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Release Instructions

This is a guide for Couchbase employees. It describes how to cut a release of this project and publish it to the Maven Central Repository as well as the public Couchbase S3 bucket.


You will need:

  • AWS credentials with write access to the S3 bucket.
  • The AWS CLI, for uploading the distribution archive to S3.
  • The gpg command-line program and a PGP key. Mac users, grab gpg from and enjoy this setup guide. Generate a PGP key with your email address and uploaded it to a public keyserver. For bonus points, have a few co-workers sign your key.
  • To tell git about your signing key: git config --global user.signingkey DEADBEEF (replace DEADBEEF with the id of your PGP key).
  • A Sonatype account authorized to publish to the com.couchbase namespace.
  • A ~/.m2/settings.xml file with a User Token. To generate a token, go to and log in with your Sonatype account. Click on your username (upper right) and select "Profile". From the drop-down menu, select "User Token". Press "Access User Token" to see a snippet of XML with server credentials. Copy and paste this XML into the servers section of your Maven settings, replacing ${server} with ossrh.
  • A local Docker installation, if you wish to run the integration tests.

At a minimum, your ~/.m2/settings.xml should look something like:


All set? In that case...

Let's do this!

Start by running mvn clean verify -Prelease to make sure the project builds successfully, artifact signing works, and the unit tests pass. When you're satisfied with the test results, it's time to...

Refresh the generated documentation

Some reference documentation is generated from Javadoc.

Before you start, make sure you have cloned the connector documentation repository:

Set the KAFKAC_DOCS_REPO environment variable to the path to the root directory of that repo.

Run this command to regenerate the docs:

mvn clean test-compile exec:java

If any AsciiDoc files in the docs repo are modified as a result, make sure the changes look good and then commit them.

Update documentation

In the docs-kafka repo:

  1. Edit docs/antora.yml and bump the version number if application.
  2. Verify compatibility.adoc is up-to-date.

Bump the project version number

  1. Edit pom.xml and remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix from the version string.
  2. Edit examples/custom-extensions/pom.xml and update the kafka-connect-couchbase.version property.
  3. Edit and bump the version numbers if applicable.
  4. For major or minor version bumps, review uncommitted API and consider promoting to committed.
  5. Verify the connector metadata pom.xml is up-to-date, particularly the <requirements> section.
  6. Commit these changes, with message "Prepare x.y.z release" (where x.y.z is the version you're releasing).

Tag the release

Run the command git tag -s x.y.z (where x.y.z is the release version number).

Suggested tag message is "Release x.y.z".

Don't push the tag right away, though. Wait until the release is successful and you're sure there will be no more changes. Otherwise it can be a pain to remove an unwanted tag from Gerrit.

Go! Go! Go!

Here it is, the moment of truth. When you're ready to deploy to the Maven Central Repository:

mvn clean deploy -Prelease

Alternatively, if you prefer to inspect the staging repository and complete the release manually, set this additional property:

mvn clean deploy -Prelease -DautoReleaseAfterClose=false

Remember, you can add -DskipITs to either command to skip integration tests if appropriate.

If publishing failed, see the troubleshooting section below.

If publishing to Maven Central was successful, you're ready to publish the distribution archive to S3 with this shell command:

aws s3 cp target/components/packages/${ARTIFACT} \
    s3://${VERS}/${ARTIFACT} \
    --acl public-read

gpg --detach-sign --armor target/components/packages/${ARTIFACT}
aws s3 cp target/components/packages/${ARTIFACT}.asc \
        s3://${VERS}/${ARTIFACT}.asc \
        --acl public-read

Whew, you did it! Or the build failed and you're looking at a cryptic error message, in which case you might want to check out the Troubleshooting section below.

If the release succeeded, now's the time to publish the tag:

git push origin x.y.z

Publish to Confluent Hub

This is a manual process. Send a polite email to our friends at Confluent. Let them know about the new download links for the connector and the GPG signature.

Prepare for next dev cycle

Increment the version number in pom.xml and restore the -SNAPSHOT suffix. Commit and push to Gerrit. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Update Black Duck scan configuration

Clone the build-tools repository

Edit blackduck/couchbase-connector-kafka/scan-config.json

Copy and paste the latest version entry; update it to refer to the version under development. For example, if you just bumped the version to 4.3.2-SNAPSHOT, the new version you're adding here should be "4.3.2"

Commit the change.

Publishing a snapshot

After every passing nightly build, a snapshot should be published to the Sonatype OSS snapshot repository by running this command:

mvn clean deploy -Psnapshot


  • Take another look at the Prerequisites section. Did you miss anything?
  • This gist has some tips for making git and gpg play nice together.
  • If deployment fails because the artifacts are missing PGP signatures, make sure your Maven command line includes -Prelease when running mvn deploy. Note that this is a profile so it's specified with -P.

Maven Central timeouts

Did you get an error like this?

[INFO] Remote staged 1 repositories, finished with success.
[INFO] Remote staging repositories are being released...

Waiting for operation to complete...
.......Jan 26, 2024 1:47:55 PM com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse getEntity
SEVERE: A message body reader for Java class, and Java type class, and MIME media type text/html was not found

It might just mean the Sonatype server is having a busy day. It might have published the connector eventually, but not before the client timed out. Log in to and inspect the released connector versions at;quick~kafka-connect-couchbase

If you don't see the new version listed there, then publication probably failed. Try the Maven command again.

If you see the new version there, the release probably succeeded. Wait several minutes, then verify the new version appears in Maven Central at