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Installation Instructions

CAUTION: ClamAV CMake support is experimental in this release and is not recommended for production systems!!!

Please help us stabilize it so we can deprecate autotools and Visual Studio.

Known Issues / To-do:

CMake Basics

Build requirements:

  • CMake 3.13+
  • A C-toolchain such as gcc, clang, or Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Flex and Bison. On Windows, choco install winflexbison.

Important: The following instructions assume that you have created a build subdirectory and that subsequent commands are performed from said directory, like so:

mkdir build && cd build

Basic Release build & system install

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
cmake --build . --config Release
sudo cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Basic Debug build

In CMake, "Debug" builds mean that symbols are compiled in.

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
cmake --build . --config Debug

You will likely also wish to disable compiler/linker optimizations, which you can do like so, using our custom OPTIMIZE option:

cmake --build . --config Debug

Build and install to a specific install location (prefix)

cmake --build . --target install --config Release

Build using Ninja

This build uses Ninja (ninja-build) instead of Make. It's really fast.

cmake .. -G Ninja
cmake --build . --config Release

Build and run tests

TODO: We have not yet added unit test support for CMake.

  • -V: Verbose

  • -C <config>: Specify build configuration (i.e. Debug / Release), required for Windows builds

cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
ctest -C Release -V

Custom CMake options

The following CMake options can be selected by using -D. For example:

cmake --build . --config Debug
  • APP_CONFIG_DIRECTORY: App Config directory.

    Default: Windows: {prefix}, POSIX: {prefix}/etc

  • DATABASE_DIRECTORY: Database directory.

    Default: Windows: {prefix}/database, POSIX: {prefix}/share/clamav

  • CLAMAV_USER: ClamAV User (POSIX-only).

    Default: clamav

  • CLAMAV_GROUP: ClamAV Group (POSIX-only).

    Default: clamav

  • MMAP_FOR_CROSSCOMPILING: Force MMAP support for cross-compiling.

    Default: OFF

  • DISABLE_MPOOL: Disable mpool support entirely.

    Default: OFF

  • BYTECODE_RUNTIME: Bytecode Runtime, may be: llvm, interpreter, none.

    Default: interpreter

  • OPTIMIZE: Allow compiler optimizations (eg. -O3). Set to OFF to disable them (-O0).

    Default: ON

  • ENABLE_WERROR: Compile time warnings will cause build failures (i.e. -Werror)

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_ALL_THE_WARNINGS: By default we use -Wall -Wextra -Wformat-security for clamav libs and apps. This option enables a whole lot more.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_DEBUG: Turn on extra debug output.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_FUZZ: Build fuzz targets. Will enable ENABLE_STATIC_LIB for you.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_EXTERNAL_MSPACK: Use external mspack instead of internal libclammspack.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_JSON_SHARED: Prefer linking with libjson-c shared library instead of static. Please set this to OFF if you're an application developer that uses a different JSON library in your app, or if you provide libclamav to others.

    Default: ON

  • ENABLE_APP: Build applications (clamscan, clamd, clamdscan, sigtool, clambc, clamdtop, clamsubmit, clamconf).

    Default: ON

  • ENABLE_CLAMONACC: (Linux-only) Build the clamonacc on-access scanning daemon. Requires: ENABLE_APP

    Default: ON

  • ENABLE_MILTER: (Posix-only) Build the clamav-milter mail filter daemon. Requires: ENABLE_APP

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_UNRAR: Build & install libclamunrar (UnRAR) and libclamunrar_iface.

    Default: ON

  • ENABLE_DOCS: Generate man pages.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_DOXYGEN: Generate doxygen HTML documentation for clamav.h, libfreshclam.h. Requires doxygen.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_EXAMPLES: Build examples.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_LIBCLAMAV_ONLY: Build libclamav only. Excludes libfreshclam too!

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_STATIC_LIB: Build libclamav and/or libfreshclam static libraries.

    Default: OFF

  • ENABLE_SHARED_LIB: Build libclamav and/or libfreshclam shared libraries.

    Default: ON

  • ENABLE_SYSTEMD: Install systemd service files if systemd is found.

    Default: ON

  • MAINTAINER_MODE: Generate Yara lexer and grammar C source with Flex & Bison. TODO: Also generate JS parse source with Gperf.

    Default: OFF

  • SYSTEMD_UNIT_DIR: Install systemd service files to a specific directory. This will fail the build if systemd not found.

    Default: not set

Custom Library Paths

Example Build Commands

Linux release build, install to system

This example sets the build system to Ninja instead of using Make, for speed. You may need to first use apt/dnf/pkg to install ninja-build

cmake .. -G Ninja \
sudo ninja install

macOS debug build, custom OpenSSL path, build examples, local install

macOS builds use Homebrew to install flex, bison, and each of the library dependencies.

Note that explicit paths for OpenSSL are requires so as to avoid using an older OpenSSL install provided by the operating system.

This example also:

  • Build system to Ninja instead of using Make.
    • You may need to first use brew to install ninja.
  • Sets build type to "Debug" and explicitly disables compiler optimizations.
  • Builds static libraries (and also shared libraries, which are on by default).
  • Builds the example programs, just to test them out.
  • Sets the install path (prefix) to ./install
cmake .. -G Ninja                                                              \
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug                                                     \
  -DOPTIMIZE=OFF                                                               \
  -DENABLE_JSON_SHARED=OFF                                                     \
  -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/                               \
  -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/lib/libcrypto.1.1.dylib  \
  -DOPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/lib/libssl.1.1.dylib        \
  -DENABLE_STATIC_LIB=ON                                                       \
  -DENABLE_EXAMPLES=ON                                                         \
ninja install

Windows Build

Chocolatey (choco) is used to install winflexbison and cmake. Visual Studio 2015+ is required, 2017+ recommended.

These instructions assume that $env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES is set to your Mussels install\x64 directory and that you've used Mussels to build the clamav_deps collection which will provide the required libraries.

Tip: Instead of building manually, try using Mussels to automate your build!

cmake ..  -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 `
    -DJSONC_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include\json-c"         `
    -DJSONC_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\json-c.lib"             `
    -DBZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"                `
    -DBZIP2_LIBRARY_RELEASE="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\libbz2.lib"     `
    -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"                 `
    -DCURL_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\libcurl_imp.lib"         `
    -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES"                         `
    -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"              `
    -DZLIB_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\libssl.lib"              `
    -DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"              `
    -DLIBXML2_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\libxml2.lib"          `
    -DPCRE2_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"                `
    -DPCRE2_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\pcre2-8.lib"            `
    -DCURSES_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"               `
    -DCURSES_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\pdcurses.lib"          `
    -DPThreadW32_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"           `
    -DPThreadW32_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\pthreadVC2.lib"    `
    -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\include"                 `
    -DZLIB_LIBRARY="$env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\zlibstatic.lib"          `
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
copy $env:CLAMAV_DEPENDENCIES\lib\* .\install

Tip: If you're having include-path issues, try building with detailed verbosity:

cmake --build . --config Release --target install -- /verbosity:detailed

External Depedencies

The CMake tooling is good about finding installed dependencies on POSIX systems.

Important: Linux users will want the "-dev" or "-devel" package variants which include C headers. For macOS, Homebrew doesn't separate the headers.

libclamav dependencies

App developers that only need libclamav can use the -DENABLE_LIBCLAMAV_ONLY option to bypass ClamAV app dependencies.

libclamav requires these library dependencies:

  • bzip2
  • zlib
  • libxml2
  • libpcre2
  • openssl
  • libjson-c
  • iconv (POSIX-only, may be provided by system)
  • pthreads (or on Windows: pthreads-win32)
  • llvm (optional, _see Bytecode Runtime)

libfreshclam dependencies

If you want libclamav and libfreshclam for your app, then use the -DENABLE_APP=OFF option instead.

libfreshclam adds these additional library dependencies:

  • libcurl

Application dependencies

For regular folk who want the ClamAV apps, you'll also need:

  • ncurses (or pdcurses), for clamdtop.
  • systemd, so clamd, freshclam, clamonacc may run as a systemd service (Linux).
  • libsystemd, so clamd will support the clamd.ctl socket (Linux).

Dependency build options

If you have custom install paths for the dependencies on your system or are on Windows, you may need to use the following options...

  -DBZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR="_filepath of bzip2 header directory_"
  -DBZIP2_LIBRARIES="_filepath of bzip2 library_"
  -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="_filepath of zlib header directory_"
  -DZLIB_LIBRARY="_filepath of zlib library_"
  -DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR="_filepath of libxml2 header directory_"
  -DLIBXML2_LIBRARY="_filepath of libxml2 library_"
  -DPCRE2_INCLUDE_DIR="_filepath of libpcre2 header directory_"
  -DPCRE2_LIBRARY="_filepath of libcpre2 library_"
openssl (libcrypto, libssl)

Hints to find openssl package:

  -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="_path to openssl install root_"
  -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="_filepath of openssl header directory_"
  -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY="_filepath of libcrypto library_"
  -DOPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY="_filepath of libcrypto library_"

Tip: You're strongly encouraged to link with the a static json-c library.

  -DJSONC_INCLUDE_DIR="_path to json-c header directory_"
  -DJSONC_LIBRARY="_filepath of json-c library_"

These options only apply if you use the -DENABLE_EXTERNAL_MSPACK=ON option.

  -DMSPack_INCLUDE_DIR="_path to mspack header directory_"
  -DMSPack_LIBRARY="_filepath of libmspack library_"
iconv (POSIX-only)

On POSIX platforms, iconv might be part of the C library in which case you would not want to specify an external iconv library.

  -DIconv_INCLUDE_DIR="_path to iconv header directory_"
  -DIconv_LIBRARY="_filepath of iconv library_"
pthreads-win32 (Windows-only)

On POSIX platforms, pthread support is detected automatically. On Windows, you need to specify the following:

  -DPThreadW32_INCLUDE_DIR="_path to pthread-win32 header directory_"
  -DPThreadW32_LIBRARY="_filepath of pthread-win32 library_"
llvm (optional, see "Bytecode Runtime" section)
  -DLLVM_ROOT_DIR="_path to llvm install root_" -DLLVM_FIND_VERSION="3.6.0"
  -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR="_path to curl header directory_"
  -DCURL_LIBRARY="_filepath of curl library_"
ncurses or pdcurses, for clamdtop
  -DCURSES_INCLUDE_DIR="_path to curses header directory_"
  -DCURSES_LIBRARY="_filepath of curses library_"
Bytecode Runtime

Bytecode signatures are a type of executable plugin that provide extra detection capabilities.

ClamAV has two bytecode runtimes:

  • LLVM: LLVM is the preferred runtime.

    With LLVM, ClamAV JIT compiles bytecode signatures at database load time. Bytecode signature execution is faster with LLVM.

  • Interpreter: The bytecode interpreter is an option on systems where a a supported LLVM version is not available.

    With the interpreter, signature database (re)loads are faster, but execution time is slower.

At the moment, the interpreter is the default runtime, while we work out compatibility issues with libLLVM. This default equates to:

cmake .. -DBYTECODE_RUNTIME="interpreter"

To build using LLVM instead of the intereter, use:

cmake .. \
  -DBYTECODE_RUNTIME="llvm"       \
  -DLLVM_ROOT_DIR="/opt/llvm/3.6" \

To disable bytecode signature support entire, you may build with this option:

cmake .. -DBYTECODE_RUNTIME="none"

Compilers and Options

TODO: Describe how to customize compiler toolchain with CMake.

Compiling For Multiple Architectures

TODO: Describe how to cross-compile with CMake.