20 June 2018 via IRC (#datprotocol)
- pfrazee
- mafintosh
- drobins
- taravancil
- jhand
- bnewbold
- Review last meeting/action items
- discuss active extension listing proposal (dat-ecosystem-archive/datprotocol.org#14)
- discuss multi-writer DEP (dat-ecosystem-archive/DEPs#10)
- discuss ephemeral messaging extension DEP (dat-ecosystem-archive/DEPs#28)
- process for updating hyperdb DEP with recent implementation changes (deleted flag, protocol type header).
- Discuss integrating an anonymity layer like tor or i2p with dat. Some community members are concerned that we haven't prioritized it yet. What do potential solutions look like? Can we accomplish it with the people and resources we have available? If so, when and how?
- session-data DEP draft got merged
- proposal for listing active extensions: dat-ecosystem-archive/datprotocol.org#14
- discussed ephemeral messaging DEP and updates have been made, will discuss that DEP in our agenda today
- Hypercore data-structure headers deployed everywhere
in hyperdrive
- AGENDA ITEM: extensions proposal
- merge PR with some language updates/information on datprotocol/deps
- AGENDA ITEM: Discuss integrating an anonymity layer like tor or i2p with dat
- evaluate options for integration
- surface issues in docs
- agenda item: research tor/i2p (@pfrazee)
- multiwriter DEP
- people will comment and will vote in next meeting
- hyperdb DEP *
- vote on multiwriter dep
- pfrazee research on tor/i2p
- vote on hyperdb dep
- dat-dns node v6 support:
- @pfrazee figure out something for async/await support in node v6
- write a "data structure header" DEP
- (@pfrazee and @mafintosh)
- extensions listing:
- update language on website (@pfrazee)
- add extension process note to DEP repo (@pfrazee)
- link to DEP repo extension process on website (@pfrazee)
- merge website PR (@pfrazee)
- privacy concerns:
- test out i2p/tor and read up on protocol (@pfrazee)
- prioritize having beaker leave a swarm when you leave the page (@pfrazee)
- reach out to folks who brought up concerns (@joehand)
- enumerate options for short-term
- docs updates, clarify (@joehand)
- DEP updates
- get multiwriter ready for vote (@bnewbold)
- get hyperdb update ready for vote (@bnewbold)
- Ephemeral message extension DEP
- add a soft message-size limit of 2kb (@pfrazee)