To get started, you will create a new folder, set up a Gemfile to install OM, and then run bundler.
mkdir omtest cd omtest
Using whichever editor you prefer, create a file called Gemfile with the following contents
source '' gem 'om'
Now run bundler to install the gem:
bundle install
You should now be set to use irb to run the following examples.
irb require "rubygems" => true require "om" => true
Builder for a simple Terminology based on a couple of elements from the MODS schema.
terminology_builder = do |t| t.root(:path=>"mods", :xmlns=>"", :schema=>"") # This is a mods:name. The underscore is purely to avoid namespace conflicts. t.name_ { t.namePart t.role(:ref=>[:role]) t.family_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"family"}) t.given_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"given"}, :label=>"first name") t.terms_of_address(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"termsOfAddress"}) } # Re-use the structure of a :name Term with a different @type attribute t.person(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"personal"}) t.organization(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"corporate"}) # This is a mods:role, which is used within mods:namePart elements t.role { t.text(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"text"}) t.code(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"code"}) } end
Now tell the Builder to build your Terminology for you.
terminology =
Using a Terminology to generate XPath Queries based on Term Pointers (OM::XML::TermXPathGenerator)
The Terminology handles generating xpath queries based on the structures you’ve defined. It will also run the queries for you, so in most cases you won’t even have to look at the XPath. If you’re ever curious what the xpath queries are, or if you want to use them in some other way, they are a few keystrokes away.
Here are the xpaths for :name and two variants of :name that were created using the :ref argument in the Terminology builder.
terminology.xpath_for(:name) => "//oxns:name" terminology.xpath_for(:person) => "//oxns:name[@type=\"personal\"]" terminology.xpath_for(:organization) => "//oxns:name[@type=\"corporate\"]"
In action, you will usually use OM::XML::Document to deal with your xml. Here’s how to define a Document class that uses the same Terminology as above. In a separate window, create the file my_mods_document.rb in the directory you created at the beginning of this document.
class MyModsDocument < ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream include OM::XML::Document set_terminology do |t| t.root(:path=>"mods", :xmlns=>"", :schema=>"") # This is a mods:name. The underscore is purely to avoid namespace conflicts. t.name_ { t.namePart t.role(:ref=>[:role]) t.family_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"family"}) t.given_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"given"}, :label=>"first name") t.terms_of_address(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"termsOfAddress"}) } t.person(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"personal"}) t.organization(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"corporate"}) # This is a mods:role, which is used within mods:namePart elements t.role { t.text(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"text"}) t.code(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"code"}) } end def self.xml_template builder = do |xml| xml.mods(:version=>"3.3", "xmlns:xlink"=>"", "xmlns:xsi"=>"", "xmlns"=>"", "xsi:schemaLocation"=>"") { xml.titleInfo(:lang=>"") { xml.title }>"personal") { xml.namePart(:type=>"given") xml.namePart(:type=>"family") xml.affiliation xml.computing_id xml.description xml.role { xml.roleTerm("Author", :authority=>"marcrelator", :type=>"text") } } } end return builder.doc end end
OM::XML::Document provides the set_terminology method to handle the details of creating a TerminologyBuilder and building the terminology for you. This allows you to focus on defining the structures of the Terminology itself.
require "my_mods_document" newdoc = newdoc.to_xml => NoMethodError: undefined method `to_xml' for nil:NilClass
By default, new OM Document instances will create an empty xml document. However, if you set self.xml_template to return a different Nokogiri::XML::Document, that will be used instead.
In the example above, we have overridden xml_template to use Nokogiri::XML::Builder to build an empty, relatively simple MODS document. Note that at the end of the definition for xml_template, we call .doc on that XML Builder to return the Nokogiri::XML::Document object. This is important because you need xml_template to return a Nokogiri::XML::Document. Instead of using Nokogiri::XML::Builder, you could put your template into an actual xml file and have xml_template use Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse to load it. That’s up to you. Create the documents however you want, just return a Nokogiri::XML::Document.
To load existing XML into your OM Document, use #from_xml" }
Download hydrangea_article1.xml into your working directory, then run this:
sample_xml ="hydrangea_article1.xml") doc = MyModsDocument.from_xml(sample_xml)
Now take a look at the document you’ve loaded. We will use this document for the next few examples.
Directly accessing the Nokogiri::XML::Document and the OM::XML::Terminology
OM::XML::Document is implemented as a container for a Nokogiri::XML::Document. It uses the associated Terminology to provide a bunch of convenience methods that wrap calls to Nokogiri. If you ever need to operate directly on the Nokogiri Document, simply call ng_xml and do what you need to do. OM will not get in your way.
ng_document = doc.ng_xml
If you need to look at the Terminology associated with your Document, call #terminology on the class.
MyModsDocument.terminology doc.class.terminology
Using the Terminology associated with your Document, you can query the xml for Nodes or node values without ever writing a line of XPath.
You can use OM::XML::Document.find_by_terms to retrieve xml nodes from the datastream. It returns Nokogiri::XML::Node objects.
doc.find_by_terms(:person) doc.find_by_terms(:person).length doc.find_by_terms(:person).each {|n| puts n.to_xml}
If you want to get directly to the values within those nodes, use OM::XML::Document.term_values
doc.term_values(:person, :given_name) doc.term_values(:person, :family_name)
If the xpath points to XML nodes that contain other nodes, the response to term_values will contain Nokogiri::XML::Node objects instead of text values.
For more examples of Querying OM Documents, see Querying Documents
For more examples of Updating OM Documents, see Updating Documents
If you have a schema defined in your Terminology’s root Term, you can validate any xml document by calling “.validate” on any instance of your Document classes.
Note: this method requires an internet connection, as it will download the schema from the URL you have specified in the Terminology’s root term.
The solrizer gem provides support for indexing XML documents into Solr based on OM Terminologies. That process is documented in the solrizer documentation