The Kudu TS core
module provides a standard set APIs for storing and querying
metrics data in Kudu.
Kudu TS's data model similar to many other modern metrics stores (e.g. OpenTSDB, Prometheus). Data is organized into series, each of which has a metric and a set of tags (arbitrary key value pairs). Each datapoint contains the following fields:
field | type |
metric | string |
tagset | map<string, string> |
time | timestamp (µs precision) |
value | double |
Kudu TS allows data to be inserted out of order, and with time
arbitrarily long in the past. New metrics, tag keys, and tag values can be
inserted without an upfront creation step.
Kudu TS is optimized for queries that specify a metric and set of tag filters. Results may be aggregated, downsampled and interpolated using per-query policies.
Kudu TS is designed to provide efficient inserts and scans over the metrics data points stored in Kudu. The table layouts, partitioning, encoding and compression options are optimized to provide good performance.
create 3 tables in Kudu: metrics
, tagsets
, and tags
with the
following schemas:
CREATE TABLE metrics (metric STRING, tagset_id INT32, time TIMESTAMP, value DOUBLE)
PRIMARY KEY (metric, tagset_id, time)
PARTITION BY HASH (metric, tagset_id) INTO <configurable> BUCKETS
RANGE (time) WITH SPLIT ROWS <configurable>;
CREATE TABLE tagsets (id INT32, tagset BINARY)
PRIMARY KEY (tagset)
PARTITION BY RANGE(tagset) WITH SPLIT ROWS <configurable by # of partitions>;
CREATE TABLE tags (key STRING, value STRING, tagset_id INT32)
PRIMARY KEY (key, value, tagset_id)
PARTITION BY HASH(key, value) INTO <configurable> BUCKETS;
- Return full tagsets and aggregated tagsets with results
- Group by
- Disjunctive tag filters (
WHERE my_tag = 'foo' OR my_tag = 'bar'
) - Prefix tag filters (
WHERE my_tag_key LIKE 'foo%'
) - Annotations
- Metric name search
- Tag key search
- Tag value search
- Upsert datapoints
- Update datapoints