All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
0.2.0 - 2016-07-30
- Examples of Clojure in Spanish, Logo in Thamil
- Using reader conditionals instead of cljx (for compiling common Clojure code to Java and JS targets)
- JS examples
0.1.2 - 2015-02-19
- Generative testing for font conversion functions
- Java examples using clj-thamil jar artifact
- Doc for clj-thamil and Java examples
- Font conversion information represented as map instead of seq
- தமிழ்->romanized transliteration for certain consonant clusters
- Test file namespace name
- Cljx configs for dirs for source and target for clj, cljs
0.1.1 - 2015-02-04
- 'Translations' of Clojure core library form names via a couple of maps and handful of macros
- Trie functions (create, get-in)
- Function using a trie to extract/convert a string into its elements
- Fns to split a string into a sequence of Thamil letters/phonemes
- Fn to create a Thamil string from a sequence of phonemes
- Sorting fns and comparators for single- and multi-letter Thamil strings
- Seq fns generalized from string functions (index-of, prefix)
- Function to adjust the cursor position in Thamil text
- Functions written in Thamil to perform Thamil grammatical operations
- Pluralize, add suffixes generally, add noun case suffixes
- Letter frequency analysis and result output functions
- Functions to convert between old Thamil font character sets and Unicode
- Using cljx to be forward-compatible with compilation to JS via ClojureScript
- Configs for deploying GPG-signed releases to Clojars