Follow the instructions here
The recommended path from the Tesseract devs is using cmake. However, we have found that differences between the compiler tools that ship with Rtools can cause issues. MinGW is out-of-date, so our recommended approach for Windows is using MSYS2.
MSYS2 ported the pacman
package manager from Arch Linux, which has a simple syntax for searching for and installing packages.
Install MSYS2 from here and follow their getting started steps.
Install the development tools needed to build software from source by running:
pacman -S base-devel
- Install leptonica
pacman -S leptonica
- Update the pkg-config search path
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/mingw64/lib/pkgconfig/
Using the PKGBUILD file, issue the following command to build Tesseract
makepkg -sri
Dependencies should be automatically installed from the makepkg
In case they are not, they can be manually installed using pacman.
In MSYS2, the dependencies include a prefix string that makes the package name difficult to guess.
Additionally, some packages are named slightly different from their Linux versions.
To find the name of the dependency so you can install using the pacman
command, search for it using regex:
pacman -Ss <regex>
- By default, the packages installed with pacman for MinGW are under /mingw64/bin which is not in the path. You need to add these to the path with:
export PATH=$PATH:/mingw64/bin
I generally followed the instructions here:
With one modification - the correct command for building tesseract is:
cmake .. -DLeptonica_DIR=/path/to/lept/build/bin