This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 7.2 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
7.2.4 (2025-02-26)
bug #59198 [Messenger] Filter out non-consumable receivers when registering
(wazum) -
bug #59781 [Mailer] fix multiple transports default injection (fkropfhamer)
bug #59836 [Mailer][Postmark] Set CID for attachments when it exists (IssamRaouf)
bug #59829 [FrameworkBundle] Disable the keys normalization of the CSRF form field attributes (sukei)
bug #59840 Fix PHP warning in GetSetMethodNormalizer when a "set()" method is defined (Pepperoni1337)
bug #59818 [TypeInfo] Fix create union with nullable type (mtarld)
bug #59810 [DependencyInjection] Defer check for circular references instead of skipping them (biozshock)
bug #59811 [Validator] Synchronize IBAN formats (alexandre-daubois)
bug #59796 [Mime] use address for body at
(tinect) -
bug #59803 [Semaphore] allow redis cluster/sentinel dsn (smoench)
bug #59779 [DomCrawler] Bug #43921 Check for null parent nodes in the case of orphaned branches (ttk)
bug #59776 [WebProfilerBundle] fix rendering notifier message options (xabbuh)
bug #59769 Enable
method (raffaelecarelle) -
bug #59774 [TwigBridge] Fix compatibility with Twig 3.21 (alexandre-daubois)
bug #59761 [VarExporter] Fix lazy objects with hooked properties (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59763 [HttpClient] Don't send any default content-type when the body is empty (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59747 [Translation] check empty notes (davidvancl)
bug #59751 [Cache] Tests for Redis Replication with cache (DemigodCode)
bug #59752 [BrowserKit] Fix submitting forms with empty file fields (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59742 [Notifier] [BlueSky] Change the value returned as the message ID (javiereguiluz)
bug #59033 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix interception for non conventional redirects (Huluti)
bug #59713 [DependencyInjection] Do not preload functions (biozshock)
bug #59723 [DependencyInjection] Fix cloned lazy services not sharing their dependencies when dumped with PhpDumper (pvandommelen)
bug #59727 [HttpClient] Fix activity tracking leading to negative timeout errors (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59728 [Form][FrameworkBundle] Use auto-configuration to make the default CSRF token id apply only to the app; not to bundles (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59262 [DependencyInjection] Fix env default processor with scalar node (tBibaut)
bug #59699 [Serializer] Handle default context in named Serializer (HypeMC)
bug #59640 [Security] Return null instead of empty username to fix deprecation notice (phasdev)
bug #59661 [Lock] Fix Predis error handling (HypeMC)
bug #59596 [Mime] use
method to ensure we can avoid rendering an email twice (walva) -
bug #59689 [HttpClient] Fix buffering AsyncResponse with no passthru (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59654 [HttpClient] Fix uploading files > 2GB (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59648 [HttpClient] Fix retrying requests with
and NTLM connections (nicolas-grekas, ajgarlag) -
bug #59681 [TypeInfo] Fix promoted property phpdoc reading (mtarld)
7.2.3 (2025-01-29)
bug #58889 [Serializer] Handle default context in Serializer (Valmonzo)
bug #59631 [HttpClient] Fix processing a NativeResponse after its client has been reset (Jean-Beru)
bug #59590 [Security] Throw an explicit error when refreshing a token with a null user (alexandre-daubois)
bug #59625 [FrameworkBundle] Add missing
entry in XSD (alexandre-daubois) -
bug #59610 [Mailer] Ensure TransportExceptionInterface populates stream debug data (bytestream)
bug #59598 [Mime] Fix body validity check in
when usingMessage::setBody()
(alexandre-daubois) -
bug #59513 [Messenger ] Extract retry delay from nested
(AydinHassan) -
bug #59544 [AssetMapper] Fix CssCompiler matches url in comments (smnandre)
bug #59575 [DoctrineBridge] Add support for doctrine/persistence 4 (greg0ire)
bug #59611 [Mailer][Notifier] Fix channel parameter value to fixed value for Mailer and Notifier Sweego Transports (welcoMattic)
bug #59399 [DomCrawler] Make
for unchecked disabled checkboxes (MatTheCat) -
bug #59581 [Cache] Don't clear system caches on
(nicolas-grekas) -
bug #59579 [FrameworkBundle] Fix patching refs to the tmp warmup dir in files generated by optional cache warmers (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59580 [Config] Add missing
flags when creating.meta.json
files (nicolas-grekas) -
bug #57459 [PropertyInfo] convert legacy types to TypeInfo types if getType() is not implemented (xabbuh)
bug #59525 [HtmlSanitizer] Fix access to undefined keys in UrlSanitizer (Antoine Beyet)
bug #59538 [VarDumper] fix dumped markup (xabbuh)
bug #59508 [Messenger] [AMQP] Improve AMQP connection issues (AurelienPillevesse)
bug #59501 [Serializer] [ObjectNormalizer] Filter int when using FILTER_BOOL (DjordyKoert)
bug #59515 [FrameworkBundle] Fix wiring ConsoleProfilerListener (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59136 [DependencyInjection] Reset env vars with
(faizanakram99) -
bug #59488 [Lock] Make sure RedisStore will also support Valkey (PatNowak)
bug #59486 [Validator] Update sr_Cyrl 120:This value is not a valid slug. (kaznovac)
bug #59403 [FrameworkBundle][HttpFoundation] Reset Request's formats using the service resetter (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59404 [Mailer] Fix SMTP stream EOF handling on Windows by using feof() (skmedix)
bug #59390 [VarDumper] Fix blank strings display (MatTheCat)
bug #59446 [Routing] Fix configuring a single route's hosts (MatTheCat)
bug #58901 [HttpClient] Ignore RuntimeExceptions thrown when rewinding the PSR-7 created in HttplugWaitLoop::createPsr7Response (KurtThiemann)
bug #59046 [HttpClient] Fix Undefined array key
(PhilETaylor) -
bug #59055 [HttpFoundation] Fixed
exception when using IPv6 link-local addresses with RFC4007 scoping (jbtronics) -
bug #59256 [Mailer] Fix Sendmail memory leak (rch7)
bug #59375 [RemoteEvent][Webhook] fix SendgridPayloadConverter category support (ericabouaf)
bug #59367 [PropertyInfo] Make sure that SerializerExtractor returns null for invalid class metadata (wuchen90)
bug #59376 [RemoteEvent][Webhook] Fix
(ericabouaf) -
bug #59381 [Yaml] fix inline notation with inline comment (alexpott)
bug #59352 [Messenger] Fix
not always added (HypeMC) -
bug #59185 [DoctrineBridge] Fix compatibility to Doctrine persistence 2.5 in Doctrine Bridge 6.4 to avoid Projects stuck on 6.3 (alexander-schranz)
bug #59245 [PropertyInfo] Fix add missing composer conflict (mtarld)
bug #59292 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix event delegation on links inside toggles (MatTheCat)
bug #59362 [Doctrine][Messenger] Prevents multiple TransportMessageIdStamp being stored in envelope (rtreffler)
bug #59323 [Serializer] Fix exception thrown by
(VincentLanglet) -
bug #59293 [AssetMapper] Fix JavaScript compiler creates self-referencing imports (smnandre)
bug #59296 [Form] do not render hidden CSRF token forms with autocomplete set to off (xabbuh)
bug #59349 [Yaml] reject inline notations followed by invalid content (xabbuh)
bug #59229 [WebProfilerBundle] fix loading of toolbar stylesheet (alexislefebvre)
bug #59363 [VarDumper] Fix displaying closure's "this" from anonymous classes (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59364 [ErrorHandler] Don't trigger "internal" deprecations for anonymous LazyClosure instances (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59221 [PropertyAccess] Fix compatibility with PHP 8.4 asymmetric visibility (Florian-Merle)
bug #59348 [Lock] Fix predis command error checking (dciprian-petrisor)
bug #59357 [HttpKernel] Don't override existing
autowiring alias inLoggerPass
(nicolas-grekas) -
bug #59347 [Security] Fix triggering session tracking from ContextListener (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59146 [Security] Use the session only if it is started when using
(Thibault G) -
bug #59188 [HttpClient] Fix
not called on decorated clients (HypeMC) -
bug #59339 [SecurityBundle] Remove outdated guard from security xsd schema (chalasr)
bug #59343 [Security] Adjust parameter order in exception message (Link1515)
bug #59342 [SecurityBundle] Do not pass traceable authenticators to
(MatTheCat) -
bug #59320 [HttpClient] fix amphp http client v5 unix socket (praswicaksono)
bug #59312 [Yaml] Fix parsing of unquoted strings in Parser::lexUnquotedString() to ignore spaces (Link1515)
bug #59334 [ErrorHandler] [A11y] Simple proposal for color updates on error stack traces against colorblindness (DocFX)
7.2.2 (2024-12-31)
bug #59304 [PropertyInfo] Remove
(Dario Guarracino) -
bug #59252 [Stopwatch] bug #54854 undefined key error when trying to fetch a mis… (Alex Niedre)
bug #59278 [SecurityBundle] Do not replace authenticators service by their traceable version (MatTheCat)
bug #59228 [HttpFoundation] Avoid mime type guess with temp files in
(alexandre-daubois) -
bug #59318 [Finder] Fix using
as default operator inDateComparator
(MatTheCat) -
bug #59321 [HtmlSanitizer] reject URLs containing whitespaces (xabbuh)
bug #59310 [Validator] the "max" option can be zero (xabbuh)
bug #59271 [TypeInfo] Fix PHPDoc resolving of union with mixed (mtarld)
bug #59269 [Security/Csrf] Trust "Referer" at the same level as "Origin" (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59250 [HttpClient] Fix a typo in NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient (Jontsa)
bug #59103 [Messenger] ensure exception on rollback does not hide previous exception (nikophil)
bug #59226 [FrameworkBundle] require the writer to implement getFormats() in the translation:extract (xabbuh)
bug #59213 [FrameworkBundle] don't require fake notifier transports to be installed as non-dev dependencies (xabbuh)
bug #59113 [FrameworkBundle][Translation] fix translation lint compatibility with the
(xabbuh) -
bug #59060 [Validator] set the violation path only if the
option is set (xabbuh) -
bug #59066 Fix resolve enum in string type resolver (DavidBadura)
bug #59156 [PropertyInfo] Fix interface handling in PhpStanTypeHelper (mtarld)
bug #59160 [BeanstalkMessenger] Round delay to an integer to avoid deprecation warning (plantas)
bug #59012 [PropertyInfo] Fix interface handling in
(janedbal) -
bug #59134 [HttpKernel] Denormalize request data using the csv format when using "#[MapQueryString]" or "#[MapRequestPayload]" (except for content data) (ovidiuenache)
bug #59140 [WebProfilerBundle] fix: white-space in highlighted code (chr-hertel)
7.2.1 (2024-12-11)
bug #59145 [TypeInfo] Make
method no-op on every nullable type (mtarld) -
bug #59122 [Notifier] fix desktop channel bus abstract arg (raphael-geffroy)
bug #59124 [FrameworkBundle] fix: notifier push channel bus abstract arg (raphael-geffroy)
bug #59069 [Console] Fix division by 0 error (Rindula)
bug #59086 [FrameworkBundle] Make uri_signer lazy and improve error when kernel.secret is empty (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59099 [sendgrid-mailer] Fix null check on region (AUDUL)
bug #59070 [PropertyInfo] evaluate access flags for properties with asymmetric visibility (xabbuh)
bug #59062 [HttpClient] Always set CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST to the correct HTTP method in CurlHttpClient (KurtThiemann)
bug #59059 [TwigBridge] generate conflict-free variable names (xabbuh)
7.2.0 (2024-11-29)
bug #59023 [HttpClient] Fix streaming and redirecting with NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient (nicolas-grekas)
bug #59014 [Form] Allow integer for the
option ofDateType
(alexandre-daubois) -
bug #59013 [HttpClient] Fix checking for private IPs before connecting (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58562 [HttpClient] Close gracefull when the server closes the connection abruptly (discordier)
bug #59007 [Dotenv] read runtime config from composer.json in debug dotenv command (xabbuh)
bug #58963 [PropertyInfo] Fix write visibility for Asymmetric Visibility and Virtual Properties (xabbuh, pan93412)
bug #58983 [Translation] [Bridge][Lokalise] Fix empty keys array in PUT, DELETE requests causing Lokalise API error (DominicLuidold)
bug #58956 [DoctrineBridge] Fix
for Doctrine DBAL v2 (neodevcode) -
bug #58959 [PropertyInfo] consider write property visibility to decide whether a property is writable (xabbuh)
bug #58964 [TwigBridge] do not add child nodes to EmptyNode instances (xabbuh)
bug #58950 [FrameworkBundle] Revert " Deprecate making
adapter taggable" (keulinho) -
bug #58952 [Cache] silence warnings issued by Redis Sentinel on connection issues (xabbuh)
bug #58953 [HttpClient] Fix computing stats for PUSH with Amp (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58943 [FrameworkBundle] Revert " Don't auto-register form/csrf when the corresponding components are not installed" (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58937 [FrameworkBundle] Don't auto-register form/csrf when the corresponding components are not installed (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58859 [AssetMapper] ignore missing directory in
(alexislefebvre) -
bug #58917 [OptionsResolver] Allow Union/Intersection Types in Resolved Closures (zanbaldwin)
bug #58822 [DependencyInjection] Fix checking for interfaces in ContainerBuilder::getReflectionClass() (donquixote)
bug #58865 Dynamically fix compatibility with doctrine/data-fixtures v2 (greg0ire)
bug #58921 [HttpKernel] Ensure
does not throw exception (lyrixx) -
bug #58908 [DoctrineBridge] don't call
with scalar values (xabbuh) -
bug #58938 [Cache] make RelayProxyTrait compatible with relay extension 0.9.0 (xabbuh)
bug #58924 [HttpClient] Fix empty hosts in option "resolve" (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58915 [HttpClient] Fix option "resolve" with IPv6 addresses (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58919 [WebProfilerBundle] Twig deprecations (mazodude)
bug #58914 [HttpClient] Fix option "bindto" with IPv6 addresses (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58888 [Mailer][Notifier] Sweego is backing their bridges, thanks to them! (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58885 [PropertyInfo][Serializer][TypeInfo][Validator] TypeInfo 7.1 compatibility (mtarld)
bug #58870 [Serializer][Validator] prevent failures around not existing TypeInfo classes (xabbuh)
bug #58872 [PropertyInfo][Serializer][Validator] TypeInfo 7.2 compatibility (mtarld)
bug #58875 [HttpClient] Removed body size limit (Carl Julian Sauter)
bug #58866 [Validator] fix compatibility with PHP < 8.2.4 (xabbuh)
bug #58862 [Notifier] Fix GoIpTransport (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58860 [HttpClient] Fix catching some invalid Location headers (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58834 [FrameworkBundle] ensure
parameter is always set (xabbuh) -
bug #58836 Work around
bug (bis) (nicolas-grekas) -
bug #58818 [Messenger] silence PHP warnings issued by
(xabbuh) -
bug #58828 [PhpUnitBridge] fix dumping tests to skip with data providers (xabbuh)
bug #58842 [Routing] Fix: lost priority when defining hosts in configuration (BeBlood)
bug #58850 [HttpClient] fix PHP 7.2 compatibility (xabbuh)
7.2.0-RC1 (2024-11-13)
feature #58852 [TypeInfo] Remove
tag (mtarld) -
feature #57630 [TypeInfo] Redesign Type methods and nullability (mtarld)
security #cve-2024-50342 [HttpClient] Resolve hostnames in NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient (nicolas-grekas)
security #cve-2024-51996 [Security] Check owner of persisted remember-me cookie (jderusse)
bug #58799 [String] Fix some spellings in
(alexandre-daubois) -
bug #58823 [TwigBridge] Fix emojify as function in Undefined Handler (smnandre)
bug #56868 [Serializer] fixed object normalizer for a class with
method (er1z) -
feature #58483 [Messenger] Extend SQS visibility timeout for messages that are still being processed (valtzu)
bug #58601 [RateLimiter] Fix bucket size reduced when previously created with bigger size (Orkin)
bug #58659 [AssetMapper] Fix
regex for non-latin characters (GregRbs92) -
bug #58658 [Twitter][Notifier] Fix post INIT upload (matyo91)
bug #58705 [Serializer] Revert Default groups (mtarld)
bug #58763 [Messenger][RateLimiter] fix additional message handled when using a rate limiter (Jean-Beru)
bug #58791 [RateLimiter] handle error results of DateTime::modify() (xabbuh)
bug #58804 [Serializer][TypeInfo] fix support for phpstan/phpdoc-parser 2 (xabbuh)
bug #58800 [PropertyInfo] fix support for phpstan/phpdoc-parser 2 (xabbuh)
7.2.0-BETA2 (2024-11-06)
bug #58776 [DependencyInjection][HttpClient][Routing] Reject URIs that contain invalid characters (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58772 [DoctrineBridge] Backport detection fix of Xml/Yaml driver in DoctrineExtension (MatTheCat)
bug #58706 [TwigBridge] use reproducible variable names in the default domain node visitor (xabbuh)
security #cve-2024-51736 [Process] Use PATH before CD to load the shell on Windows (nicolas-grekas)
security #cve-2024-50342 [HttpClient] Filter private IPs before connecting when Host == IP (nicolas-grekas)
security #cve-2024-50345 [HttpFoundation] Reject URIs that contain invalid characters (nicolas-grekas)
security #cve-2024-50340 [Runtime] Do not read from argv on non-CLI SAPIs (wouterj)
bug #58765 [VarDumper] fix detecting anonymous exception classes on Windows and PHP 7 (xabbuh)
bug #58757 [RateLimiter] Fix DateInterval normalization (danydev)
bug #58764 [Mime] Don't require passing the encoder name to
(javiereguiluz) -
bug #58712 [HttpFoundation] Fix support for
(elementaire) -
bug #58762 [WebProfilerBundle] re-add missing profiler shortcuts on profiler homepage (xabbuh)
bug #58754 [Security] Store original token in token storage when implicitly exiting impersonation (wouterj)
bug #58753 [Cache] Fix clear() when using Predis (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58713 [Config] Handle Phar absolute path in
(alexandre-daubois) -
bug #58728 [WebProfilerBundle] Re-add missing Profiler shortcuts on Profiler homepage (welcoMattic)
bug #58739 [WebProfilerBoundle] form data collector check passed and resolved options are defined (vltrof)
bug #58752 [Process] Fix escaping /X arguments on Windows (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58735 [Process] Return built-in cmd.exe commands directly in ExecutableFinder (Seldaek)
bug #58723 [Process] Properly deal with not-found executables on Windows (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58711 [Process] Fix handling empty path found in the PATH env var with ExecutableFinder (nicolas-grekas)
bug #58704 [HttpClient] fix for HttpClientDataCollector fails if proc_open is disabled via php.ini (ZaneCEO)
bug #58703 [TwigBridge] Use INTERNAL_VAR_NAME instead of getVarName (pan93412)
7.2.0-BETA1 (2024-10-27)
feature #58467 [PhpUnitBridge] support
with PHPUnit 10+ (xabbuh) -
feature #58506 [FrameworkBundle] Add
option totranslation:extract
command (jawira) -
feature #58428 [Config] Add
(raffaelecarelle) -
feature #58322 [Notifier] Add Sweego bridge (welcoMattic)
feature #58527 [Notifier] Add LINE Bot bridge (pan93412)
feature #58552 [Console][Messenger] Add
methods (valtzu) -
feature #51041 [Form] Use
(HeahDude) -
feature #58287 [WebProfilerBundle] Render the toolbar stylesheet (smnandre)
feature #58512 [Validator] Pass context to expressions used in
constraints (KoNekoD) -
feature #52503 [DoctrineBridge][Form] Introducing new
class andchoice_lazy
option forChoiceType
(yceruto) -
feature #58109 [Lock] Add
(xabbuh) -
feature #58490 [Config] Allow using
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58095 [Security] Implement stateless headers/cookies-based CSRF protection (nicolas-grekas)
feature #53508 [Console][Messenger] Asynchronously notify transports which messages are still being processed (HypeMC)
feature #57829 [FrameworkBundle] Finetune
(JoppeDC) -
feature #58264 [Mailer] Support region in sendgrid bridge (MrYamous)
feature #50324 [Webhook] Add Mailchimp webhook (johanadivare)
feature #58361 [Mailer][Mime] Support unicode email addresses (arnt, OskarStark)
feature #53533 [Console] Add ability to schedule alarm signals and a
(HypeMC) -
feature #54664 [DependencyInjection] Resolve container parameter used in index attribute of service tags (Marvin Feldmann)
feature #57576 [Console] Add finished indicator to
(LauLaman) -
feature #58448 [TwigBridge] Update main.css email stylesheet to latest foundation-emails release (phasdev)
feature #58408 [Translation] Allow sort when extracting translation files (danut007ro)
feature #58427 [Notifier] [GatewayAPI] Add support for label parameter (Nico Hiort af Ornäs)
feature #58341 [ExpressionLanguage] Add support for logical
operator (HypeMC) -
feature #58385 [String] Add the
method (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58403 [Mailer][Webhook] Mailtrap webhook support (kbond)
feature #58351 [Mailer] deprecate the TransportFactoryTestCase (xabbuh)
feature #58401 [Mailer][Webhook] Fix SendGrid Webhook parsing (kbond)
feature #58366 [HttpKernel] Improve accessibility (javiereguiluz)
feature #58352 [Translation] deprecate the ProviderFactoryTestCase (xabbuh)
feature #58248 [Webhook] Allow request parsers to return multiple
's (kbond) -
feature #58308 [Serializer] Deprecate
(mtarld) -
feature #58335 [Notifier] deprecate the TransportFactoryTestCase (xabbuh)
feature #57270 [Messenger] Allow to skip message in
(Thibaut Chieux) -
feature #58141 [AssetMapper] Search & filter assets in
command (smnandre) -
feature #58386 [WebProfilerBundle] Update the contents of the Config panel (javiereguiluz)
feature #58161 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Add support for
env vars (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #53632 [Console] Add silent verbosity suppressing all output, including errors (wouterj)
feature #56823 [Serializer] Introduce named serializers (HypeMC)
feature #57611 [DependencyInjection][FrameworkBundle] Introducing container non-empty parameters (yceruto)
feature #58249 [FrameworkBundle] Add ability to use existing service as lock/semaphore resource (HypeMC)
feature #58166 [Security][SecurityBundle] Allow passing attributes to passport via
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58205 [Translation] Added segment-attributes metadata for Xliff2 files to preserve the "state" attribute of translations (jbtronics)
feature #58228 [String] Add Spanish inflector with some rules (dennistobar)
feature #58252 [Mailer] add Mailtrap bridge (kbond)
feature #57805 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate
config options (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58199 [FrameworkBundle] Add
option tolint:container
command (ostrolucky) -
feature #58244 [HttpFoundation] Deprecate more options in
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58246 [Serializer][Uid] Add the
constants (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58258 [Process] Add Laravel Herd php detection path (mpociot)
feature #58182 make test case classes compatible with PHPUnit 10+ (xabbuh)
feature #58165 [FrameworkBundle] Remove default value for
config option (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #58154 [HttpFoundation] Add
as a shortcut for private IP address ranges toRequest::setTrustedProxies()
(nicolas-grekas) -
feature #58145 allow Twig 4 (xabbuh)
feature #58072 [Translation] [Loco] Ability to configure value of
query-variable (mathielen) -
feature #57793 [Serializer] Support subclasses of
(amcsi) -
feature #58042 [Ldap] Add support for sasl_bind and whoami LDAP operations (manu0401)
feature #58074 [Console][Process] Add
argument tomustRun
helper method (willrowe) -
feature #58129 [VarExporter] Allow reinitializing lazy objects with a new initializer (nicolas-grekas)
feature #57683 [Notifier] Support for desktop notifications via
(ahmedghanem00) -
feature #58035 [DependencyInjection] Add support for
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58047 [Webhook] Pass original request to
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58052 [ExpressionLanguage] Add support for
, and~
bitwise operators (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58062 [Validator] Add $groups and $payload to Compound constructor (derrabus)
feature #58038 [HttpFoundation] Add optional
parameters toIpUtils::anonymize()
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #58060 [Serializer] Add SnakeCaseToCamelCaseNameConverter (dunglas)
feature #49547 [Validator] Add
to ease testing Compound Constraints (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57833 [VarDumper] Add support for virtual properties (alexandre-daubois)
feature #57960 [Form] Add support for the
option inDateType
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #52951 [Messenger] Add previous to the exception output (ToshY)
feature #54179 [HttpClient] Add support for amphp/http-client v5 (nicolas-grekas)
feature #57577 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Let
consider mapped argument type (unixslayer) -
feature #58001 [Scheduler] Add capability to skip missed periodic tasks, only the last schedule will be called (eltharin)
feature #57827 [Serializer][Translation] Deprecate passing a non-empty CSV escape char (alexandre-daubois)
feature #58007 [Security] Deprecate empty user identifier (ajgarlag)
feature #57431 [Mailer] Add Sweego bridge (welcoMattic)
feature #58028 [TwigBridge] Render a
via the#[Template]
attribute (smnandre) -
feature #58004 [DependencyInjection] Add
shortcut method (HypeMC) -
feature #57881 [Webhook] decouple the Webhook component from the Serializer component (xabbuh)
feature #57804 [FrameworkBundle] enable detailed error messages by default when debug enabled (xabbuh)
feature #57777 [VarDumper] Add support for
environment variable (artshade) -
feature #57915 [Messenger] Allow setting retry delay by RecoverableExceptionInterface (valtzu)
feature #57927 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate making
adapter taggable (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57935 [DoctrineBridge] Loosened CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept ReadableCollection (timdev)
feature #57940 [Uid] Add support for binary, base-32 and base-58 representations in
(alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57908 [Validator] Add
constraint (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57934 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate
tag, use!tagged_iterator
instead (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57903 [Mailer] Implement Postal mailer (jonasclaes)
feature #57938 [Validator] Add support for RFC4122 format in the
constraint (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57879 [AssetMapper] Truncate public digests to 8 characters (smnandre)
feature #57909 [HttpFoundation] Add
parameter toRequestStack
constructor (alexander-schranz) -
feature #57839 [Form] Deprecate VersionAwareTest trait (derrabus)
feature #57836 [Cache] Add optional ClockInterface to ArrayAdapter (jasiolpn)
feature #54593 [PhpUnitBridge] Add
(derrabus) -
feature #57525 [SecurityBundle] Improve profiler’s authenticators tab (MatTheCat)
feature #57618 [TypeInfo] Add
(mtarld) -
feature #57702 [Cache] Stop defaulting to
(Martijn Croonen) -
feature #57773 [Security] pass the current token to the
method of user checkers (xabbuh) -
feature #57797 [FrameworkBundle] terminate with non-zero exit code when a secret could not be read (xabbuh)
feature #57716 [Validator] Add the
constraint (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57694 [SecurityBundle] Update web-token/jwt-library version and adjust checker parameters (Spomky)
feature #57692 [SecurityBundle] Link to the profile the token was (de)authenticated (MatTheCat)
feature #57685 [ExpressionLanguage] Allow passing any iterable as
list (HypeMC) -
feature #57670 [FrameworkBundle] Add
option tosecrets:decrypt-to-local
command (dciprian-petrisor) -
feature #57671 [Messenger] Let WrappedExceptionsInterface extend the native Throwable interface (xabbuh)
feature #57658 [Notifier] Remove the Gitter bridge (fabpot)
feature #57627 [Notifier] Add Sipgate bridge (Lukas Kaltenbach, sakul95)
feature #57243 [String] Add
mode totruncate
methods (Korbeil) -
feature #57456 [Mailer] Add mailomat bridge (scuben)
feature #57399 [HtmlSanitizer] Add support for configuring the default action (Seldaek)
feature #57595 [Yaml] Deprecate duplicate mapping keys containing null (xabbuh)
feature #57507 [Messenger] Introduce
attribute for message routing (pounard) -
feature #57518 Unify how --format is handled by commands (fabpot)
feature #57379 [DependencyInjection] Add
attribute (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #54978 [ExpressionLanguage] Add comment support to expression language (valtzu)
feature #57438 [Validator] Add the
option to theUlid
constraint to allow accepting different ULID formats (alexandre-daubois) -
feature #57426 [Messenger] Add
option to themessenger:stats
command (xvilo) -
feature #57369 [Security] Display authenticators in the profiler even if they are all skipped (MatTheCat)
feature #57425 [SecurityBundle] Improve profiler’s data (MatTheCat)
feature #57436 [Validator] Add
to Unique constraint (norkunas) -
feature #57408 [FrameworkBundle] Simpler Kernel setup with
(yceruto) -
feature #57424 [Mailer] [Infobip] Add trackClicks, trackOpens and trackingUrl as supp… (ndousson)
feature #57380 [Validator] fix IBAN validator fails if IBAN contains non-breaking space (antten)
feature #53749 [Validator] Add
constraint for validating YAML content (symfonyaml) -
feature #57313 [Uid] Make
if available (jahudka) -
feature #52679 [Process]
has no effect (TravisCarden) -
feature #54879 BicValidator add strict mode to validate bics in strict mode (maxbeckers)
feature #54679 [TypeInfo] Proxies methods to non-nullable and fail gracefully (mtarld)
feature #54737 [Notifier] [Slack] Add button block element and
options to section block (cvergne) -
feature #54757 [ExpressionLanguage] Support non-existent names when followed by null coalescing (adamkiss)
feature #54747 [Notifier] Add Primotexto bridge (Samael tomas)
feature #54975 [Mime] Support custom encoders in mime parts (KDederichs)
feature #54894 [PropertyInfo] Adds static cache to
(mvhirsch) -
feature #57101 [Translation] Add
command (Kocal) -
feature #56985 [FrameworkBundle] Derivate
from the decryption secret when its env var is not defined (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #57073 [AssetMapper][FrameworkBundle] Do not require
service (ruudk) -
feature #54678 [FrameworkBundle] Add support for setting
(HypeMC) -
feature #54756 [Notifier] [Bluesky] Allow to attach image (jdecool)
feature #54854 [Stopwatch] Add
constant to make it easier to reference (hacfi) -
feature #54855 [Stopwatch] Add
method toStopwatchEvent
(hacfi) -
feature #56838 [Security] Deprecate argument $secret of RememberMeToken and RememberMeAuthenticator (nicolas-grekas)
feature #54881 [Validator] Make
public (yalit)