A web service where biography information can be created, read and updated by authenticated users. This service is vulnerable to SQL injection.
To package this project into a runnable jar, run:
./gradlew bootJar
which will generate the jar in build/libs
which you can simply execute by running:
java -jar build/libs/unguard.profile-service-{{VERSION}}.jar
When running like this, don't forget to manually set the environment variables, see below for default values.
Running the application should start a webserver accessible on localhost:8080
To get the bio of a specific user, enter the url localhost:8080/user/{id}/bio,
remember to replace {id}
with the actual user id.
You can also post a bio by sending a POST request to the same url as above. The request body could look like this:
"bioText": "test"
If you want to access the database directly, the H2 console is available on localhost:8080/h2-console. When logging in, use the same values as the ones of the environment variables listed below.
Name | Default Value | Description |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL | jdbc:h2:file:./database/bio | Location of the H2 database (memory/file) |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME | sa | Database username |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD | password | Database password |