A CosmoScout VR plugin with several tools for terrain measurements. For example, it supports the measurement of distances, height profiles, volumes or areas.
- Location Flag: Displays the geographic coordinates and the address of the selected point as accurately as possible.
- Landing Ellipse: Puts an ellipse on the body, which is controllable by the center and two points. The center also has a Location Flag.
- Path Measurement: Enables the user to place a piecewise linear path on the surface of a body. Information about distance and elevation along the path will be shown.
- Dip & Strike: Used to measure the orientation of a surface feature. The dip shows the angle/steepness and the strike the orientation of the surface feature.
- Polygon: Measures the area and volume of an arbitrary polygon on surface with a Delaunay-mesh.
This plugin can be enabled with the following configuration in your settings.json
The given values present some good starting values for your customization, however all are optional:
"plugins": {
"csp-measurement-tools": {
"polygonHeightDiff": 1.002, // Maximum allowed relative height difference along an edge
"polygonMaxAttempt": 5, // Maximum mesh refinement operations
"polygonMaxPoints": 1000, // Maximum number of vertices in the generated mesh
"polygonSleekness": 15 // Minimum allowed triangle corner angle
"ellipseSamples": 360 // Number of elevation samples taken along the ellipse
"pathSamples": 256 // Number of elevation samples taken between path control points
"dipStrikes": [] // An array of currently active dip & strike tools.
"ellipses": [] // An array of currently active ellipse tools.
"flags": [] // An array of currently active flag tools.
"paths": [] // An array of currently active path tools.
"polygons": [] // An array of currently active polygon tools.
More in-depth information and some tutorials will be provided soon.