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A demo for DouyinOpenSDK, to demonstrate how to integrate DouyinOpenSDK
, this project includes the following functional demonstrations:
- Auth
- Share
- Jump
- APP module
- Auth implementation class DYOpenDemoInfoConfiger - authItem
- Shared implementation class DYOpenDemoShareConfiger
- Jump implementation class DYOpenDemoInfoConfiger - jumpToDYProfileItem
- Base module: OpenAPI interface, the developer needs to cooperate with the server implementation
- Host injection implementation DYOpenDemoHostConfig
Firstly, you should register a mobile application on Douyin Open Platform.
The demo has created a class: DYOpenDemoHostConfig which implementation interface DYOpenDemoHostConfigProtocol, just modify as prompted inside (The most important thing is to configure the ClientKey)
git clone + repo url
,download the repository locally -
Install pod
- Go to the downloaded Demo project and go to the iOS directory
- run
pod install
,After success, you will seeGenerating project & Integrating project
Compile & Run Demo
Open the iOS directory DouyinOpenSDKDemo.xcworkspace
If you have an apple enterprise certificate, just run the demo directly to use the basic auth or share ability.
If not you should change something like this:
- modify the clientKey applied for by yourself:
- Modify the return value of
+[DYOpenDemoHostConfig clientKey]
- In Xcode, click
TARGETS - info
and fill in the clientKey belowURL Types
- Modify the return value of
- modify the bundle id: The bundle ID must match the clientKey (that is, the bundle ID must be the same as that in the application on the official website)
- modify certificates: Use your own available certificates
- modify the clientKey applied for by yourself:
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.