An implementation of the generalized scattering transform in Julia. Documentation in progress.
Basic installation: at the moment, this is not an official package. Because of this, to install it, you must first clone it, then make it accessible to your project.
This uses Wai Ho Chak's rotated_monogenic.jl
package that can be found here, and added via Pkg.develop("")
In 0.7 onwards, use either Pkg.add("")
, Pkg.develop("")
, or ] add
in a REPL. Then from a Repl
(v0.7) pkg> activate .
(ScatteringTransform) pkg> instantiate
either way, make sure you don't have more than a single thread when building by
before calling
This implementation works strictly on 1 dimensional data and uses Morlet waveletsby default. If you supply data that has more dimensions, it will transform along the last dimension. For more detailed description, see the documentation (docs/basicUsage.jl)