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ckecli command reference

$ ckecli [--config FILE] <subcommand> args...
Option Default value Description
--config /etc/cke/config.yml config file path
--version show ckecli version

ckecli cluster

ckecli cluster set FILE

Set the cluster configuration.

ckecli cluster get

Get the cluster configuration.

ckecli constraints

ckecli constraints set NAME VALUE

Set a constraint on the cluster configuration.

NAME is one of:

  • control-plane-count
  • minimum-workers
  • maximum-workers
  • maximum-unreachable-nodes-for-reboot
  • maximum-repair-queue-entries
  • wait-seconds-to-repair-rebooting

ckecli constraints show

Show all constraints on the cluster.

ckecli vault

Vault related commands.

ckecli vault init

Initialize vault configuration for CKE as described in

ckecli vault config JSON

Set vault configuration for CKE. JSON is a filename whose body is a JSON object described in

If JSON is "-", ckecli reads from stdin.

ckecli vault ssh-privkey [--host=HOST] FILE

Store SSH private key for a host into Vault. If no HOST is specified, the key will be used as the default key.

FILE should be a SSH private key file. If FILE is -, the contents are read from stdin.

ckecli vault enckey

Generate a new cipher key to encrypt Kubernetes Secrets.

The current key, if any, is retained for key rotation. Old keys are removed.


Key rotation is not automated in the current version. You need to restart API servers manually and replace all secrets as follows:

$ kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces -o json | kubectl replace -f -

ckecli ca

ckecli ca set NAME PEM

NAME is one of server, etcd-peer, etcd-client, kubernetes.

PEM is a filename of a x509 certificate.

ckecli ca get NAME

NAME is one of server, etcd-peer, etcd-client, kubernetes.

ckecli leader

Show the host name of the current leader.

ckecli history [OPTION]...

Show operation history.

Option Default value Description
-n, --count 0 The number of the history to show. If 0 is specified, show all history.
-f, --follow false Show the history in a new order, and continuously print new entries.

ckecli images

List container image names used by cke.

ckecli etcd

Control CKE managed etcd.

ckecli etcd user-add NAME PREFIX

This subcommand is for programs to operate etcd server.

Add NAME user/role to etcd.

The user can only access under PREFIX.

ckecli etcd issue [--ttl=TTL] [--output=FORMAT] NAME

This subcommand is for programs to operate etcd server.

Create a client certificate for user NAME.

Option Default value Description
--ttl 87600h TTL for client certificate
--output json output format (json,file)

ckecli etcd root-issue [--output=FORMAT]

Create client certificate for root.

TTL for this certificate is fixed to 2h.

This subcommand is for human to operate etcd server.

Option Default value Description
--output json output format (json,file)

ckecli etcd local-backup

This command takes a snapshot of CKE-managed etcd that stores Kubernetes data.

The snapshots are saved in a directory specified with --dir flag with this format: etcd-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.backup

The date and time is UTC.

Old backups are automatically removed when the number of backup files exceed the maximum specified with --max-backups flag.

  ckecli etcd local-backup [flags]

      --dir string        the directory to keep the backup files (default "/var/cke/etcd-backups")
  -h, --help              help for local-backup
      --max-backups int   the maximum number of backups to keep (default 10)

ckecli kubernetes

Control CKE managed kubernetes.

ckecli kubernetes issue [--ttl=TTL] [--group=GROUPNAME] [--user=USERNAME]

Write kubeconfig to stdout.

This config file embeds client certificate and can be used with kubectl to connect Kubernetes cluster.

Option Default value Description
--ttl 2h TTL of the client certificate
--group system:masters organization name of the client certificate
--user admin user name of the client certificate

ckecli resource

Edit user-defined resources in Kubernetes. See User-defined resources for details.

ckecli resource list

List registered resources.

ckecli resource set FILE

Register user-defined resources listed in FILE. If FILE is "-", then resources are read from stdin.

The registered resources will be synchronized with Kubernetes by CKE.

ckecli resource get KEY

Get a user-defined resource by KEY. The list of the resources is available using ckecli resource list.

ckecli resource delete FILE

Remove user-defined resources listed in FILE from etcd. If FILE is "-", then resources are read from stdin.

Note that Kubernetes resources will not be removed automatically.

ckecli ssh [user@]NODE [COMMAND...]

Connect to the node via ssh.

NODE is IP address or hostname of the node to be connected.

If COMMAND is specified, it will be executed on the node.

ckecli scp [-r] [[user@]NODE1:]FILE1 ... [[user@]NODE2:]FILE2

Copy files between hosts via scp.

NODE is IP address or hostname of the node.

Option Default value Description
-r false Recursively copy entire directories.

ckecli reboot-queue, ckecli rq

rq is an alias of reboot-queue.

ckecli reboot-queue enable|disable

Enable/Disable processing reboot queue entries.

ckecli reboot-queue is-enabled

Show reboot queue is enabled or disabled. It displays true or false.

ckecli reboot-queue add FILE

Append the nodes written in FILE to the reboot queue. The nodes should be specified with their IP addresses. If FILE is -, the contents are read from stdin.

For safety, multiple control plane nodes cannot be enqueued in one entry.

ckecli reboot-queue list

List the entries in the reboot queue. The output is a list of entries formatted in JSON.

ckecli reboot-queue cancel INDEX

Cancel the specified reboot queue entry.

ckecli reboot-queue cancel-all

Cancel all the reboot queue entries.

ckecli reboot-queue reset-backoff

Reset drain_backoff_count and drain_backoff_expire of the entries in reboot queue. Resetting these values makes CKE try to reboot nodes again immediately.

ckecli repair-queue

Control a queue of repair requests.

ckecli repair-queue enable|disable

Enable/Disable processing repair queue entries.

ckecli repair-queue is-enabled

Show repair queue is enabled or disabled. This displays true or false.

ckecli repair-queue add OPERATION MACHINE_TYPE ADDRESS

Append a repair request to the repair queue. The repair target is a machine with an IP address ADDRESS and a machine type MACHINE_TYPE. The machine should be processed with an operation OPERATION.

ckecli repair-queue list

List the entries in the repair queue.

ckecli repair-queue delete INDEX

Delete the specified repair queue entry. This has two meanings: this clears up an old entry if the specified entry has finished and cancels an ongoing entry otherwise.

Unlike the reboot queue, repair queue entries remain in the queue even after they finish.

ckecli repair-queue delete-finished

Delete all finished repair queue entries. Entries in succeeded or failed status are deleted. This displays the index numbers of deleted entries, one per line.

ckecli repair-queue delete-unfinished

Delete all unfinished repair queue entries. Entries not in succeeded or failed status are deleted. This displays the index numbers of deleted entries, one per line.

ckecli repair-queue reset-backoff

Reset drain_backoff_count and drain_backoff_expire of the entries in repair queue. Resetting these values makes CKE try to drain machines again immediately.

ckecli sabakan

Control sabakan integration feature.

ckecli sabakan enable|disable

Enables/Disables sabakan integration.

The integration will run when:

  • It is not disabled, and
  • URL of sabakan is set with ckecli sabakan set-url, and
  • Cluster configuration template is set with ckecli sabakan set-template.

ckecli sabakan is-enabled

Show sabakan integration is enabled or disabled. It displays true or false.

ckecli sabakan set-url URL

Set URL of sabakan.

ckecli sabakan get-url

Show stored URL of sabakan.

ckecli sabakan set-template FILE

Set the cluster configuration template.

The template format is the same as defined in The template must have one control-plane node and one non-control-plane node.

Node addresses are ignored.

ckecli sabakan get-template

Get the cluster configuration template.

ckecli sabakan set-variables FILE

Set the query variables to search available machines in sabakan. FILE should contain JSON as described in sabakan integration.

ckecli sabakan get-variables

Get the query variables to search available machines in sabakan.

ckecli auto-repair

ckecli auto-repair enable|disable

Enable/Disable sabakan-triggered automatic repair.

ckecli auto-repair is-enabled

Show sabakan-triggered automatic repair is enabled or disabled. It displays true or false.

ckecli auto-repair set-variables FILE

Set the query variables to search non-healthy machines in sabakan. FILE should contain JSON as described in sabakan-triggered automatic repair.

ckecli auto-repair get-variables

Get the query variables to search non-healthy machines in sabakan.

ckecli status

Report the internal status of the CKE server.


