "Protobuf To Typescript" in your vscode extensions marketplace.
Visual Studio Code Market Place: Protobuf to Typescript
We provide two ways to convert protobuf to typescript.
STEP 1: Select the protobuf of the current active window
STEP 2: Open the vscode command palette (How to open please refer to Vscode Official Website)
STEP 3: Search "pbts:from selection", execute
STEP 1: Copy protobuf from somewhere
STEP 2: Open the vscode command palette (How to open please refer to Vscode Official Website)
STEP 3: Search "pbts:from clipboard", execute,the converted typescript will be filled at the cursor of the currently active window
Users can then control this setting by creating a .vscode/settings.json file in their project root
//Specify the output type for the converted files
"protobufToTypescript.outputType": "jsdoc",
//Specify the edge case for int64(long type)
"protobufToTypescript.mode": "strict"
If you have any questions, you can contact me by email