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284 lines (190 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

284 lines (190 loc) · 10.8 KB


0.8.1 (2021-10-12)


  • Updated many dependencies. Deadlinks no longer has any dependencies that fail cargo audit. PR#153


  • Tests now pass even if the project directory is not named "cargo-deadlinks". PR#149

0.8.0 (2020-01-17)


  • cargo deadlinks and deadlinks now take a --forbid-http argument which gives an error if any HTTP links are present. This can be useful for ensuring all documentation is viewable offline. PR#138


  • CheckError now has an HttpForbidden variant. PR#138
  • The check_http field of CheckContext is now an enum instead of a boolean PR#138
  • ureq has been upgraded to 2.0. This affects the public CheckError API, but should otherwise have no user-facing impact. PR#134

0.7.2 (2020-01-09)


  • When a website gives 405 Method Not Supported for HEAD requests, fall back to GET. In particular, this no longer marks all links to as broken. PR#136
  • URL-encoded fragments, like #%E2%80%A0, are now decoded. PR#141


  • Give a warning when HTTP links are present but --check-http wasn't passed. Previously this was only a DEBUG message. Note that this still requires opting-in to warnings with RUST_LOG=warn. PR#137

0.7.1 (2020-12-18)


  • HTML <meta> redirects are now followed.

0.7.0 (2020-12-06)


  • cargo deadlinks now takes a --cargo-dir argument, allowing you to check projects other than the current directory. This is most useful for developing deadlinks itself, but might be helpful for other use cases. PR#119
  • cargo deadlinks can now check for broken intra-doc links based on heuristics. This feature is still experimental and may have bugs; in particular, only links with backticks (i.e. generated as <code>) are currently found. You can opt in with --check-intra-doc-links. deadlinks has not been changed. PR#126 PR#128


  • walk_dir now takes &CheckContext, not CheckContext. PR#118
  • CheckError now has a new IntraDocLink variant. PR#126
  • parse_html_file has been removed. Instead, use parse_a_hrefs or broken_intra_doc_links (or both). PR#126
  • Link::File now stores a PathBuf, not a String. PR#127
  • print_shortened has been removed; using Display directly is recommended instead. PR#127 In particular, it's no longer possible to shorten files without going through unavailable_urls. If you were using this API, please let me know so I can help design an API that fits your use case; the previous one was a maintenance burden.


  • Fragment errors are now shortened to use the directory being checked as the base, the same as normal 'file not found errors'. PR#127
  • 307 and 308 redirects are now followed. Previously, they would erroneously be reported as an error. PR#129

0.6.2 (2020-11-27)


  • cargo-deadlinks now allows passing arguments to cargo doc, using cargo deadlinks -- <CARGO_ARGS>. PR#116
  • deadlinks now allows specifying multiple directories to check. PR#116


  • Warnings from cargo are no longer silenced when documenting. PR#114
  • cargo deadlinks no longer ignores all directories on Windows. PR#121


  • Argument parsing now uses pico-args, not docopt. PR#116
  • Running cargo-deadlinks (not cargo deadlinks) now gives a better error message. PR#116
  • Both binaries now print the name of the binary when passed --version. PR#116

0.6.1 (2020-11-23)


  • --ignore-fragments CLI parameter to disable URL fagment checking. PR#108


  • Empty fragments are no longer treated as broken links. This allows using deadlinks with unsafe functions, which have a generated fragment URL from rustdoc. PR#109

0.6.0 (2020-11-19)


  • RUST_LOG is now read, and controls logging. PR#100
  • There is now a separate deadlinks binary which doesn't depend on cargo in any way. PR#87
  • CheckContext now implements Default. PR#101
  • cargo deadlinks will now run cargo doc automatically. You can opt-out of this behavior with --no-build. PR#102


  • Errors are now printed to stdout, not stderr. PR#100
  • Logging now follows the standard env_logger format. PR#100
  • --debug and --verbose are deprecated in favor of RUST_LOG. PR#100
  • Published Linux binaries are now built against musl libc, not glibc. This allows running deadlinks in an alpine docker container. PR#103


  • doc = false is now taken into account when running cargo deadlinks. It will still be ignored when running with --no-build. PR#102
  • CARGO_BUILD_TARGET and other cargo configuration is now taken into account when running cargo deadlinks. It will still be ignored when running with --no-build. PR#102

0.5.0 (2020-11-13)


  • If a URL points to a directory, check if index.html exists in that directory. PR#90
  • Treat absolute paths as absolute with respect to the base_url, not with respect to the file system. PR#91
  • Check link fragments, with special handling for Rustdoc ranged fragments to highlight source code lines PR#94


  • No longer try to document examples that are dynamic libraries

    This was a regression introduced by PR#68. That looked at all targets to see which should be documented, but the logic for determining whether a target had docs was incorrect - it counted tests and examples if they were marked as a library. deadlinks will now ignore tests and examples even if they are not binaries.

  • No longer download dependencies from when calculating targets

    Previously, cargo metadata would download all dependencies even though they weren't used.


  • Switch from reqwest to ureq for HTTP-checking, cutting down the number of dependencies by almost a third. PR#95
  • Switch from html5ever to lol_html, making the code much easier to modify. PR#86

0.4.2 (2020-10-12)


  • Add support for cargo workspaces. Check all crates and targets in the workspaces, excluding tests, benches, and examples. PR#68, PR#73
  • Add automatic binary releases. PR#64 You can find the releases at /releases on the GitHub page.


  • Take CARGO_TARGET_DIR into account when looking for the target directory. PR#66
  • Give a better error message if Cargo.toml is not present. PR#67
  • Follow target renames. PR#68
  • Always output all errors instead of stopping after the first error. PR#74

Previously, deadlinks would stop after the first error, but leave other threads running in parallel. This would lead to non-deterministic and incomplete output if there were broken links in many different files. Deadlinks will now output all errors before exiting.


  • Update dependencies. PR#51, PR#76, 22fa61df Thanks to @Marwes!
  • Use HEAD instead of GET for HTTP requests. This should decrease the time for HTTP checks slightly. PR#63 Thanks to @zummenix!
  • Check all targets, not just targets with the same name as the package. In particular, this now checks both binaries and libraries. PR#68
  • Shorten path names when --debug is not passed. PR#20

0.4.1 (2019-03-26)


  • Provide a crate in addition to the binary. PR#48 Thanks to @Marwes!

0.4.0 (2019-03-17)


  • Add checking of HTTP links via reqwest (Thanks to @gsquire!)
    • Can be used with cargo deadlinks --check-http
  • Improved error message on missing docs directory. PR#33

0.3.0 (2017-11-16)


0.2.1 (2017-10-12)


0.2.0 (2017-10-06)


0.1.0 (2016-03-25)
