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Releases: dotnet/vscode-csharp


29 Aug 21:04
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What's New in 1.4

Metadata as Source

  • Go to Definition (F12) can now show a C#-like view for APIs that do not appear in your project's source code. (#165)


  • Applications can now be launched without attaching the debugger with Ctrl+F5.
  • Support for new "embedded portable PDB" debug format.
  • The launch.json file generator now automatically sets the option to show a console window by default ("internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart").

New Settings

Several new settings have been added:

  • csharp.suppressDotnetInstallWarning: Suppress the warning that the .NET CLI is not on the path.
  • omnisharp.autoStart: Used to control whether the OmniSharp server will be automatically launched when a folder containing a project or solution is opened. The default value for this setting is true.
  • omnisharp.path: Can be used to specify a file path to a different OmniSharp server than the one that will be used by default. Previously, this option was controlled by csharp.omnisharp, which is now deprecated.
  • omnisharp.useMono: When omnisharp.path is specified, this controls whether OmniSharp will be launched with Mono or not. Previously, this option was controlled by csharp.omnisharpUsesMono, wich is now deprecated.
  • omnisharp.loggingLevel: Used to control the level of logging output from the OmniSharp server. Legal values are "default" or "verbose".


There have been several fixes to the colorizer grammar resulting in much smoother syntax highlighting, with better support for C# 6.0. Special thanks go to @ivanz and @seraku24 for contributing most of the fixes below!

  • Expression-bodied members (#638, #403, #679, #249)
  • Escaped keyword identifiers (#614)
  • Using directives and nested namespaces (#282, #381)
  • Field and local variable type names (#717, #719)
  • Multi-dimensional arrays in parameters (#657)


  • Improvements have been made in processing diagnostics (i.e. errors and warnings).
  • Full solution diagnostics are no longer computed for large solutions (e.g. solutions with >1000 files across all projects). However, diagnostics are still computed for open files.

Other Improvements

  • Multibyte characters are now properly encoded, resulting in proper display in tooltips and fixing crashes in the OmniSharp server. (#4, #140, #427)
  • Will no longer attempt to install a CoreCLR flavor of OmniSharp on Ubuntu versions other than 14 and 16. (#655)
  • Opening a solution or csproj no longer results in '0 projects' displayed in the status bar. (#723)


27 Aug 19:31
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v1.4.0-beta9 Pre-release

Multibyte characters are now properly encoded! (#4, #140, #427)



26 Aug 21:11
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v1.4.0-beta8 Pre-release

Update OmniSharp settings available within Visual Studio Code:

  • omnisharp.path: The full path to the OmniSharp server to use
  • omnisharp.useMono: Launch OmniSharp with Mono
  • omnisharp.loggingLevel: Set to "verbose" to tell OmniSharp to provide debug-level output
  • omnisharp.autoStart: Set to false to keep OmniSharp from loading automatically when opening a solution

In addition, OmniSharp logging is improved somewhat and a timestamp is printed during launch: #720

Several bug fixes:

  • Opening a solution or csproj results in '0 projects' displayed in the status bar: #723
  • Improve syntax highlighting for field and local variable type names: #717, #719
  • Fix platform sniffing code to not incorrectly attempt to install a CoreCLR flavor of OmniSharp on Ubuntu versions other than 14 and 16.


24 Aug 18:07
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v1.4.0-beta7 Pre-release

This release contains a new version of the debugger with additional features and bug fixes.

  • Launch a project with "No Debug" (Ctrl + F5).
  • User option to suppress warning that .NET CLI is not installed (csharp.suppressDotentInstallWarning: true).
  • Embedded PDB support: debugging binaries built with /debug:embedded.
  • Default launch.json template now sets the option to show console by default (internalConsoleOptions: openOnSessionStart).


18 Aug 18:42
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v1.4.0-beta5 Pre-release

Another day, another release. 😄

Today's updates include several fixes for various syntax highlighting issues. Make thanks to @ivanz and @seraku24 for submitting PRs to address these problems. Improvements have been made in following areas:

  • Expression-bodied members: #638, #403, #679, #249
  • Escaped keyword identifiers: #614
  • Using directives and nested namespaces: #282, #381
  • Multi-dimensional arrays in parameters: #657


17 Aug 22:35
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v1.4.0-beta4 Pre-release
  • New! Support for a Metadata-as-Source view, much like Visual Studio's, when navigating to a symbol for which source code is unavailable. (#165)
  • Don't compute diagnostics (i.e. errors and warnings) for large projects/solutions. This should help issues that some are experiencing with larger projects, though there is more work to be done. (#269)
  • Fix syntax-highlighting for multi-dimensional arrays in parameters. (#657)


16 Aug 22:08
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v1.4.0-beta3 Pre-release

This release updates to v1.9-beta13 of OmniSharp, which fixes the data returned by Roslyn workspace events that are forwarded from the OmniSharp server. This may improve performance with larger projects containing many diagnostics.


21 Jul 00:12
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What's New in 1.3

  • Support for Unity and Mono development on macOS and Linux has been restored! This release brings back support for the Mono version of OmniSharp, which is used to provide much better support for .csproj/.sln projects. Please note that Mono version 4.0.1 or newer is required.
  • Generation of tasks.json and launch.json files can now properly handle nested projects. #170
  • New UI that makes it easy to select a process ID when attaching the debugger to another process. Note: If you have an existing launch.json file, you can re-generate it by deleting the file, closing your workspace in Visual Studio Code and opening it again. Or, you can open the launch.json file and change the processId value to "${command.pickProcess}".
  • Support for debugging in .cshtml files. To enable this, add a sourceFileMap entry to your launch.json with the following content: "sourceFileMap": { "/Views": "${workspaceRoot}/Views" }
  • Support for conditional breakpoints
  • New support for changing variable values in the debugger! To try this, just right-click on the variable name and select 'Set Value'. Note: To properly support this feature, we've changed the display of variable type names in the debugger to a shortened form. The full type name can be viewed by hovering over the name with the mouse.
  • New configuration option to enable stepping into properties and operators.
  • Duplicate warnings and errors should no longer accumulate in Unity projects #447


20 Jul 17:39
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v1.3.0-beta2 Pre-release

This release fixes several issues:

  • Launch.json and tasks.json files are properly generated for nested projects.
  • Duplicate diagnostics should no longer be reported.
  • Diagnostics should be refreshed after packages are restored.


18 Jul 22:26
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v1.3.0-beta1 Pre-release

This release adds support for dual OmniSharps, depending on the type of project being opened.

  • For project.json, the .NET Core version of OmniSharp will be acquired and launched.
  • For .csproj/.sln (on Windows), the .NET 4.5.1 version of OmniSharp will be acquired and launched.
  • For .csproj/.sln (on macOS/Linux), the Mono version of OmniSharp will be acquired and launched. Note that this requires mono version 4.0.1 or later.