The scattering-table-generator
command-line tool can be used to precompute the scattering data required for the advanced "Bruneton"
atmosphere model used by CosmoScout VR.
It generates tabulated phase functions, scattering coefficients, absorption coefficients, and density distributions.
The resulting data is stored in CSV files and loaded by the bruneton-preprocessor
command-line utility for the precomputation of the multiple scattering lookup tables.
This tool uses the widely used bhmie
scattering code originally published in the appendix of Bohren, Craig F., and Donald R. Huffman: Absorption and scattering of light by small particles. John Wiley & Sons, 2008. The original code can be found here.
Per default, the CSV generator is not built. To build it, you need to pass -DCSP_ATMOSPHERES_SCATTERING_TABLE_GENERATOR=On
in the make script.
Once compiled, you'll need to set the library search path to contain the install/<os>-<build_type>/lib
This depends on where the scattering-table-generator
is installed to, but this may be something like this:
# For Windows (powershell)
cd cosmoscout-vr
$env:Path += ";install\windows-Release\lib"
# For Linux (bash)
cd cosmoscout-vr
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=install/linux-Release/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
There are many ways to compute phase functions, scattering coefficients, and absorption coefficients. This tool provides means to compute them physically-based using Mie Theory as well as several approximations which have been used in the literature. To learn about the different operation modes, you can issue this command:
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator --help
Unless stated otherwise, length units must always be given in [m]. For instance, this is true for altitudes, wavelengths, and for particle radii.
Mode | Description |
mie |
This mode computes phase functions as well as scattering- and absorption coefficients for a given particle mixture using Mie Theory. The particle mixture follows a specified multi-modal size distribution and can have a complex, wavelength-dependent refractive index. Use scattering-table-generator mie --help to learn about all the options. Also, below a multiple examples to get you started. |
rayleigh |
This mode writes the phase function and scattering coefficients of Rayleigh molecules for the specified wavelengths. Use scattering-table-generator rayleigh --help to learn about all the options. |
angstrom |
This mode writes scattering, and absorption coefficients based on Ångström's turbidity formula and a single-scattering albedo value. Use scattering-table-generator angstrom --help to learn about all the options. |
hulst |
This mode writes scattering, and absorption coefficients based on van de Hulst's Anomalous Diffraction Approximation and the turbidity approximation used in the Costa Paper. Use scattering-table-generator hulst --help to learn about all the options. |
manual |
This mode writes some user-specified scattering coefficients or absorption coefficients for the specified wavelengths. Use scattering-table-generator manual --help to learn about all the options. |
cornette henyey dhenyey |
These modes write either the Cornette-Shanks, the Henyey-Greenstein, or the Double-Henyey-Greenstein parametric phase function for the specified wavelengths. Use scattering-table-generator <mode> --help to learn about all the options. |
ozone |
This mode writes the absorption coefficients of ozone molecules for the specified wavelengths. Use scattering-table-generator ozone --help to learn about all the options. |
density |
This mode samples a given multi-modal density function at evenly spaced altitudes and writes the resulting data. Use scattering-table-generator density --help to learn about all the options. |
ior |
This mode approximates the refractive index of a mixture of gases. It is not really used during the preprocessing as only one, wavelength-independent value is used by the atmospheric scattering, but it can be used to get this one value nonetheless. For increased precision, n-1 is written to the output. Use scattering-table-generator ior --help to learn about all the options. |
The different modes produce CSV files which are all in the same format and can be directly used in CosmoScout VR. Here, we describe shortly what data is stored in the CSV files. With this information, it is possible to produce similar files with different tools or even by hand.
Phase functions are stored per wavelength and per scattering angle. Each row corresponds to a phase function sampled at evenly spaced angles for a specific wavelength. The first column lists the different wavelengths in [m]. Here is how this could look like:
lambda, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ..., 180.0
3.6e-07, 0.933, 0.931, 0.923, ..., 0.022
3.9e-07, 0.857, 0.857, 0.856, ..., 0.023
..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
8.3e-07, 0.091, 0.091, 0.091, ..., 0.045
Scattering (beta_sca
) and absorption (beta_abs
) coefficients are stored per wavelength as well.
Their unit is [1/m].
Here is how this could look like:
lambda, beta_sca
3.6e-07, 5.70e-06
3.9e-07, 5.33e-06
..., ...
8.3e-07, 1.00e-06
The particle density is stored at evenly space altitudes between the specified --min-altitude
and --max-altitude
The maximum density is 1.0.
The first density value in the CSV file corresponds to the --min-altitude
and the last value to --max-altitude
Here is how this could look like:
It is required that for one atmosphere, all components provide tabulated values for the same number of wavelengths, phase-function angles, and altitudes. Else CosmoScout VR will report an error.
Per default, all modes will sample 15 wavelengths from 360nm to 830nm.
Phase functions will use 181 samples per default and the density
mode will sample at 1024 different altitudes between 0m and 80km.
Below are the input values which we currently use for Earth's atmosphere in CosmoScout VR.
Preprocessor Commands
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_cosmoscout_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --scattering-depolarization 0.0279 --phase-depolarization 0.0279 --penndorf-ior --theta-samples 91 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_cosmoscout_molecules
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_aerosols.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_cosmoscout_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator mie -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/mie-settings/earth_haze.json --theta-samples 91 --number-density 5e8 --radius-samples 10000 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_cosmoscout_aerosols
# Ozone
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_ozone.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_cosmoscout_ozone
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator ozone -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_cosmoscout_ozone
# IoR Information for Light Refraction
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator ior -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/ior-settings/earth.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_cosmoscout_ior --temperature 288 --pressure 101325
Below are the input values which we currently use for the Martian atmosphere in CosmoScout VR. The cinematic variant is pretty similar to the realistic variant. However, it has been optimized for a better appearance in CosmoScout VR. Most importantly, the realistic phase function produces an extreme dynamic range: The sky around the Sun is about a thousand times brighter than the rest of the sky. This does not work well with the filmic tone-mapping used by CosmoScout VR. To improve this situation, the 'cinematic' variant uses a flattened phase function and a bit more hematite to compensate the loss of color due to the flattening. In addition, it only operates on three wavelengths. This does not change the appearance much but results in significantly faster preprocessing times. The molecules are identical in both versions; they only differ in the number of precomputed wavelengths.
Realistic Variant
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_cosmoscout_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_molecules_realistic
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --ior 1.00000337 --scattering-depolarization 0.09 --phase-depolarization 0.09 --number-density 2.05e23 --theta-samples 91 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_molecules_realistic
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_cosmoscout_aerosols_realistic.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_aerosols_realistic
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator mie -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/mie-settings/mars_realistic.json --theta-samples 91 --number-density 5e9 --radius-samples 10000 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_aerosols_realistic
Cinematic Variant
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_cosmoscout_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_molecules_cinematic
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --ior 1.00000337 --scattering-depolarization 0.09 --phase-depolarization 0.09 --number-density 2.05e23 --theta-samples 91 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_molecules_cinematic
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_cosmoscout_aerosols_cinematic.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_aerosols_cinematic
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator mie --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/mie-settings/mars_cinematic.json --phase-flattening 0.8 --theta-samples 91 --number-density 5e9 --radius-samples 10000 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_cosmoscout_aerosols_cinematic
We can use the generic format of tabulated phase functions, scattering coefficients, absorption coefficients, and density distributions to recreate previous works. Here we provide the parametrization for various other models for Earth and Mars recreated with our approach.
[Earth] Bruneton et al.: Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering
In this work, molecules are modelled using standard Rayleigh scattering. However, neither the molecular number density nor the index of refraction is given. Hence, we use the explicitly given numbers for the scattering and absorption coefficients. Aerosols use a wavelength-independent Cornette-Shanks phase function. The scattering coefficient of 2.1e-3 given in the paper seems very large. If we divide it by 100, we get plausible results.
Preprocessor Commands
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2008_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2008_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_sca --values 33.1e-6,15.5e-6,5.8e-6 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2008_molecules_scattering
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_aerosols.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2008_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator cornette --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --g 0.76 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2008_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_sca --values 2.1e-5 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2008_aerosols_scattering
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_abs --values 2.1e-6 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2008_aerosols_absorption
[Earth] E. Bruneton: A Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of 8 Clear Sky Models
In his 2016 paper, Eric Bruneton uses spectral preprocessing. For molecules, he uses the standard Rayleigh phase function and extinction values from Penndorf. Aerosols are modelled with a wavelength-independent Cornette-Shanks phase function and extinction coefficients based on Ångström's turbidity formula. In this paper, Eric Bruneton also included Ozone.
Preprocessor Commands
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2016_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --lambda-samples 40 --penndorf-extinction -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2016_molecules
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_aerosols.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2016_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator cornette --lambda-samples 40 --g 0.7 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2016_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator angstrom --lambda-samples 40 --alpha 0.8 --beta 0.04 --single-scattering-albedo 0.8 --scale-height 1200 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2016_aerosols
# Ozone
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_ozone.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2016_ozone
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator ozone --lambda-samples 40 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_bruneton2016_ozone
[Earth] Costa et al.: Interactive Visualization of Atmospheric Effects for Celestial Bodies
In this paper, molecules are modelled using Penndorf's Rayleigh phase function and a wavelength-dependent index of refraction.
Aerosols use a wavelength-independent Henyey-Greenstein phase function and some arbitrary scattering coefficients. The paper states that they actually use the Anomalous Diffraction Approximation, but they do not provide the required particle radius. The given scattering and absorption coefficients are maybe wrong, as beta_sca > beta_ext. We assume that this is a typo.
They actually use a different ozone density profile than Bruneton, but the results should be similar.
Preprocessor Commands
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --penndorf-ior --penndorf-phase --scattering-depolarization 0.0279 --number-density 2.68731e25 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_molecules
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_aerosols.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator henyey --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --g 0.85 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_sca --values 4e-5 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_aerosols_scattering
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_abs --values 4e-6 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_aerosols_absorption
# Ozone
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/earth_bruneton_ozone.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_ozone
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator ozone --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/earth_costa_ozone
[Mars] P. Collienne: Physically Based Rendering of the Martian Atmosphere
In this paper, molecules are modelled using a manual parametrization of Rayleigh scattering. Aerosols use a wavelength-independent Cornette-Shanks phase function and some arbitrary density values.
Preprocessor Commands
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_collienne_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_collienne_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_collienne_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_sca --values 5.75e-6,13.57e-6,19.918e-6 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_collienne_molecules_scattering
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_collienne_aerosols.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_collienne_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator cornette --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --g 0.76 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_collienne_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_sca --values 3e-6 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_collienne_aerosols_scattering
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator manual --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --quantity beta_abs --values 0 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_collienne_aerosols_absorption
[Mars] Costa et al.: Interactive Visualization of Atmospheric Effects for Celestial Bodies
In this paper, molecules are modelled using Penndorf's Rayleigh phase function. However, the parameters for computing the scattering coefficients are a bit unclear. For Table 1 of their paper, it seems that they used the given mass density rho_co2 = 2.8e23 as number density. With the given index of refraction for C02, this results in the provided beta_sca values, however these are implausibly large. Not only do we have to compute the molecular number density according to the formulas provided in section 4.1 of their paper, but also adapt the index of refraction to Martian conditions (less pressure, less temperature). If we do all this, we come up with the number below.
Aerosols follow a wavelength-dependent Double-Henyey Greenstein phase function. The values for g1, g2, and alpha provided in the paper result in a very purple atmosphere with a green sunrise. The values below are from their source code. They use the Anomalous Diffraction Approximation by Van de Hulst to compute the extinction of light passing through the aerosols. The amount of scattered light is computed using another approximation based on the atmosphere's turbidity. Computing two related quantities with two unrelated approximations seems fragile to us. Also, the used parameters are very unclear. There is no source given for the Kappa fudge factor. The number density of 2.8e29 1/cm^3 is extremely huge. In the source code they use 0.02e6. However, even here the exponent may be wrong as this number is later multiplied with 1e8. With these parameters and a turbidity between 2 and 10, the resulting beta_sca is larger than beta_ext. This is clearly impossible. We only achieved plausible values with very low turbidity values, such as 1.01. The values below generate a plausible atmosphere, however most of the values are not from the original paper.
Preprocessor Commands
# Molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_costa_molecules.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_costa_molecules
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator rayleigh --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --ior 1.00000337 --penndorf-phase --scattering-depolarization 0.09 --number-density 2.05e23 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_costa_molecules
# Aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator density -i plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/density-settings/mars_costa_aerosols.json -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_costa_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator hulst --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --junge 4 --number-density 0.02e8 --kappa 0.07,0.16,0.31 --turbidity 1.01 --radius 1.6e-6 -n 1.52 -k 0.013,0.006,0.001 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_costa_aerosols
install/linux-Release/bin/scattering-table-generator dhenyey --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --g1 0.67,0.4,0.03 --g2 0.094,0.094,0.094 --alpha 0.743,0.743,0.743 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_costa_aerosols
# Paper values:
#./scattering-table-generator dhenyey --lambdas 440e-9,550e-9,680e-9 --g1 0.67,0.4,0.03 --g2 0.099,0.89,0.094 --alpha 0.01,0.04,0.743 -o plugins/csp-atmospheres/scattering-table-generator/output/mars_costa_aerosols