Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests. :)
Releases are automatically published to npm by Travis CI. To successfully create a release the following preconditions have to be met:
- The commit has to be on the master.
- The commit has to be tagged.
- The build has to pass the tests.
To create a new release, follow these steps (my publishing TODO list).
- Make sure all tests pass:
npm run test
- Make sure CHANGELOG.md contains the changes and the current date next to the version.
npm version [patch|minor|major]
git push --follow-tags
After 2-30min, a new version should be published on npm. To check which files are being published, check Travis log or unpkg.com.
Sometimes a test fails on Travis and a new version is not published. In that case do the following:
- Delete the tag from the local repository
git tag -d v0.X.X
- Delete the tag from the remote repository
git push --delete origin v0.X.X
- Fix the problem
- Commit and push the (untagged) changes and make sure the tests succeed.
- Manually tag the commit which fixes the problem
git tag v0.X.X
- Push the tag
git push --tags
Now Travis will run again, hopefully succeeding this time.