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Notes for Upgraders

This is a consolidated list of release note items relevant to those upgrading Bugzilla. If you are upgrading from version X.X to version Y.Y, you need to read all the notes for every version between them, plus those for version Y.Y.

Each new version of Bugzilla has many enhancements and improvements. Issues are listed here only if they might lead to an admin needing to pay special attention and possibly take manual steps to update their installation, its extensions, or code which interacts with their Bugzilla. So the focus is on backwardly-incompatible changes. This is not a complete list of changes.

If, when upgrading, you hit an issue which is not documented here and which was not caused by your own changes or customizations, please file a bug to get it added to this document.


Apache Configuration Change

For improved security, Bugzilla now prevents directory browsing by default. In order to do that, the root bugzilla/.htaccess file now contains the Options -Indexes directive. By default, this directive is not allowed in .htaccess and so you must configure Apache to allow it. To do that, add Options to the AllowOverride directive in httpd.conf. This means you should now have something like this:

AllowOverride Limit FileInfo Indexes Options

Check the documentation for more information about how to configure Apache.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

  • The usebugaliases parameter has been removed. Aliases are now always available.
  • It is now illegal to have a product with no components and no versions. Trying to delete the last component or version of a product is now rejected.
  • Trying to set the component, target milestone or version of a bug to a disabled value is no longer accepted. The change will be rejected.
  • Quips can no longer exceed 512 characters. Existing quips longer than that are automatically truncated when upgrading.
  • The static bugzilla.dtd file has been replaced by a dynamic one to take custom fields into account. The old <urlbase>/bugzilla.dtd URL is now <urlbase>/page.cgi?id=bugzilla.dtd.
  • There is a new extension located at extensions/MoreBugUrl/ which permits to add new classes of URLs in the See Also field. It uses the bug\_url\_sub\_classes hook mentioned above.
  • In the RDF output of config.cgi, URIs used to identify versions and target milestones have been changed to be unique across products.
  • The RDF output of config.cgi now also returns data about classifications.
  • Rows in the dependencies, flaginclusions and flagexclusions DB tables are now enforced to be unique.
  • The bugs\_activity and profiles\_activity DB tables now have an auto-incremented primary key named id.
  • A custom module has been added into contrib/ to help packagers to package Bugzilla in their Linux distributions.

Notable WebService Changes

  • The User.login WebService method now also returns a token argument containing a login token which you can use in subsequent calls to authenticate. For security reasons, this method no longer generates login cookies. (Bug 893195)
  • The User.get WebService method now correctly takes the maxusermatches parameter into account when the match argument is passed. Previously, it was returning all matching accounts. To further limit the number of accounts returned by User.get, you can now pass the limit argument. (Bug 962060)
  • Bug.add\_attachment now only returns the ID of the newly created attachments instead of all the attachment data.
  • Bug.comments now also returns creation\_time which is exactly the same as time, but is provided for consistency with Bug.get and Bug.attachments. The time field may be deprecated and removed in a future release, so you should use creation\_time instead.
  • Field names returned in the field\_name field of the Bug.history method have changed to be consistent with other methods.
  • The method was returning all visible bugs when called with no arguments, ignoring the max\_search\_results and search\_allow\_no\_criteria parameters. This has been fixed.


Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

  • The email/newchangedmail.txt.tmpl template is now fully templatized, meaning that the diff table displaying changes in bug fields is now generated in the template itself. This means bugmails are now fully localizable.
  • The bugmail_recipients hook has been modified to pass diffs with changes made to the bug as well as users including recipients of the email notification.
  • YUI has been upgraded to 2.9.0.
  • Due to the major code refactor of Bugzilla/, any customization made against this file will probably need to be rewritten.
  • The Bugzilla-specific url\_quote filter used in templates has been removed and replaced by the uri filter from Template::Toolkit as they are now similar.
  • long\_list.cgi, showattachment.cgi and xml.cgi have been removed from the codebase. As announced in the release notes of Bugzilla 4.0, these scripts were deprecated since Bugzilla 2.19.
  • sidebar.cgi has been removed, because Gecko-based browsers no longer support remote XUL, and its popularity is very low.
  • contrib/yp\ has been removed. This script is no longer useful since Bugzilla 3.0.
  • contrib/bugzilla\_ldapsync.rb has been removed. This script didn't work for a long time.

Notable WebService Changes

  • In Bug.fields, the sortkey attribute used in values has been renamed to sort\_key.
  • In Bug.attachments and Bug.add\_attachment, the is\_url attribute no longer exists.


Apache Configuration Changes


If you run Bugzilla under mod_cgi (this is the most common configuration, involving a <Directory> block in your Apache config file), you will need to update the configuration of Apache for Bugzilla. In particular, this line in the Bugzilla \<Directory\> block:

AllowOverride Limit

needs to become:

AllowOverride Limit FileInfo Indexes

For full details on how to configure Apache for Bugzilla, see the Configuration section of the Bugzilla Guide.


If your Bugzilla runs under mod_perl, the required Apache configuration is now simpler. The line that used to look like:

PerlSwitches -w -T -I/var/www/html/bugzilla -I/var/www/html/bugzilla/lib

Now should be only:

PerlSwitches -w -T

The PerlConfigRequire line should stay the same, however.

New .htaccess file

In previous versions of Bugzilla, there was a file in Bugzilla's root directory called ".htaccess" that was generated by This file is now shipped with Bugzilla instead of being generated during installation.

If you update via CVS, bzr or git, you will get a message that your existing .htaccess file conflicts with the new one. You must remove your existing .htaccess file and use the new one instead. Continuing to use your old .htaccess file will cause certain new features of Bugzilla to not work properly, and may also lead to security issues for your system in the future.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

  • In Extensions, if you want to serve files to the user via the web, they must now be in a web/ subdirectory of your Extension. (For example, extensions/Foo/web/). sets permissions on extensions much more strictly now, and files in other locations (such as your base extensions/Foo/ directory) will no longer be available to Bugzilla users via the web under certain configurations.
  • Previous versions of Bugzilla used to allow putting a single file into the "skins" directory and having that be an entire skin. That is no longer allowed, and on upgrade, will convert any such skins into a directory with a single global.css file in them.
  • When updating bugs, you should now use $bug->set_all instead of using the individual set\_ methods. In particular, set\_all is now the only way to set the product of a bug. See process\_bug.cgi for an example of how set\_all should be used.
  • You should not insert <script> tags and <link> CSS tags into HTML anymore, in Extensions or in your customizations. Instead, you should push new values into the style\_urls or javascript\_urls parameters. If you have to insert manual tags for some reason, be sure to call "FILTER mtime" on the URL. (Search for other uses of "FILTER mtime" in the templates to see how it is used.)
  • When calling Bugzilla::BugMail::Send, the "changer" argument must now be a Bugzilla::User object, not just a login name. The "owner" and "qacontact" arguments are still just login names.
  • When creating a new subclass of Bugzilla::Object, you should no longer use UPDATE\_VALIDATORS. Also, in most cases you will no longer need to override run\_create\_validators. Instead, there is a new constant called VALIDATOR_DEPENDENCIES, that specifies that certain fields have to be validated before other fields. Then, all validators receive each already-validated value in a hash as their fourth argument, so each validator can know the other values that were passed in, while an object is being created. For an example of how to use VALIDATOR\_DEPENDENCIES, see Bugzilla/
  • In previous versions of Bugzilla, you had to call Bugzilla->template_inner("") after any time that you called template\_inner for a specific language. It is no longer necessary to do this second template\_inner call.
  • post\_bug.cgi and Bugzilla::Bug-\>create now take the names of groups instead of group ids.
  • Bugzilla::Bugmail now uses Bugzilla::Bug objects internally instead of a lot of direct SQL.
  • For sending changes about bugs, there is now a method called send\_changes that you can call on Bugzilla::Bug objects. For an example of its use, see process\_bug.cgi.
  • The Bugzilla::Search class has been refactored, and should now be easier to customize.
  • The Bugzilla::Util::lsearch function is gone. Use firstidx from List::MoreUtils, instead.
  • Bugzilla now includes YUI 2.8.2.
  • long\_list.cgi, showattachment.cgi and xml.cgi are deprecated scripts which are no longer actively used since Bugzilla 2.19. These scripts will be removed in Bugzilla 4.2.
  • The system for moving bugs between installations has been moved into an extension called OldBugMove. This system was used by very few Bugzilla installations--if you aren't certain whether or not you are using it, you're not using it. To enable the system, you have to remove the file extensions/OldBugMove/disabled and then run In a future version of Bugzilla, this extension may be moved outside of the core Bugzilla code, so if you are interested in maintaining it, please let us know.

Notable WebService Changes

  • The Bug.create WebService method now throws an error if you pass a group name which doesn't exist. In Bugzilla 4.0 and 4.0.1, this group name was silently ignored, leaving your bug unsecure if no other group applied. (Bug 653341)
  • WebServices methods will return undefined bug fields as undefined instead of as an empty string. This change is consistent with how Bugzilla 4.2 behaves. (Bug 657561)
  • The Bug.get function now returns all of a bug's information other than comments and attachments.
  • Bug.get no longer returns the internals hash.
  • The following functions now support the include\_fields and exclude\_fields arguments: Bug.get,, and Bug.attachments. Also, server-side performance of the WebService is actually increased when using these arguments, now, as Bugzilla will no longer get data from the database for fields you haven't asked for.
  • You can no longer search using the votes argument in
  • Bug.attachments now returns the attachment's description using the name "summary" instead of the name "description", to be consistent with the fact that bug summaries are called "summary". The value is still also returned as "description", for backwards compatibility, but this backwards compatibility will go away in Bugzilla 5.0.
  • In the return values of various Bug functions, the author of comments, bugs, and attachments is now called "creator", instead of sometimes being called "reporter", "author", or "attacher". The old names are retained for backwards-compatibility, and will stay around until Bugzilla 5.0.


DB Consistency Check

When upgrading to 3.6, will create foreign keys for many columns in the database. Before doing this, it will check the database for consistency. If there are an unresolvable consistency problems, it will tell you what table and column in the database contain the bad values, and which values are bad. If you don't know what else to do, you can always delete the database records which contain the bad values by logging in to your database and running the following command:

DELETE FROM table WHERE column IN (1, 2, 3, 4)

Just replace "table" and "column" with the name of the table and column that mentions, and "1, 2, 3, 4" with the invalid values that prints out.

Remember that you should always back up your database before doing an upgrade.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

  • There is no longer a SendBugMail method in the templates, and bugmail is no longer sent by processing a template. Instead, it is sent by using Bugzilla::BugMail::Send.
  • Comments are now represented as a Bugzilla::Comment object instead of just being hashes.
  • In previous versions of Bugzilla, the template for displaying a bug required a lot of extra variables that are now global template variables instead.
  • You can now check if optional modules are installed by using Bugzilla-\>feature in Perl code or feature\_enabled in template code.
  • All of the various template header information required to display the bug form is now in one template, template/en/default/bug/show-header.html.tmpl.
  • You should now use display\_value instead of get\_status or get\_resolution in templates. display\_value should be used anywhere that a <select>-type field has its values displayed.

Notable WebService Changes

  • The WebService now returns all dates and times in the UTC timezone. Bugzilla.time now acts as though the Bugzilla server were in the UTC timezone, always. If you want to write clients that are compatible across all Bugzilla versions, check the timezone from Bugzilla.timezone or Bugzilla.time, and always input times in that timezone and expect times to be returned in that format.
  • In the Bug.add\_comment method, the "private" parameter has been renamed to "is_private" (for consistency with other methods). You can still use "private", though, for backwards-compatibility.
  • The WebService now has Perl's "taint mode" turned on. This means that it validates all data passed in before sending it to the database. Also, all parameter names are validated, and if you pass in a parameter whose name contains anything other than letters, numbers, or underscores, that parameter will be ignored. Mostly this just affects customizers--Bugzilla's WebService is not functionally affected by these changes.
  • In previous versions of Bugzilla, error messages were sent word-wrapped to the client, from the WebService. Error messages are now sent as one unbroken line.


DB Consistency Check

When upgrading to 3.4, will create foreign keys for many columns in the database. Before doing this, it will check the database for consistency. If there are an unresolvable consistency problems, it will tell you what table and column in the database contain the bad values, and which values are bad. If you don't know what else to do, you can always delete the database records which contain the bad values by logging in to your database and running the following command:

DELETE FROM table WHERE column IN (1, 2, 3, 4)

Just replace "table" and "column" with the name of the table and column that mentions, and "1, 2, 3, 4" with the invalid values that prints out.

Remember that you should always back up your database before doing an upgrade.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

  • now re-writes the localconfig file every time it runs, keeping the current values set (if there are any), but moving any unexpected variables into a file called localconfig.old. If you want to continue having custom varibles in localconfig, you will have to add them to the LOCALCONFIG_VARS constant in Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig.
  • Bugzilla::Object-\>update() now returns something different in list context than it does in scalar context.
  • Bugzilla::Object-\>check() now can take object ids in addition to names. Just pass in { id => $some_value }.
  • Instead of being defined in buglist.cgi, columns for search results are now defined in a subroutine called COLUMNS in Bugzilla::Search. The data now mostly comes from the fielddefs table in the database. now takes a list of column names from fielddefs for its fields argument instead of literal SQL columns.
  • Bugzilla::Field-\>legal\_values now returns an array of Bugzilla::Field::Choice objects instead of an array of strings. Bugzilla::Field::Choice will be used in more places, in the future.
  • We now use Bugzilla::Bug-\>check() instead of ValidateBugId.
  • The groups and bless\_groups methods in Bugzilla::User now return an arrayref of Bugzilla::Group objects instead of a hashref with group ids and group names.
  • Standard Bugzilla drop-down fields now have their type set to FIELD\_TYPE\_SINGLE\_SELECT in the fielddefs table.
  • Bugzilla-\>usage\_mode now defaults to USAGE\_MODE\_CMDLINE if we are not running inside a web server.
  • We no longer delete environment variables like $ENV{PATH} automatically unless we're actually running in taint mode.
  • We are now using YUI 2.6.0.
  • In the RDF format of config.cgi, the "resource" attribute for flags now contains "flag.cgi" instead of "flags.cgi".

Notable WebService Changes

  • Bugzilla.timezone is now deprecated.
  • Many WebService function parameters now take individual values in addition to arrays.
  • The WebService now validates input types--it makes sure that dates are in the right format, that ints are actually ints, etc. It will throw an error if you send it invalid data. It also accepts empty ints, doubles, and dateTimes, and translates them to undef.


  • If you upgrade by CVS, the extensions and skins/contrib directories are now in CVS instead of being created by If you do a cvs update from 3.0, you will be told that your directories are "in the way" and you should delete (or move) them and then do cvs update again. Also, the docs directory has been restructured and after you cvs update you can delete the docs/html, docs/pdf, docs/txt, and docs/xml directories.
  • If you are using MySQL, you should know that Bugzilla now uses InnoDB for all tables. will convert your tables automatically, but if you have InnoDB disabled, the upgrade will not be able to complete (and will tell you so).

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations

  • You should now be using get_status('NEW') instead of status_descs.NEW in templates.


Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations

  • The old SendSQL function and all of its companions are gone. Instead, we now use DBI for all database interaction. For more information about how to use DBI with Bugzilla, see the Developer's Guide Section About DBI.
  • Instead of UserInGroup(), all of Bugzilla now uses Bugzilla-\>user-\>in\_group
  • Parameters are accessed through Bugzilla-\>params instead of using the Param() function, now.
  • The variables from the localconfig file are accessed through the Bugzilla->localconfig hash instead of through Bugzilla::Config.
  • Bugzilla::BugMail::MessageToMTA() has moved into its own module, along with other mail-handling code, called Bugzilla::Mailer
  • The CheckCanChangeField() subroutine in process\_bug.cgi has been moved to Bugzilla::Bug, and is now a method of a bug object.
  • The code that used to be in the global/banner.html.tmpl template is now in global/header.html.tmpl. The banner still exists, but the file is empty.

Older Releases

If you are upgrading from a release even older than 2.22 (which was the release before 3.0), you will need to do the release note archaeology yourself. Start here.