is a gRPC server running on each node.
listens on a UNIX domain socket and accepts requests from coil
over gRPC protocol. The default socket path is /run/coild.sock
The gRPC server provides following additional features:
- gRPC Server Reflection
- gRPC metrics
- Access logging
registers the routes to local Pods into a kernel routing table.
The default routing table ID is 116.
This routing table is looked up by a routing rule inserted by coild
The default rule priority is 2000.
exports address blocks owned by the running node to a kernel
routing table. The default routing table ID is 119.
The routes are created in that table with a specific author (protocol) ID. The default protocol ID is 30.
optionally can make veth interface names compatible with Calico.
If you want to use Calico for network policy together with Coil, enable
this feature with --compat-calico
Calico needs to be configured to set FELIX_INTERFACEPREFIX
to veth
references the following environment variables:
Name | Required | Description |
YES | Kubernetes node name of the running node |
--compat-calico make veth name compatible with Calico
--egress-port int UDP port number for egress NAT (default 5555)
--enable-egress enable Egress related features (default true)
--enable-ipam enable IPAM related features (default true)
--export-table-id int routing table ID to which coild exports routes (default 119)
--health-addr string bind address of health/readiness probes (default ":9385")
-h, --help help for coild
--metrics-addr string bind address of metrics endpoint (default ":9384")
--pod-rule-prio int priority with which the rule for Pod table is inserted (default 2000)
--pod-table-id int routing table ID to which coild registers routes for Pods (default 116)
--protocol-id int route author ID (default 30)
--register-from-main help migration from Coil 2.0.1
--socket string UNIX domain socket path (default "/run/coild.sock")
-v, --version version for coild