Free open public domain data for cryptokitties and copycats in JSON incl. fancies, cattributes, trait types, traits, genes, and more - No API key required ;-)
Example - All 12 Trait Types with 32 Traits - traits.json
"body": {
"genes": "0-3",
"name": "Fur",
"code": "FU",
"kai": {
"1": "savannah",
"2": "selkirk",
"3": "chantilly",
"4": "birman",
"5": "koladiviya",
"6": "bobtail",
"7": "manul",
"8": "pixiebob",
"9": "siberian",
"a": "cymric",
"b": "chartreux",
"c": "himalayan",
"d": "munchkin",
"e": "sphynx",
"f": "ragamuffin",
"g": "ragdoll",
"h": "norwegianforest",
"i": "mekong",
"j": "highlander",
"k": "balinese",
"m": "lynx",
"n": "mainecoon",
"o": "laperm",
"p": "persian",
"q": "fox",
"r": "kurilian",
"s": "toyger",
"t": "manx",
"u": "lykoi",
"v": "burmilla",
"w": "liger",
"x": ""
Example - All Fancy Cats (Normal, Exclusive, Special Edition) with Trait Recipes, Max Limits, IDs, Time Windows, and More - fancies.json
"tallythepurrocious": {
"name": "Tally the Purrocious",
"recipe": {
"time": { "start": "2019-01-10", "end": "2019-01-21" },
"traits": ["selkirk", "koala", "arcreactor", "sully" ]},
"desc": "Mystical Cat Talisman - Gods Unchained Promotion"
"aeoncat": {
"name": "Aeoncat",
"specialedition": {
"time": {"start": "2019-01-17", "end": "2019-01-28"},
"limit": 380 },
"desc": "Goddess Aeona - Goddess of Nature - Gods Unchained Promotion"
"hypurrion": {
"name": "Hypurrion",
"date": "2019-01-10",
"exclusive": {
"limit": 1, "ids": [269] },
"desc": "Hyperion - Mythic Titan of Light - Gods Unchained Promotion"
"catzy": {
"name": "Catzy",
"date": "2018-12-31",
"specialedition": {
"limit": 10, "ids": [1137653,1137654,1137655,1137656,1137657,
1137658,1137659,1137660,1137661,1137662] },
"desc": "Changpeng \"CZ\" Zhao - CEO of Binance - Top 10 Blockchain Influencer of the Year 2018 by CoinDesk"
Example - All Purrstige Cattributes with Trait Recipes, Time Windows, and More - purrstiges.json
"bionic": {
"name": "Bionic",
"recipe": {
"time": { "start": "2019-05-01", "end": "2019-08-31" },
"traits": ["ragdoll",
["totesbasic 1", "totesbasic 2", "totesbasic 3"],
Use the "raw" links served by GitHub (otherwise you get the complete "formatted" GitHub web page). Example:
$ curl
Note: The JSON files get (auto-)generated using the kittyverse library and datasets, thus, please do NOT edit the JSON files but the source text files in the kittyverse repo e.g.:
- Trait Types and Traits in
- Fancy Cats (Exclusives, Special Editions, etc.) in
- Purrstige Cattributes in
Post them on the cryptokitties reddit. Thanks.