It can sometimes help to have an estimate of the number of unique/distinct items from a large, possibly compressed-on-storage input stream. E.g., you may want to spend 1-pass over the data to know if you could fit a hash table containing all keys in available space (& even pre-size such a table to avoid growth costs). If you cannot then you may need some other estimation approach.
For a low price of just k
max value entries1 you can get a pretty good
estimate with error ~ 1/sqrt(k).
has more details.2
uce [optional-params]
Emit Unique Count Estimate of input lines to stdout. Algo is fast, low space
1-pass KMV over mmap | stream input. (For exact, see lfreq.)
-i=, --input= "/dev/stdin" input data path
-k=, --k= 1024 size of the sketch in float64 elts
-r=, --re= 0..5 range of 10expon defining 'near 1'
-f=, --fmt1= "$val0 +- $err0" fmt for uncertain num near 1
-e=, --expF= "($valMan +- $errV)$valExp" fmt for uncertain num beyond `re`
Empty string for fmt1
produces two columns of float at full precision.
$ (seq 1 50; seq 1 50) | uce
50.00 +- 0.10
$ (seq 1 5000000; seq 1 5000000) | uce
(5.09 +- 0.16)e+06
fitting in an L1 data cache yields O(1%) estimates. ↩ -
This is by far the simplest sketch family along these lines - conceptually, code, etc. ↩
BTW, in my head I pronounce "uce" like the tail of "Bruce". { And yes I am aware that UCE also stands for Unsolicited Commercial Email aka "spam". I hope you like this tool better than that, at least. ;-) } ↩