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API and customizations

Emanuele Manzione edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 24 revisions

Use your own downloader

You can implement your own downloader for your Launcher, if needed. Just implement IDownloader interface in your own class as following:

public sealed class MyDownloader : MHLab.Patch.Core.Client.IO.IDownloader
    // The code to implement IDownloader

then inject it into the Updater/Repairer/PatcherUpdater:

// This is taken from Launcher.cs, Initialize method.
_updater = new Updater(_context);
_updater.Downloader = new MyDownloader();
_updater.Downloader.DownloadComplete += DownloadComplete;
_updater.Downloader.ProgressChanged += DownloadProgressChanged;

Use your own logger

You can implement your own logger for your Launcher, if needed. Just implement ILogger interface in your own class as following:

public sealed class MyLogger : MHLab.Patch.Core.Loggers.ILogger
    // The code to implement ILogger

then inject it into the UpdatingContext:

// This is taken from Launcher.cs, Initialize method.
_context = new UpdatingContext(settings, progress);
_context.Logger = new MyLogger();

Checking if an update is available

Normally the Launcher sample script automatically starts the updating process, but for your convenience (and for customization purposes) some methods are exposed.

var repairer = new Repairer(_context);
// It will return true if a repair is needed
var updater = new Updater(_context);
// It will return true if a patch is available

Also, the UpdatingContext has the IsDirty property: you can check if it is set on true. If it is, a restart is recommended.


If you call those methods before the UpdatingContext's Initialize, you will get an exception.

Update steps

You can queue your custom update steps in the PATCH's updating pipeline. The UpdatingContext exposes the RegisterUpdateStep method. It accepts an IUpdater (PatchUpdater, Repairer and Updater are all IUpdater and are all queued in the updating pipeline).

public sealed class MyUpdaterStep : IUpdater
   // The code to implement IUpdater

_context.RegisterUpdaterStep(new MyUpdaterStep());

You can find the sample usage in Launcher.cs and LauncherUpdater.cs, in Initialize method.

Remember that the order matters when you register an IUpdater: it is the same order they will execute. All steps are executed when you call _context.Update().

You can also register to the PerformedStep event on _context.Runner.PerformedStep. It is executed every time a step in the pipeline completes.