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CIS 121 Java Coding Style

Style Guidelines


  • Will be replaced with the ToC {:toc}

You only write code once, but read it many times. Having clean, organized, legible, intuitive, and understandable code is important for those who read it: whether it be for debugging purposes (yourself, a peer, or a TA), for style grades (a TA), or even for judging your coding abilities and organization (a potential employer/co-worker). Yes, your code may run and solve a given problem whether it is organized or not. But, writing your code in a clean and organized way from the start will benefit you in the long run.

The Basics

Code must compile

Any code you submit must compile. If it does not compile, we won't grade the assignment and you will lose all the points for the assignment.

80 column limit

No line of code should have more than 80 columns. Using more than 80 columns causes your code to wrap around to the next line, which adversely impacts readability. You can set a visible margin in Eclipse by going to Preferences > Editors > Text Editors > Show print margin.

Proper indentation

Fortunately, Eclipse makes this really easy for you! Simply press Ctrl-Shift-F (Cmd-Shift-F for Macs) to auto-format tabs and whitespaces.

Don't repeat yourself (DRY)

If you find yourself writing the same or similar code two or more times, consider whether it could be put in a separate method.

Always use braces for if-statements and loops

Although curly braces aren't required for one statement, it's good style to always include them. Doing so can help you avoid easily prevented bugs.


Comments go above the code they reference

Consider the following:

// BAD:
double magnitude = Math.pow(x, 2) * Math.pow(y, 2);
// Computes the magnitude of a vector

// GOOD:
// Computes the magnitude of a vector
double magnitude = Math.pow(x, 2) * Math.pow(y, 2);

The latter is the better style.

Avoid useless comments

Your code should be readable in many cases without comments. This is called self-documenting code. Comments that merely repeat the code they reference or that state the obvious are a travesty to programmers. Comments should state the invariants, the non-obvious, or any references that have more information about the code.

Avoid over-commenting

Incredibly long comments are not very useful. Long comments should only appear at the top of a file---here you should explain the overall design of the code and reference any sources that have more information about the algorithms or data structures. Rarely should you need to comment within a function---variable naming should be enough.

Comment multi-line blocks properly

When comments are printed on paper, the reader lacks the advantage of color highlighting performed by an editor such as Emacs. This makes it important for you to distinguish comments from code. When a comment extends beyond one line, it should be preceded with a * similar to the following:

* This is one of those rare but long comments that need
* to span multiple lines because the code is unusually
* complex and requires extra explanation.

Write Javadoc

Ever wonder how the thousands of Java API web pages are generated? Using javadoc, an Oracle tool that generates API documentation in HTML format! Comment blocks that pertain to an entire method or class should be marked as javadoc by beginning the block with a double *:

* A class of linear algebra utility methods.

Naming and Declarations

Use meaningful names

Variable names should describe what they are for. Distinguishing what a variable references is best done by following a particular naming convention (see Item 10). Variable names should be words or combinations of words.

Follow naming conventions

By convention, Java uses camelCase.

  1. Variables and functions are usually verbs, and are written in camelCase. The first letter is lowercase.

    1. Getter and setter methods should begin with the verbs get and set. Examples: getName(), setName(String name).

    2. Methods that return a boolean generally begin with the verbs is or has. Examples: isSeventeen(), hasMiddleName().

  2. Classes names are usually nouns, and are given in PascalCase. Follow the camelCase rule as above, and capitalize the first letter. Examples: Ticket, DormRoom.

  3. Constants (variables marked static final) and enumeration members are usually written in ANGRY_CASE. Capitalize all letters, with underscores between multiple words. Examples: PI, MAXIMUM_SIZE.

Code Factoring

Break up large methods into small methods

In Clean Code, Bob Martin asserts that methods should hardly ever be more than 20 lines long. While this guideline may be hard to always adhere to, if your method starts to look bloated, consider breaking it into smaller, logically-separated helper methods.


Don't rewrite existing code

The Java standard libraries provide implementations of a great number of methods and data structures---use them! The java.util package will prove especially useful in this course.


Write tests first

Follow test-driven development! Set up test cases before you write your code. Doing so will help you better understand the behavior of the algorithm or solution you are implementing.

OO (Object-Oriented) Concerns

Avoid public fields

Use getters and setters instead. If a class Point has an instance variable x and you are working with a Point point, you should not find yourself writing point.x. Instead, declare x as a (package-)private variable, and write a getter method, point.getX(). One exception in which this rule may be waived is if the variable x is marked as final, and only if x is immutable.

Use appropriate modifiers for all types

In general, restrict visibility as much as possible. If need a refresher on modifiers (like protected, final, static), refer to the Oracle pages on access-level modifiers and instance/class members.

Additional Style Resources

  • General Penn Coding Guidelines
  • Swarthmore CS
  • Clean Code (free book!)
  • The Elements of Java Style
  • Effective Java, by Joshua Bloch: It’s not free, but… Effective Java is the go-to book on the Java language and is practically required reading at many major tech companies, such as Google and Palantir. It covers some advanced topics that are more relevant to production code, but is nonetheless an invaluable resource with respect to class design and general programming. In particular, Chapter 4 ("Classes and Interfaces"), and Chapter 8 ("General Programming") are relevant to 121.