If you like this template, check out, a marketplace where developers can search, compare and integrate web application building blocks.
Strongly based on the theme from smakosh.
- Eslint/Prettier configured
- Scores 100% on a11y / Performance / PWA / SEO
- PWA (desktop & mobile)
- Easy to customize
- Nice project structure
- Amazing illustrations by
- Tablet & mobile friendly
- Continuous deployment with Vercel
- Or with Netlify, check Netlify branch
- A contact form protected by Google Recaptcha
- Can be deployed with one click
- Functional components with
RecomposeReact Hooks!ready to migrate to React hooks! - Fetches your Github pinned projects with most stars (You could customize this if you wish)
- One click deployment to Vercel
- Contact form powered by Static Forms
- Appointment booking with Acuity Scheduling
- Feature switches from Split
- CMS from Contentful
Project on Behance
├── data
│ └── config # SEO related tags
├── src
│ └── assets # Assets
│ │ │── icons # icons
│ │ │── illustrations # illustrations from (
│ │ └── thumbnail # cover of your website when it's shared to social media
│ ├── components # Components
│ │ │── common # Common components
│ │ │── landing # Components used on the landing page
│ │ └── theme # Header & Footer
│ └── pages # Pages
└── static # favicon & Netlify redirects
- Fetch an access key for Static Forms
- Grab a Google recaptcha key from Google Recaptcha
- Grab your Github token from GitHub
- Set up an account at Acuity Scheduling and find your owner id
- Set up an account at Split and fetch your key and authorization key
- Set up an account at Contentful, set up a content model for "Skill" with a name as short text and a description as rich text and add at least one skill, then fetch your space id and access token
- Click
and pass in your:
- Static Forms access key
- Google recaptcha public key
- Github token
To Env variables section.
- Fetch an access key for Static Forms
- Install Yarn
- Grab a Google recaptcha key from Google Recaptcha
- Set up an account at Acuity Scheduling and find your owner id
- Set up an account at Split and fetch your key and authorization key
- Set up an account at Contentful, set up a content model for "Skill" with a name as "Text" and a description as "Rich text" and add at least one skill, then from "API Keys" fetch your Space ID and Content Delivery API access token.
- Run
cp .env.development.template .env.development
- Run
yarn && yarn start
You could run
vercel env pull
to get your env variables from Vercel.
I highly recommend that you push to GitHub/GitLab and deploy your repository to Vercel instead or just hit the Deploy button.
This removes the .cache/
& public/
yarn reset
- Adobe XD
- Gatsby
- React & GraphQL
- Formik
- Google recaptcha
- VSCode
- Static Forms
- Acuity Scheduling
- Split
- Contentful
- And these useful of JavaScript libraries & Gatsby plugins package.json
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Ajay NS smakosh/gatsby-portfolio-dev#3
- Ryan Lee smakosh/gatsby-portfolio-dev#6
- David smakosh/gatsby-portfolio-dev#8
- Léu Almeida smakosh/gatsby-portfolio-dev#21
- Kudakwashe Mupeni smakosh/gatsby-portfolio-dev#20
- sasannnn smakosh/gatsby-portfolio-dev#22
- Michael Seifarth smakosh/gatsby-portfolio-dev#27
- Daniel Bartholomae Changes in this repository
- Smakosh Original template
If you love this Gatsby template and want to support Smakosh, you can do so through his GitHub profile.