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Aug 5, 2024
7a3aad0 · Aug 5, 2024


250 lines (224 loc) · 5.52 KB

File metadata and controls

250 lines (224 loc) · 5.52 KB
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Keeping search
Powered by Vitepress,Vue,Gsap,Canvas,Integrating Algolia, and so on ...

<style scoped> .wrapper1{ display:grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); row-gap: 50px; justify-items: center ; align-items: center ; position: relative; z-index:999; opacity:0.8 } .item{ font-size:30px; border-radius:8px; height:100px; width:100px; text-align:center; line-height:100px; position:relative; } .place{ position:absolute; left:0; top:0 } .move{ width:100px; height:100px; border-radius:50%; margin-bottom:20px } .fill{ position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; border-radius:50%; } .container1{ width:100%; height:1000vh } .video{ z-index:-1; opacity:0; width:100%; /* height:100vh; */ position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transition: opacity 2s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); } </style> <script setup> import {gsap} from 'gsap' import Flip from "gsap/dist/Flip"; import ScrollTrigger from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger"; import swipLine from './components/swipLine.vue' import types from './components/types.vue' import scrollBg from './components/scrollBg.vue' import {onMounted,ref} from 'vue' gsap.registerPlugin(Flip); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) const data = ref([ {text:'HTML', bgcolor:'#ceead6'}, {text:'CSS', bgcolor:'#d2e3fc'}, {text:'SCSS', bgcolor:'#FFFACD'}, {text:'JS', bgcolor:'#ffefc3'}, {text:'Ts', bgcolor:'#87CEEB'}, {text:'Vue', bgcolor:'#98FB98'}, {text:'React', bgcolor:'#FFDAB9'}, {text:'Node', bgcolor:'#E6E6FA'}, {text:'工程化', bgcolor:'#DAA520'}, {text:'git', bgcolor:'#00FFFF'}, // {text:'browerR', bgcolor:'#FF7F50'}, // {text:'browerD', bgcolor:'#708090'}, // {text:'vscode extension', bgcolor:'#FFF0F5'}, ]) const list = ref(null) const fill = ref(null) const flag = ref(false) let place let effect function open(index){ if(list.value[index].parentNode!==place ){ const state = Flip.getState(list.value,{ props: "borderRadius", }); place.append(list.value[index]) list.value[index].classList.add('move'); Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, ease: "back.inOut", absolute: true, }); }else{ const state = Flip.getState(list.value,{ props: "borderRadius", }); const wrapper1 = document.querySelector('.wrapper1'); const children = wrapper1.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; // 假设每个子元素都有 dataset.index 属性 const childIndex = child.dataset.index; if (index < childIndex) { child.before(list.value[index]); break; // 插入后跳出循环 } } list.value[index].classList.remove('move'); Flip.from(state, { duration: 1, ease: "power2.inOut", absolute: true, }); } } function fadeInImage(img) { consoel.log('sss') = '0.8'; } onMounted(()=>{ place = document.querySelector('.place') gsap.from('.item',{ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.wrapper1', }, opacity:0, rotate:360, scale: 0.1, ease: "power1.inOut", duration:1, stagger:0.2, }) // 假设你的 list.value 是一个包含需要处理的元素的数组或类数组对象 list.value.forEach((item) => { item.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { const fill = item.querySelector('span'); gsap.set(fill, { scale: 1.5, opacity: 1, }); const effect =, { scale: 2, repeat: -1, opacity: 0.5, duration: 2, border:1, borderRadius:6, yoyo: true, }); item._gsapEffect = effect; // 将 effect 存储在元素上,以便后续访问和控制 }); item.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { const fill = item.querySelector('span'); const effect = item._gsapEffect; // 获取存储在元素上的效果 if (effect) { effect.kill(); // 结束动画效果 }, { scale: 1, opacity: 1, duration: 2, border:2, borderRadius:50, }); }); }); // const video = document.querySelector('.video') // video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => { // = '0.8'; // // '.video', // { // scrollTrigger: { // trigger: ".container1", // start: "top top", // end: "bottom bottom", // // scrub: true, // anticipatePin:1, // onUpdate: (self) => { // window.requestAnimationFrame(()=>{ // videoGurrentTime('.video', self.progress.toFixed(3), self.direction) // }) // } // // markers: true, // } // } // ); // }) }) function videoGurrentTime(elem, progress) { let videoEl = document.querySelector(elem) let videoTime = 11; //引入视频的时间,此完整视频全长为6s console.log(progress * videoTime) videoEl.currentTime = progress * videoTime } </script>