Daiyaan Ijaz
From this point of my final object-oriented lab assignment, I will be updating it to GitHub
- The requirements are the bare minimum, and my extra implementation is unnecessary, but since it will be my last I might as well make it last too.
I know, it's very
To get started...
- Tasks
- 🍴 base case n = 1
- 🍴 reduced problem n-1
- 🍴 general solution n + the sum of 1 + 2 + ... n-1
- 🔃 The result must include both the number input from the user and the total sum in a sentence that makes sense.
Initial Commit: Basic structure and simple driver, menu, methods, start, Classes. Functionality: Stores and prints positive integers from user input respectively.
add .gitignore file ignoring all IDE setting files
- MIT license
- Copyright 2020 © Imperfect Gamers.