Notes of performing and automating a migration of from D7 to D8.
Once you have a working local copy of the live d7 site, or access to its database, you can look at doing a D8 migration.
See online instructions. Good luck.
Up to you how you set up the database and database user and access.
Importantly, don't spend too much time preparing the new site before importing the old content...
However, If starting with 'minimal' install profile, then you will have to choose and enable at least a good handful of modules to upgrade to... Actually, just don't use 'minimal', it's hopeless.
- drush8
- PHP 5.5.9+
Preparing an upgrade from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8
I use drush8 as an alias to drush/dev-master exclusively here, to remind you that you need the latest version.
Mentions of
are to my local DevDesktop (DD) install. You should substitute as appropriate.
// Your already-working D8 site path here
cd /var/www/drupal_org_nz/d8/sites/d8.drupalorgnz.dd/
drush8 dl migrate_upgrade
drush8 en -y migrate_upgrade
Visit /upgrade on the site, and follow the process there.
Read Executing an upgrade from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8
drush8 dl migrate_tools migrate_upgrade
drush8 en -y migrate_tools
drush8 migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://drupaluser:@ --legacy-root= --configure-only
drush8 migrate-status
O_o !? OK, that's why the GUI may be better for us the first few times around this track.
To find the old legacy URL, I went
drush site-alias --with-db --show-passwords
drush migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://drupalorgnz_0:[email protected]/drupalorgnz_0 --legacy-root= --configure-only
If you hit problems, Read Executing an upgrade from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8
At this point, we have got content available, with the known fields migrated. users also seem to have come across.
From looking at the missed modules needin installing upgrading or replacing:
- Views will not be ported, therefore assume view-related tech will have to be rebuilt anyway.
Compare the d8 port status from the long list at
Many goodies can be ignored. Noted risks are
Addressfield is needed - investigate
Date (investigate)
email_field (check vs core)
entityreference - in core, migrate path not here yet? **
Field slideshw - NOT - look for equvalents or demote out of MVP.
file_entity - probably core? Investigate if the medtadate comes over
global redirect - maybe?
google analytics - contrib available!
imagecache_actions - 8.x in dev, no migrate AFAIK, but ok
legal - investigate
link - !!! in core but migrate path has warning !! investigate.
list,number,options,phone, - warns but should be fine in core.
menu_block - equivalent function ality on core (?) - evaluate.
menu_position - unknown - evaluate.
metatag - 8.x exists, migration unknown.
mollom - 8.x stable, migration irrelevant.
pathauto - !! problem.
redirect - WIP - not yet
statistics - core, ok, low prioty
views etc - will need manual work, but ??
views plugind (slideshow) will need rebuilding from scratch etc - theme
VBO - now in core.
webform - replaced with entityform
xmlsitemap - d8 dev exists - but broken today
- BEF (better exposed filters)
- Feeds - re-evaluate importance
- job_scheduler
- block_class - useful if not in core already. 8.x-dev exists (theme enhancement)
- field_group - migrate path needed but - is theme support only
- page_title - mostly just theme support - unneeded in d8 field UI.
- media - watch for this * evaluate.
- rdf - To be looked at later
- search_404 -
- seo_checklist - no data, ignore until needed again.
jcarousel (drop and replace with new view)
sitemap. Meh.
features, etc, strongarm.
wysiwyg - core replaced
- aggregator
- google_analytics
- token
- xmlsitemap
So, the automated process does demonstrably get us a good way forward. But now comes the site-specific massaging.
Nodes exist, and seem to have data, but no content displays = The text format didn't come forwards.
entityreferences - companies,showcases failed OOTB
field_formatters - slideshow (not available), taxonomy_term_reference_plain
the custom (drupal block/block) blocks (the about footer etc) had formatting issues. - (text format undefined suspected) Editing the block (not configure) and savig seems to self-heal mostly
users come across OK, BUT role did not re-associate. related to 'Administrator/administrator' name conflict.
we don't care about webforms - they are not in active use and don't migrate well.
importing of field_formatter_settings (layouts on content types) half failed. Problem field types seem to be: link, taxonomy_term_ref, email, address.
When things go wrong on the target and you need a clean slate.
cd /var/www/drupal_org_nz/d8/sites/d8.drupalorgnz.dd
drush8 site-install standard --account-name=phpuser --account-pass=web
drush8 en -y migrate_upgrade
This will re-use your existing database (dropping the tables first) so you don't have to do the credentials and database setup again.