Below are instructions for installing osm2pgRouting and its dependencies on a Linux Debian machine. (Note this assumes PostGIS and pgRouting are already installed)
#Install Dependencies
#cmake sudo apt-get install build-essential -y //perhaps not necessary
sudo apt-get install cmake
#boost sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
or: sudo apt-get install boost
#expat sudo apt-get install expat libexpat1-dev
#libpq This installs the Postgresql binaries for non pgSQL server machines
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
#Install osm2pgrouting
first navigate to the downloads folder:
cd ~/Downloads
download from github
unzip the file
cd osm2pgrouting-master
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cd build/
sudo make install
#Get latest OSM file for Denver/Boulder
go to downloads
cd ~/Downloads
get the file from mapzen
unzip the file
bzip2 -d denver-boulder_colorado.osm.bz2
#Load OSM Data into pgRouting
While in \Downloads, go to location of osm2pgrouting
cd \osm2pgrouting-master/build
Run osm2pgRouting - this will take your .OSM file and load it into the server you're specified, including the new flag for --schema, which in this case will load the data into a schema on the database called osm:
./osm2pgrouting -f ~/Downloads/denver-boulder_colorado.osm -c ~/Downloads/osm2pgrouting-master/mapconfig.xml --schema osm --prefix osm_ -h pghostname -d pgdatabasename -U pgusername -W pgpassword --clean
Note: the paramters above and more instructions can be found here: