The coherent bus between tiles and coherent hubs (also split memory and I/O spaces).
Parameters used by the system bus.
case class SystemBusParams(
beatBytes: Int,
blockBytes: Int,
masterBuffering: BufferParams = BufferParams.default,
slaveBuffering: BufferParams = BufferParams.flow // TODO should be BufferParams.none on BCE
) extends TLBusParams
- beatBytes
(param) number of bytes per beat. - blockBytes
(param) number of bytes per burst. - masterBuffering
(param) buffer depth on the master (inner) side. - slaveBuffering
(param) buffer depth on the slave (outer) side.
class SystemBus(params: SystemBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWrapper(params)
- master_splitter
(private) allows cycle-free connection to external networks. - busView
() => TLEdgeIn
get the inward Edge parameter. - inwardSplitNode
() => TLInwardNode
(protected) get the inward port ofmaster_splitter
. - outwardSplitNode
() => TLOutwardNode
(protected) get the outward port ofmaster_splitter
. - tile_fixer
(private) FIFO fixer for tiles. - port_fixer
(private) FIFO fixer for ports. - master_fixer
(private) FIFO fixer for masters. - toSplitSlaves
() => TLOutwardNode
get the outward port ofmaster_splitter
. - toPeripheryBus
() => TLOutwardNode
get the outward port ofslave_ww
as attachment point for peripheral bus. - toMemoryBus
() => TLOutwardNode
get the outward port ofxbar
as attachment point for memory bus. - toSlave
() => TLOutwardNode
get the outward port ofslave_buffer
as attachment point for slaves. - fromAsyncMasters
(depth:Int, sync:Int) => TLAsyncInwardNode
get an asynchornous master inward port attach point towards themaster_fixer
. - fromSyncMasters
(params: BufferParams) => TLSyncInwardNode
get a synchornous master inward port attach point towards themaster_fixer
. - fromAsyncTiles
(depth:Int, sync:Int) => TLAsyncInwardNode
get an asynchornous tile inward port attach point towards thetile_fixer
. - fromSyncTiles
(params: BufferParams) => TLSyncInwardNode
get a synchornous tile inward port attach point towards thetile_fixer
. - fromRationalTiles
(dir: RationalDirection) => TLRationalInwardNode
get a rational tile inward port attach point towards thetile_fixer
. - fromAsyncPorts
(depth:Int, sync:Int) => TLAsyncInwardNode
get an asynchornous port inward port attach point towards theport_fixer
. - fromSyncPorts
(params: BufferParams) => TLSyncInwardNode
get a synchornous port inward port attach point towards theport_fixer
. - fromRationalPorts
(dir: RationalDirection) => TLRationalInwardNode
get a rational port inward port attach point towards theport_fixer
The internal connections:
tile_fixer master_splitter xbar slave_buffer slave_ww
tile *==> ---------- *==> --------------- *==> ---- ===>* ------------ ==>* ----------- ==> toPeripheryBus
FIFOFixer | Splitter | Xbar| Buffer | WidthWidget
| | | |
port_fixer | | | | slave_frage
port *==> ---------- *==> | | \==>* -----------
FIFOFixer | | | Fragmenter
| | \---------------- ==> toSlave
master_fixer | \----------------------------------- ==> toMemoryBus
master ------------------ *==> ------------ *==>
Provides buses that serve as attachment points, for use in traits that connect individual devices or external ports.
- sbus
the system bus. - sharedMemoryTLEdge
() => TLEdgeIn
get the inward Edge parameter at the inward port ofmaster_splitter
. This parameter is used significantly in BaseCoreplex. Not yet sure why.
Last updated: 11/08/2017
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