Generate an hour of OSM data starting at 2024-05-18 02:00 UTC:
- The date and hour is UTC
- The hour needs to be in the format
for 2am) - The output will be in the
directory in the current working directory under a subdirectory named after the date and hour
docker build -t osm-gradient .
docker run -it -v ./data:/tmp osm-gradient sh -c "./cli.js process-hour 2024-05-18 02"
docker run -it -v ./data:/tmp osm-gradient sh -c "ogr2ogr -f FlatGeobuf /tmp/2024-05-18T02/2024-05-18T02:00.fgb /tmp/2024-05-18T02/2024-05-18T02:00.geojson -skipfailures"