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中文README | English


A demo for DouyinOpenSDK, to demonstrate how to integrate DouyinOpenSDK, this project includes the following functional demonstrations:

  • Auth
  • Share
  • Jump



Firstly, you should register a mobile application on Douyin Open Platform.

Run the Demo

The demo has created a class: DYOpenDemoHostConfig which implementation interface DYOpenDemoHostConfigProtocol, just modify as prompted inside (The most important thing is to configure the ClientKey)

  1. Use git clone + repo url,download the repository locally

  2. Install pod

    • Go to the downloaded Demo project and go to the iOS directory
    • run pod install,After success, you will see Generating project & Integrating project
  3. Compile & Run Demo

    • Open the iOS directory DouyinOpenSDKDemo.xcworkspace

    • If you have an apple enterprise certificate, just run the demo directly to use the basic auth or share ability.

      If not you should change something like this:

      • modify the clientKey applied for by yourself:
        1. Modify the return value of +[DYOpenDemoHostConfig clientKey]
        2. In Xcode, click TARGETS - info and fill in the clientKey below URL Types
      • modify the bundle id: The bundle ID must match the clientKey (that is, the bundle ID must be the same as that in the application on the official website)
      • modify certificates: Use your own available certificates


SDK access document


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.