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776 lines (514 loc) · 18.8 KB

File metadata and controls

776 lines (514 loc) · 18.8 KB


Current revision is 0.1.0-wip

Subtyping is written using the <: operator: Apple <: Fruit. This notation will make this text shorter (and slightly more formal).


TenantRole <: Enum<uint>

By default tenant have almost no access (e.g. banned tenant have no modification capabilities).

Enum uint with following values:

  • 0 - anonymous guest a.k.a. unauthorized user.
  • 1 - authorized user with default capabilities set (read-only access).
  • 2 - private uploader: allows uploading of private assets.
  • 3 - public uploader: allows uploading of public assets.
  • 4 - voter: allows affect voting on tags.
  • 5 - tag assigner: allows voting (assigning) for a new tag.
  • 6 - tag creator: allows creating new tags.
  • 7 - private album creator: allows creating private albums (and deletion of owned private albums).
  • 8 - public album creator: allows creating public albums (and deletion of owned public albums).
  • 256 - global admin.
  • 257 - debug view, this role must only provide access to debug data.
  • 258 - tag vote moderator: allows tag vote deletion.
  • 259 - tag moderator: allows deletion of tags and associated votes.
  • 260 - uploads moderator: allows edit and deletion of accessible assets.
  • 261 - public album moderator: allows edit and deletion of public albums.
  • 262 - private album moderator: allows edit, view and deletion of private albums.
  • 263 - user tenant moderator: allows edit of user tenants.
  • 264 - allows deletion of user tenants.
  • 265 - (service) create user tenants: allows creation of user tenants.
  • 266 - (service) authorize user tenants: allows creation of user tenants.

TenantType <: Enum<string>

Enum string with following values:

  • "guest" - guest tenant.
  • "user" - user tenant.
  • "service" - service tenant, used for example by integrated systems, such as external registration.

TenantOrigin <: Enum<string>

Enum string with following values:

  • "internal/system" - tenant of internal origin. Such tenants mostly an artificial entities created as part of internal API implementation.
  • "internal/user" - tenant created via internal user registration.
  • "internal/service" - tenant created for service integration.
  • "external/tg" - tenant created via external registration provider: Telegram.

AssetType <: Enum<string>

Enum string with following values:

  • "image" - image asset.

VoteType <: Enum<uint>

Enum uint with following values:

  • 0 - down vote.
  • 1 - up vote.


Editor note: Some objects may have seemingly unnecessary inheritance, but such choice is made to allow future reusability of object definitions and generally make API easier to extend with new capabilities.

There are following objects in API, all fields are required unless explicitly stated otherwise.

BlurHash <: string

Is a string blur hash as described by BlurHash spec.




Generic supertype for all objects that have an ID in form of unsigned integer.


	"id": 0, // uint


  • id is unsigned integer ID of object.

Tenant <: ModelObject

Tenant is used to work work with authorization and perform actions on behalf of user.

It must be noted that Tenant is NOT necessary a Person.

First is used to interact with the system, the other is to display a public profile of an entity.

There is exist a Guest tenant. It is required for anonymous iterations, such as updating views counts.

Editor note: This separation allows to make a public entities that are not a physical user and act on their behalf e.g. communities governed by multiple users.

API implementers must pay attention to roles view access, as not all tenant roles are visible for other tenants.


	"roles": [ 0, ], // Array<TenantRole>
	"type": "string", // TenantType
	"origin": "string", // TenantOrigin
	"display_name": "string",
	"unique_name": "string",
	"is_restricted": false,
	"extremist_date": 0, // optional: unix ts
	"foreign_agent_date": 0, // optional: unix ts


  • roles is an array of unsigned integer enums of type TenantRole. Tenant may not have access to view all of available roles, e.g. non admin tenant examines another tenant.
  • type is an enum of TenantType indicating type of tenant.
  • origin is an enum of type TenantOrigin indicating origin.
  • display_name is a string used to display a tenant name.
  • unique_name is unique tenet name.
  • is_restricted is a boolean indicating that tenant has any restrictions (a.k.a. bans).
  • extremist_date is an optional UNIX timestamp indicating that tenant has been listed in list of extremist materials by Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation.

    Editor note: for users from Russia, this hides any tenant's associated galleries.

  • foreign_agent_date is an optional UNIX timestamp indicating that tenant has been listed in registry of foreign agents by Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation.

TenantProfile <: Tenant

Tenant public profile.


	"public_galleries": [ 0, ], // Array<uint>
	"private_galleries": [ 0, ], // Array<uint>


  • public_galleries is an Array of unsigned integer IDs of associated public Galleries.
  • private_galleries is an Array of unsigned integer IDs of associated private Galleries.

Meme <: ModelObject

Object describing a single unit of gallery.


	"author_id": 0, // uint
	"asset_id": 0, // uint
	"tag_ids": [ 0, ], // Array<uint>
	"title": "string",
	"description": "string", // Reserved for future


  • author_id is unsigned integer ID of author User.
  • asset_id is unsigned integer ID of associated Asset.
  • tag_ids is an Array of unsigned integer IDs of associated Tags.
  • title is a string title of the meme.
  • description is a string value reserved for future use.

Asset <: ModelObject

Generic asset base type.


	"type": "string", // enum AssetType
	"blurhash": "string", // BlurHash


  • type is a string enum of type AssetType.
  • blurhash is a string BlurHash for asset preview.

Image <: Asset

Image asset with a single quality level. Image is accessible though WWW and MIME type is provided via appropriate HTTP header.

Editor note: uri is chosen over url to make it possible to extend for custom storages in future, e.g. Amazon S3 s3://example-bucket/path/to/object, or local file:///path/to/object.


	"uri": "string",


  • uri is a string URI that points to target image asset, must have http or https scheme.

Generic tag object.


	"name": "string",


  • name is a string name of this tag.

MemeTag <: Tag

Tag instance associated with an individual Meme.


	"meme_id": 0, // uint
	"score": 0, // int
	"my_vote": 0, // optional: enum VoteType


  • meme_id is unsigned integer ID of associated Meme.

    Editor note: This is required to make Tag object's data sufficient to update it.

  • score is an integer indicating score of this tag application.
  • my_vote is an optional integer enum of type VoteType. This field is omitted if user haven't voted for a tag, or in guest access.

Person <: Tenant

Person is an object defining public part of a tenant it can be used to display user reference e.g. author.

Editor note: In current design fully inherits Tenant.

PersonProfile <: TenantProfile

Person's public profile.

Editor note: In current design fully inherits TenantProfile.

Gallery <: ModelObject

Gallery of Memes

	"owner_id": 0, // uint
	"contributor_ids": [ 0, ], // Array<uint>
	"name": "string",
	"description": "string",
	"public": false,
	"owned_by_extremist": false,
	"current_tenant_can_edit": false,


  • owner_id is unsigned integer ID of associated Tenant owner.
  • contributor_ids is an array of unsigned integer IDs of Tenants contributors.
  • name is a string name of gallery.
  • description is a string description of gallery.
  • public is a boolean flag indicating whether gallery is public or private.
  • owned_by_extremist is a boolean flag indicating that associated owner Tenant owner has been listed as extremist.

    Editor note: For users from Russia this will prevent further loading of gallery.

  • current_tenant_can_edit is a boolean flag indicating whether current tenant has edit access to this gallery.


Feed response item.

	"gallery_id": 0, // uint
	"meme_id": 0, // uint


  • gallery_id is unsigned integer ID of associated Gallery.
  • meme_id is unsigned integer ID of Meme.


General response

User authorization is handled via any of the following ways:

  • X-API-Token HTTP header.
  • x_api_token HTTP cookie.
  • token HTTP GET parameter.

All API endpoints return results in following form:

	"error": false,
	"result": null,
	"related": {}, // optional


  • error is a boolean indicating whether it is an error response.
  • result is a result of request as described by API endpoint or error object details with following format:
    	"code": 0,
    	"message": "string",
    • code is an integer error code.
    • message is a string message of an occurred error.
  • related is optional object with related objects.

    Editor note: TODO add format for related objects.

(Service) External tenants

This is an API for external registration that is exposed only to integrated services.

Used tenant defines type of managed tenants.


Requires service tenant.

POST /service/tg/external_user/<id>/auth

Issue authorization token for managed tenant.

Editor note:

This method issues token without any checks except for whether user is managed by corresponding service tenant. Any service API should be guarded, but this method is especially dangerous and API implementers should take notice.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of managed Tenant to be authorized.


  • Object with following fields:
    • full_name - User first and last names combined as provided by Telegram.
    • username - User tag as provided by Telegram.

      Editor note: can be an empty string.


  • String token to be used to impersonate tenant.


GET /feed/public

Retrieve user feed of public memes.

Editor note: This endpoint should also include memes which are accessible through contributors system.


GET /feed/recommended

Retrieve user feed of recommended memes.


Requires non-guest tenant.



For every user tenant there must be a special synthetic galleries:

  • -100 - recycle bin. Private gallery for deleted memes.
  • -200 - quick uploads/unsorted/misc. Private for gallery for anything.

POST /gallery/create

Create a new Gallery.


  • Gallery-like object with only following fields allowed:
    • name
    • description
    • public


GET /gallery/<id>

Retrieve an existing Gallery.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of requested Gallery.


PUT /gallery/<id>

Partially update an existing Gallery.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of Gallery needed to be updated.


  • Gallery-like object with only following fields allowed:
    • name
    • description
    • public


DELETE /gallery/<id>

Delete an existing Gallery.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of Gallery needed to be deleted.


  • boolean flag indicating whether gallery was deleted or not.

    Editor note: always true, otherwise error is raised, e.g. permissions issue.

POST /gallery/<id>/contributors/add

Add contributor to an existing Gallery.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of Gallery needed to be updated.


  • Array<uint> is an array of IDs of Tenants to be added to gallery as contributors.


POST /gallery/<id>/contributors/remove

Remove contributors from an existing Gallery.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of Gallery needed to be updated.


  • Array<uint> is an array of IDs of Tenants to be removed from gallery contributors.



POST /asset/upload

Upload file for following meme creation.

Query parameters:


  • Asset content.


  • String with temporary asset ticket to be used to create a meme.

POST /asset/suggest_tags

Get tags suggestions for uploaded file.

Query parameters:


  • Array of Tags.


POST /meme/create

Create a new Meme. Non-existing tags are automatically created.

Query parameters:

  • asset asset ticked obtained via Asset upload.
  • gallery_id is an ID of Gallery this meme to be added to.


  • {
    	"title": "string",
    	"description": "string", // Reserved for future
    	"tags": [ "string", ],

    Editor note: Implementers must treat tags array as a list of auto vote tags.


GET /meme/<gallery_id>_<id>

Retrieve an existing Meme.

URI parameters:

  • gallery_id is an ID of Gallery this meme is accessed via.

    Editor note: This simplifies access management for API implementers.

  • id is an ID of requested Meme.


PUT /meme/<id>

Partially update an existing Meme.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of Meme needed to be updated.


  • Meme-like object with only following fields allowed:
    • title
    • description


DELETE /meme/<gallery_id>_<id>

Delete an existing Meme.

URI parameters:

  • gallery_id is an ID of Gallery this meme is accessed via.
  • id is an ID of Meme.


  • boolean flag indicating whether meme was deleted or not.

    Editor note: false unless deleted from recycle bin.

GET /meme/<gallery_id>_<id>/alike

Retrieve feed of similar memes.

URI parameters:

  • gallery_id is an ID of Gallery target meme is accessed via.
  • id is an ID of target Meme.


GET /meme/<gallery_id>_<id>/tags

Retrieve tags of an existing Meme.

URI parameters:

  • gallery_id is an ID of Gallery this meme is accessed via.

    Editor note: This simplifies access management for API implementers.

  • id is an ID of requested Meme.


POST /meme/<id>/vote/<tag_id>

Create a new Meme. Non-existing tags are automatically created.

Query parameters:

  • id is an ID of Meme.
  • tag_id is an ID of Tag you want to vote for.


  • {
    	"type": null, // null|VoteType
    • type is VoteType or null if you want to remove your vote.



GET /tenants/me

Retrieve current Tenant from authorization.

Editor note: For unauthorized users this method will return Anonymous tenant.


GET /tenants/<id>

Retrieve an existing Tenant.

URI parameters:

  • id is an ID of requested Tenant.


GET /tenants/<id>/profile

Retrieve a TenantProfile.

URI parameters:
