Crypto collectibles are all about rarity - the more rare a cattribute the more valuable the kitty in theory.
Let's use the official cattributes totals statistics that you can fetch from the (unofficial, no API-key required)
CryptoKitties web service @
Resulting in:
"description": "totesbasic",
"type": "pattern",
"gene": 15,
"total": "317195"
"description": "thicccbrowz",
"type": "eyes",
"gene": 7,
"total": "224569"
"description": "granitegrey",
"type": "colortertiary",
"gene": 4,
"total": "220303"
"description": "kittencream",
"type": "colortertiary",
"gene": 6,
"total": "215296"
"description": "pouty",
"type": "mouth",
"gene": 9,
"total": "206095"
-- snip - many more cattributes --
"description": "struck",
"type": "mouth",
"gene": 29,
"total": "428"
"description": "liger",
"type": "body",
"gene": 30,
"total": "328"
"description": "dreamboat",
"type": "colortertiary",
"gene": 30,
"total": "324"
The result is ordered by most popular cattribute to most rare. And the most popular cattribute is - surprise, surprise - the infamous totesbasic (pattern) with 317 195 kitties (as of Dec/27, 2018), followed by thicccbrowz (eyes) with 224 569 kitties, granitegrey (colortertiary) with 220 303, kittencream (colortertiary) with 215 296, pouty (mouth) with 206 095 and so on and so forth. The most rare cattribute is dreamboat (colortertiary) with only 324 kitties (as of Dec/27, 2018), followed by liger (body) with 328, struck (mouth) with 428 and so on and so forth.
Note: The service uses "internal" keys for the trait types.
is officially known as base color,
is officially known as highlight color,
is known as accent color,
is known as eye shape,
is known as eye colors,
is known as fur,
and prestige
is known as purrstige on kitty profile pages.
Let's use the official cattributes totals statistics and let's build a cattributes rarity / popularity statistics report page that groups all cattributes by trait type (e.g. fur, pattern, eye color, and so on) and adds a ranking from 1 to 31 and the popularity / rarity in percentage (e.g. 0.04%, 5.28%, 11.79%, and so on).
Note: For easy coding along you can find a
local (pretty printed) copy of the cattributes.json
dataset in the /datasets
require 'json'
require 'pp'
cattribute_totals = JSON.parse( './datasets/cattributes.json' ))
pp cattribute_totals
Results in:
# ...
Let's group the cattributes by trait type and sum up the totals:
trait_types = {}
cattribute_totals.each do |h|
key = h['type'].to_sym
rec = trait_types[ key ] ||= [0,[]]
rec[ 0 ] += h['total'].to_i ## sum up totals for trait type
rec[ 1 ] << [h['description'], h['total'].to_i]
pp trait_types
resulting in:
[["totesbasic", 317195],
["luckystripe", 161830],
["amur", 125320],
["spock", 105256],
["tiger", 89676],
["rascal", 75962],
["calicool", 54377],
["spangled", 51884],
["rorschach", 43036],
["leopard", 41508],
["ganado", 37327],
["jaguar", 31949],
["tigerpunk", 26441],
["henna", 16405],
["camo", 15520],
["dippedcone", 8188],
["thunderstruck", 7676],
["hotrod", 6634],
["mittens", 6236],
["highsociety", 5613],
["avatar", 3197],
["razzledazzle", 2313],
["vigilante", 2176],
["arcreactor", 1377],
["scorpius", 1050],
["splat", 1045],
["allyouneed", 880],
["gyre", 844],
["moonrise", 687]]],
[["thicccbrowz", 224569],
["crazy", 162807],
["simple", 112456],
["wiley", 91547],
["raisedbrow", 91092],
["googly", 85334],
["slyboots", 81779],
["chronic", 79515],
["wonky", 78383],
["otaku", 29477],
["stunned", 24654],
["swarley", 23219],
["sass", 21068],
["serpent", 20791],
["asif", 19818],
["fabulous", 19224],
["baddate", 14933],
["alien", 10193],
["wingtips", 10175],
["caffeine", 9642],
["sweetmeloncakes", 8126],
["wowza", 6457],
["buzzed", 4293],
["chameleon", 3629],
["bornwithit", 2728],
["oceanid", 1336],
["tendertears", 1135],
["drama", 995],
["hacker", 954],
["candyshoppe", 648],
["firedup", 633]]],
[["granitegrey", 220303],
["kittencream", 215296],
["icy", 93902],
["sandalwood", 89729],
["purplehaze", 85876],
["emeraldgreen", 79258],
["frosting", 69356],
["azaleablush", 65054],
["belleblue", 53065],
["morningglory", 43051],
["bloodred", 41328],
["cashewmilk", 37908],
["peach", 33890],
["kalahari", 26916],
["shale", 21083],
["missmuffett", 11960],
["daffodil", 11454],
["patrickstarfish", 9122],
["periwinkle", 7275],
["atlantis", 7050],
["flamingo", 3810],
["seafoam", 3650],
["mintmacaron", 3098],
["buttercup", 2460],
["sully", 1914],
["hanauma", 1070],
["cobalt", 800],
["mallowflower", 542],
["summerbonnet", 541],
["fallspice", 507],
["dreamboat", 324]]],
[["pouty", 206095],
["happygokitty", 185779],
["soserious", 158260],
["saycheese", 112765],
["wuvme", 79136],
["grim", 78660],
["whixtensions", 67017],
["beard", 59657],
["tongue", 57448],
["gerbil", 53726],
["confuzzled", 25344],
["dali", 23256],
["rollercoaster", 22628],
["fangtastic", 22618],
["impish", 18029],
["belch", 9624],
["wasntme", 9480],
["cheeky", 8430],
["moue", 8011],
["starstruck", 6780],
["grimace", 6083],
["neckbeard", 5981],
["yokel", 4278],
["topoftheworld", 3443],
["samwise", 2408],
["walrus", 1997],
["majestic", 1392],
["ruhroh", 1241],
["delite", 811],
["satiated", 801],
["struck", 428]]],
[["royalpurple", 175025],
["swampgreen", 174520],
["lemonade", 170998],
["coffee", 157393],
["chocolate", 106131],
["egyptiankohl", 87692],
["barkbrown", 70013],
["scarlet", 64011],
["skyblue", 45622],
["lilac", 25731],
["apricot", 24978],
["poisonberry", 20354],
["springcrocus", 17918],
["violet", 17389],
["cerulian", 12719],
["wolfgrey", 12455],
["padparadscha", 9068],
["peppermint", 8313],
["safetyvest", 7667],
["royalblue", 6542],
["universe", 5292],
["butterscotch", 5093],
["turtleback", 4941],
["garnet", 2827],
["pearl", 2479],
["rosequartz", 2330],
["cyborg", 1387],
["mertail", 818],
["prairierose", 784],
["ooze", 613],
["inflatablepool", 508]]],
[["greymatter", 167426],
["cottoncandy", 140009],
["mauveover", 134722],
["shadowgrey", 120984],
["bananacream", 97646],
["aquamarine", 94113],
["orangesoda", 92002],
["salmon", 85352],
["cinderella", 66978],
["cloudwhite", 53801],
["brownies", 36518],
["oldlace", 33492],
["nachocheez", 19555],
["onyx", 17448],
["martian", 12841],
["verdigris", 11079],
["hintomint", 10888],
["harbourfog", 9774],
["dragonfruit", 7667],
["tundra", 6842],
["redvelvet", 5647],
["koala", 3571],
["shamrock", 2812],
["meowgarine", 2165],
["glacier", 1907],
["lavender", 1815],
["hotcocoa", 1281],
["hyacinth", 1230],
["icicle", 900],
["cornflower", 665],
["firstblush", 482]]],
[["strawberry", 145760],
["mintgreen", 137250],
["sizzurp", 127703],
["topaz", 109431],
["gold", 89101],
["chestnut", 82573],
["sapphire", 82195],
["thundergrey", 79701],
["cyan", 76755],
["coralsunrise", 65583],
["dahlia", 45060],
["limegreen", 36286],
["parakeet", 29883],
["olive", 29243],
["doridnudibranch", 26772],
["bubblegum", 20660],
["forgetmenot", 17483],
["eclipse", 11498],
["pumpkin", 6435],
["palejade", 4282],
["twilightsparkle", 3396],
["dioscuri", 3350],
["pinefresh", 2837],
["babypuke", 1681],
["kaleidoscope", 1507],
["autumnmoon", 1465],
["oasis", 991],
["isotope", 830],
["gemini", 725],
["downbythebay", 645],
["bridesmaid", 527]]],
[["ragdoll", 140212],
["sphynx", 122295],
["munchkin", 116237],
["selkirk", 104842],
["himalayan", 99657],
["ragamuffin", 93617],
["cymric", 89254],
["birman", 84069],
["bobtail", 65851],
["koladiviya", 62436],
["laperm", 44437],
["pixiebob", 39969],
["savannah", 37833],
["norwegianforest", 21298],
["chartreux", 21160],
["persian", 13355],
["chantilly", 13101],
["siberian", 12824],
["highlander", 10199],
["toyger", 8923],
["lynx", 7833],
["manul", 7755],
["manx", 7305],
["mainecoon", 6487],
["fox", 2840],
["mekong", 2163],
["lykoi", 1886],
["kurilian", 1603],
["balinese", 1249],
["burmilla", 598],
["liger", 328]]],
[["elk", 14086],
["dragontail", 10555],
["dragonwings", 10130],
["littlefoot", 7012],
["daemonhorns", 5884],
["flapflap", 4311],
["daemonwings", 4029],
["ducky", 3776],
["unicorn", 2840],
["trioculus", 2775],
["aflutter", 1797],
["alicorn", 1393],
["wyrm", 1152],
["foghornpawhorn", 1020],
["featherbrain", 810]]],
[["salty", 10116],
["finalfrontier", 4798],
["tinybox", 2731],
["roadtogold", 1916],
["frozen", 1573],
["drift", 1559],
["myparade", 1195],
["juju", 1146],
["prism", 1133],
["jacked", 1014],
["secretgarden", 699],
["floorislava", 683],
["metime", 612],
["junglebook", 583],
["dune", 568]]],
[["duckduckcat", 1249],
["furball", 998],
["prune", 921],
["reindeer", 636],
["thatsawrap", 615],
["lit", 570],
["holidaycheer", 545]]]}
Now let's generate a cattributes rarity / popularity statistics report in text with markdown formatting
and let's use the TRAITS
list of all traits
from the copycats library
to add the official trait type names and two-letter codes:
require 'copycats'
buf = ""
buf << "# Cattributes Rarity / Popularity Statistics\n"
buf << "\n"
buf << "(Source: [`` (JSON)](\n"
buf << "\n\n"
# quick hack - map copycats keys to (internal) cryptokitties trait type keys
# note: all keys are the same except:
:color1 => :colorprimary,
:color2 => :colorsecondary,
:color3 => :colortertiary
TRAITS.each do |key,h|
next if key == :secret ## skip secret (y gene) trait for now
rec = trait_types[ key ]
total = rec[0]
items = rec[1]
buf << "## #{h[:name]} (#{h[:code]})\n\n"
buf << "_#{total} Cats with #{items.size} Cattributes_\n\n"
buf << "| #|Total (%)|Cattribute|\n"
buf << "|-:|--------:|----------|\n"
# note: use reverse to order from most rare to most popular
items.reverse.each_with_index do |item,i|
name = item[0]
count = item[1]
rank = "#{i+1}/#{items.size}"
percent = Float(100*count)/Float(total)
buf << "| #{rank} | #{count} (#{('%2.2f' % percent)}) | "
buf << "**#{name}** |"
buf << "\n"
buf << "\n\n"
puts buf
resulting in:
1241616 Cats with 31 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/31 | 328 (0.03) | liger |
2/31 | 598 (0.05) | burmilla |
3/31 | 1249 (0.10) | balinese |
4/31 | 1603 (0.13) | kurilian |
5/31 | 1886 (0.15) | lykoi |
6/31 | 2163 (0.17) | mekong |
7/31 | 2840 (0.23) | fox |
8/31 | 6487 (0.52) | mainecoon |
9/31 | 7305 (0.59) | manx |
10/31 | 7755 (0.62) | manul |
11/31 | 7833 (0.63) | lynx |
12/31 | 8923 (0.72) | toyger |
13/31 | 10199 (0.82) | highlander |
14/31 | 12824 (1.03) | siberian |
15/31 | 13101 (1.06) | chantilly |
16/31 | 13355 (1.08) | persian |
17/31 | 21160 (1.70) | chartreux |
18/31 | 21298 (1.72) | norwegianforest |
19/31 | 37833 (3.05) | savannah |
20/31 | 39969 (3.22) | pixiebob |
21/31 | 44437 (3.58) | laperm |
22/31 | 62436 (5.03) | koladiviya |
23/31 | 65851 (5.30) | bobtail |
24/31 | 84069 (6.77) | birman |
25/31 | 89254 (7.19) | cymric |
26/31 | 93617 (7.54) | ragamuffin |
27/31 | 99657 (8.03) | himalayan |
28/31 | 104842 (8.44) | selkirk |
29/31 | 116237 (9.36) | munchkin |
30/31 | 122295 (9.85) | sphynx |
31/31 | 140212 (11.29) | ragdoll |
1241602 Cats with 29 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/29 | 687 (0.06) | moonrise |
2/29 | 844 (0.07) | gyre |
3/29 | 880 (0.07) | allyouneed |
4/29 | 1045 (0.08) | splat |
5/29 | 1050 (0.08) | scorpius |
6/29 | 1377 (0.11) | arcreactor |
7/29 | 2176 (0.18) | vigilante |
8/29 | 2313 (0.19) | razzledazzle |
9/29 | 3197 (0.26) | avatar |
10/29 | 5613 (0.45) | highsociety |
11/29 | 6236 (0.50) | mittens |
12/29 | 6634 (0.53) | hotrod |
13/29 | 7676 (0.62) | thunderstruck |
14/29 | 8188 (0.66) | dippedcone |
15/29 | 15520 (1.25) | camo |
16/29 | 16405 (1.32) | henna |
17/29 | 26441 (2.13) | tigerpunk |
18/29 | 31949 (2.57) | jaguar |
19/29 | 37327 (3.01) | ganado |
20/29 | 41508 (3.34) | leopard |
21/29 | 43036 (3.47) | rorschach |
22/29 | 51884 (4.18) | spangled |
23/29 | 54377 (4.38) | calicool |
24/29 | 75962 (6.12) | rascal |
25/29 | 89676 (7.22) | tiger |
26/29 | 105256 (8.48) | spock |
27/29 | 125320 (10.09) | amur |
28/29 | 161830 (13.03) | luckystripe |
29/29 | 317195 (25.55) | totesbasic |
1241608 Cats with 31 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/31 | 527 (0.04) | bridesmaid |
2/31 | 645 (0.05) | downbythebay |
3/31 | 725 (0.06) | gemini |
4/31 | 830 (0.07) | isotope |
5/31 | 991 (0.08) | oasis |
6/31 | 1465 (0.12) | autumnmoon |
7/31 | 1507 (0.12) | kaleidoscope |
8/31 | 1681 (0.14) | babypuke |
9/31 | 2837 (0.23) | pinefresh |
10/31 | 3350 (0.27) | dioscuri |
11/31 | 3396 (0.27) | twilightsparkle |
12/31 | 4282 (0.34) | palejade |
13/31 | 6435 (0.52) | pumpkin |
14/31 | 11498 (0.93) | eclipse |
15/31 | 17483 (1.41) | forgetmenot |
16/31 | 20660 (1.66) | bubblegum |
17/31 | 26772 (2.16) | doridnudibranch |
18/31 | 29243 (2.36) | olive |
19/31 | 29883 (2.41) | parakeet |
20/31 | 36286 (2.92) | limegreen |
21/31 | 45060 (3.63) | dahlia |
22/31 | 65583 (5.28) | coralsunrise |
23/31 | 76755 (6.18) | cyan |
24/31 | 79701 (6.42) | thundergrey |
25/31 | 82195 (6.62) | sapphire |
26/31 | 82573 (6.65) | chestnut |
27/31 | 89101 (7.18) | gold |
28/31 | 109431 (8.81) | topaz |
29/31 | 127703 (10.29) | sizzurp |
30/31 | 137250 (11.05) | mintgreen |
31/31 | 145760 (11.74) | strawberry |
1241610 Cats with 31 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/31 | 633 (0.05) | firedup |
2/31 | 648 (0.05) | candyshoppe |
3/31 | 954 (0.08) | hacker |
4/31 | 995 (0.08) | drama |
5/31 | 1135 (0.09) | tendertears |
6/31 | 1336 (0.11) | oceanid |
7/31 | 2728 (0.22) | bornwithit |
8/31 | 3629 (0.29) | chameleon |
9/31 | 4293 (0.35) | buzzed |
10/31 | 6457 (0.52) | wowza |
11/31 | 8126 (0.65) | sweetmeloncakes |
12/31 | 9642 (0.78) | caffeine |
13/31 | 10175 (0.82) | wingtips |
14/31 | 10193 (0.82) | alien |
15/31 | 14933 (1.20) | baddate |
16/31 | 19224 (1.55) | fabulous |
17/31 | 19818 (1.60) | asif |
18/31 | 20791 (1.67) | serpent |
19/31 | 21068 (1.70) | sass |
20/31 | 23219 (1.87) | swarley |
21/31 | 24654 (1.99) | stunned |
22/31 | 29477 (2.37) | otaku |
23/31 | 78383 (6.31) | wonky |
24/31 | 79515 (6.40) | chronic |
25/31 | 81779 (6.59) | slyboots |
26/31 | 85334 (6.87) | googly |
27/31 | 91092 (7.34) | raisedbrow |
28/31 | 91547 (7.37) | wiley |
29/31 | 112456 (9.06) | simple |
30/31 | 162807 (13.11) | crazy |
31/31 | 224569 (18.09) | thicccbrowz |
1241612 Cats with 31 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/31 | 482 (0.04) | firstblush |
2/31 | 665 (0.05) | cornflower |
3/31 | 900 (0.07) | icicle |
4/31 | 1230 (0.10) | hyacinth |
5/31 | 1281 (0.10) | hotcocoa |
6/31 | 1815 (0.15) | lavender |
7/31 | 1907 (0.15) | glacier |
8/31 | 2165 (0.17) | meowgarine |
9/31 | 2812 (0.23) | shamrock |
10/31 | 3571 (0.29) | koala |
11/31 | 5647 (0.45) | redvelvet |
12/31 | 6842 (0.55) | tundra |
13/31 | 7667 (0.62) | dragonfruit |
14/31 | 9774 (0.79) | harbourfog |
15/31 | 10888 (0.88) | hintomint |
16/31 | 11079 (0.89) | verdigris |
17/31 | 12841 (1.03) | martian |
18/31 | 17448 (1.41) | onyx |
19/31 | 19555 (1.57) | nachocheez |
20/31 | 33492 (2.70) | oldlace |
21/31 | 36518 (2.94) | brownies |
22/31 | 53801 (4.33) | cloudwhite |
23/31 | 66978 (5.39) | cinderella |
24/31 | 85352 (6.87) | salmon |
25/31 | 92002 (7.41) | orangesoda |
26/31 | 94113 (7.58) | aquamarine |
27/31 | 97646 (7.86) | bananacream |
28/31 | 120984 (9.74) | shadowgrey |
29/31 | 134722 (10.85) | mauveover |
30/31 | 140009 (11.28) | cottoncandy |
31/31 | 167426 (13.48) | greymatter |
1241611 Cats with 31 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/31 | 508 (0.04) | inflatablepool |
2/31 | 613 (0.05) | ooze |
3/31 | 784 (0.06) | prairierose |
4/31 | 818 (0.07) | mertail |
5/31 | 1387 (0.11) | cyborg |
6/31 | 2330 (0.19) | rosequartz |
7/31 | 2479 (0.20) | pearl |
8/31 | 2827 (0.23) | garnet |
9/31 | 4941 (0.40) | turtleback |
10/31 | 5093 (0.41) | butterscotch |
11/31 | 5292 (0.43) | universe |
12/31 | 6542 (0.53) | royalblue |
13/31 | 7667 (0.62) | safetyvest |
14/31 | 8313 (0.67) | peppermint |
15/31 | 9068 (0.73) | padparadscha |
16/31 | 12455 (1.00) | wolfgrey |
17/31 | 12719 (1.02) | cerulian |
18/31 | 17389 (1.40) | violet |
19/31 | 17918 (1.44) | springcrocus |
20/31 | 20354 (1.64) | poisonberry |
21/31 | 24978 (2.01) | apricot |
22/31 | 25731 (2.07) | lilac |
23/31 | 45622 (3.67) | skyblue |
24/31 | 64011 (5.16) | scarlet |
25/31 | 70013 (5.64) | barkbrown |
26/31 | 87692 (7.06) | egyptiankohl |
27/31 | 106131 (8.55) | chocolate |
28/31 | 157393 (12.68) | coffee |
29/31 | 170998 (13.77) | lemonade |
30/31 | 174520 (14.06) | swampgreen |
31/31 | 175025 (14.10) | royalpurple |
1241592 Cats with 31 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/31 | 324 (0.03) | dreamboat |
2/31 | 507 (0.04) | fallspice |
3/31 | 541 (0.04) | summerbonnet |
4/31 | 542 (0.04) | mallowflower |
5/31 | 800 (0.06) | cobalt |
6/31 | 1070 (0.09) | hanauma |
7/31 | 1914 (0.15) | sully |
8/31 | 2460 (0.20) | buttercup |
9/31 | 3098 (0.25) | mintmacaron |
10/31 | 3650 (0.29) | seafoam |
11/31 | 3810 (0.31) | flamingo |
12/31 | 7050 (0.57) | atlantis |
13/31 | 7275 (0.59) | periwinkle |
14/31 | 9122 (0.73) | patrickstarfish |
15/31 | 11454 (0.92) | daffodil |
16/31 | 11960 (0.96) | missmuffett |
17/31 | 21083 (1.70) | shale |
18/31 | 26916 (2.17) | kalahari |
19/31 | 33890 (2.73) | peach |
20/31 | 37908 (3.05) | cashewmilk |
21/31 | 41328 (3.33) | bloodred |
22/31 | 43051 (3.47) | morningglory |
23/31 | 53065 (4.27) | belleblue |
24/31 | 65054 (5.24) | azaleablush |
25/31 | 69356 (5.59) | frosting |
26/31 | 79258 (6.38) | emeraldgreen |
27/31 | 85876 (6.92) | purplehaze |
28/31 | 89729 (7.23) | sandalwood |
29/31 | 93902 (7.56) | icy |
30/31 | 215296 (17.34) | kittencream |
31/31 | 220303 (17.74) | granitegrey |
71570 Cats with 15 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/15 | 810 (1.13) | featherbrain |
2/15 | 1020 (1.43) | foghornpawhorn |
3/15 | 1152 (1.61) | wyrm |
4/15 | 1393 (1.95) | alicorn |
5/15 | 1797 (2.51) | aflutter |
6/15 | 2775 (3.88) | trioculus |
7/15 | 2840 (3.97) | unicorn |
8/15 | 3776 (5.28) | ducky |
9/15 | 4029 (5.63) | daemonwings |
10/15 | 4311 (6.02) | flapflap |
11/15 | 5884 (8.22) | daemonhorns |
12/15 | 7012 (9.80) | littlefoot |
13/15 | 10130 (14.15) | dragonwings |
14/15 | 10555 (14.75) | dragontail |
15/15 | 14086 (19.68) | elk |
1241606 Cats with 31 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/31 | 428 (0.03) | struck |
2/31 | 801 (0.06) | satiated |
3/31 | 811 (0.07) | delite |
4/31 | 1241 (0.10) | ruhroh |
5/31 | 1392 (0.11) | majestic |
6/31 | 1997 (0.16) | walrus |
7/31 | 2408 (0.19) | samwise |
8/31 | 3443 (0.28) | topoftheworld |
9/31 | 4278 (0.34) | yokel |
10/31 | 5981 (0.48) | neckbeard |
11/31 | 6083 (0.49) | grimace |
12/31 | 6780 (0.55) | starstruck |
13/31 | 8011 (0.65) | moue |
14/31 | 8430 (0.68) | cheeky |
15/31 | 9480 (0.76) | wasntme |
16/31 | 9624 (0.78) | belch |
17/31 | 18029 (1.45) | impish |
18/31 | 22618 (1.82) | fangtastic |
19/31 | 22628 (1.82) | rollercoaster |
20/31 | 23256 (1.87) | dali |
21/31 | 25344 (2.04) | confuzzled |
22/31 | 53726 (4.33) | gerbil |
23/31 | 57448 (4.63) | tongue |
24/31 | 59657 (4.80) | beard |
25/31 | 67017 (5.40) | whixtensions |
26/31 | 78660 (6.34) | grim |
27/31 | 79136 (6.37) | wuvme |
28/31 | 112765 (9.08) | saycheese |
29/31 | 158260 (12.75) | soserious |
30/31 | 185779 (14.96) | happygokitty |
31/31 | 206095 (16.60) | pouty |
30326 Cats with 15 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/15 | 568 (1.87) | dune |
2/15 | 583 (1.92) | junglebook |
3/15 | 612 (2.02) | metime |
4/15 | 683 (2.25) | floorislava |
5/15 | 699 (2.30) | secretgarden |
6/15 | 1014 (3.34) | jacked |
7/15 | 1133 (3.74) | prism |
8/15 | 1146 (3.78) | juju |
9/15 | 1195 (3.94) | myparade |
10/15 | 1559 (5.14) | drift |
11/15 | 1573 (5.19) | frozen |
12/15 | 1916 (6.32) | roadtogold |
13/15 | 2731 (9.01) | tinybox |
14/15 | 4798 (15.82) | finalfrontier |
15/15 | 10116 (33.36) | salty |
5534 Cats with 7 Cattributes
# | Total (%) | Cattribute |
1/7 | 545 (9.85) | holidaycheer |
2/7 | 570 (10.30) | lit |
3/7 | 615 (11.11) | thatsawrap |
4/7 | 636 (11.49) | reindeer |
5/7 | 921 (16.64) | prune |
6/7 | 998 (18.03) | furball |
7/7 | 1249 (22.57) | duckduckcat |
Voila! Now you can build yourself an always up-to-date cattribute rarity & popularity cheat sheet from the original cryptokitties source.