Adding improvements, adding new participating authors
Adding improvements, adding new participating authors
Third open Tech meetup de, en version
Third open Tech meetup de, en version
Deleted branch
Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 30 to 31
Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 30 to 31
11 days ago
integrating feedback from matthias
integrating feedback from matthias
update teaser text for opening
update teaser text for opening
adding german title and description for the opening event
adding german title and description for the opening event
Force push
adding german title and description for the opening event
adding german title and description for the opening event
text suggestions from matthias
text suggestions from matthias
team: marcel disable website
team: marcel disable website
Force push
team: marcel disable website
team: marcel disable website
documents: update Mitgliedsantrag
documents: update Mitgliedsantrag