pets - configuration management system for pets, not cattle
- -conf-dir=DIR
Read pets configuration from DIR.
- -debug
Show debugging output.
- -dry-run
Only show changes without applying them.
A pets configuration file setting up a minimal vimrc for root:
# pets: destfile=/root/.vimrc # pets: package=vim syntax on set background=light
Configuration directives are passed as key/value arguments, either on multiple lines or separated by commas. The full list of supported directives is:
destfile — where to install this file. One of either destfile or symlink must be specified.
symlink — create a symbolic link to this file, instead of copying it like destfile would.
owner — the file owner, passed to chown(1)
group — the group this file belongs to, passed to chgrp(1)
mode — octal mode for chmod(1)
package — which package to install before creating the file. This directive can be specificed more than once to install multiple packages.
pre — validation command. This must succeed for the file to be created / updated.
post — apply command. Usually something like reloading a service.
- 0
Success. Everything went according to the plan.
- 1
Failure. An important error occurred.
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