Want to contribute? Great! We try to make it easy, and all contributions, even the smaller ones, are more than welcome. This includes bug reports, fixes, documentation, examples... But first, read this page (including the small print at the end).
All original contributions to Kogito are licensed under the ASL - Apache License, version 2.0 or later, or, if another license is specified as governing the file or directory being modified, such other license.
Kogito uses JIRA to manage and report issues.
If you believe you found a bug, please indicate a way to reproduce it, what you are seeing and what you would expect to see. Don't forget to indicate your Kogito, Java, Maven, Quarkus/Spring, GraalVM version.
Sometimes a bug has been fixed in the master
branch of Kogito and you want to confirm it is fixed for your own application. Testing the master
branch is easy and you have two options:
- either use the snapshots we publish daily on https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/
- or build Kogito all by yourself
If you are interested in having more details, refer to the Build section and the Usage section.
To contribute, use GitHub Pull Requests, from your own fork.
PRs should be always related to an open JIRA issue. If there is none, you should create one.
Try to fix only one issue per PR.
Make sure to create a new branch. Usually branches are named after the JIRA ticket they are addressing. E.g. for ticket "KOGITO-XYZ An example issue" your branch should be at least prefixed with
. E.g.:git checkout -b KOGITO-XYZ # or git checkout -b KOGITO-XYZ-my-fix
When you submit your PR, make sure to include the ticket ID, and its title; e.g., "KOGITO-XYZ An example issue".
The description of your PR should describe the code you wrote. The issue that is solved should be at least described properly in the corresponding JIRA ticket.
If your contribution spans across multiple repositories, use the same branch name (e.g.
) in each PR so that our CI (Jenkins) can build them all at once. -
If your contribution spans across multiple repositories, make sure to list all the related PRs.
We decided to disallow @author
tags in the Javadoc: they are hard to maintain, especially in a very active project, and we use the Git history to track authorship. GitHub also has this nice page with your contributions.
Don't forget to include tests in your pull requests, and documentation (reference documentation, javadoc...). Guides and reference documentation should be submitted to the Kogito Docs Repository. If you are contributing a new feature, we strongly advise submitting an Example.
All submissions, including those by project members, need to be reviewed by others before being merged. Our CI, Jenkins, should successfully execute your PR, marking the GitHub check as green.
If you would like to see some feature in Kogito, start with an email to our mailing list or just pop into our Zulip chat and tell us what you would like to see.
Great feature proposals should include a short Description of the feature, the Motivation that makes that feature necessary and the Goals that are achieved by realizing it. If the feature is deemed worthy, then an Epic will be created.
If you have not done so on this machine, you need to:
- Install Git and configure your GitHub access
- Install Java SDK (OpenJDK recommended)
- For Native Image, follow Quarkus instructions at GraalVM
Docker is not strictly necessary, but it is a required to run some of the integration tests. These tests can be skipped (see the Build section), but we recommend to install it to run these tests locally.
- Check the installation guide, and the MacOS installation guide
- If you just install docker, be sure that your current user can run a container (no root required). On Linux, check the post-installation guide
- Clone the repository, navigate to the directory, invoke
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests -DskipITs
from the root directory.
git clone https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-runtimes.git
cd kogito-runtimes
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests -DskipITs
# Wait... success!
This build skipped all the tests:
skips unit tests-DskipITs
skips integration tests
By removing the flags, you will run the corresponding tests. It will take much longer to build but will give you more guarantees on your code.
After the build is successful, the artifacts are available in your local Maven repository.
Kogito uses Jacoco to generate test coverage. If you would like to generate the report run mvn clean verify -Ptest-coverage
The code coverage report will be generated in target/site/jacoco/
This project is an open source project, please act responsibly, be nice, polite and enjoy!