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Filesystem Guide

Emscripten allows you to set up a virtual filesystem that points to preloaded data or lazy-loaded URLs, as well as virtual devices that can read and write data. Note that all the configuration should be done before the main run() method is executed.

For examples of using the filesystem API, see the automatic tests in tests/ Search for FS. for find relevant tests, for example test_files. For specific examples of how to embed files that can be read from compiled C/C++, see for example the OpenJPEG test.

Setting up standard I/O devices

Emscripten standard I/O works by going though the virtual /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr devices. You can set them up using your own I/O functions by calling FS.init(input_callback, output_callback, error_callback) (all arguments optional).

  • The input callback will be called with no parameters whenever the program attempts to read from stdin. It should return an ASCII character code when data is available, or null when it isn't.
  • The output callback will be called with an ASCII character code whenever the program writes to stdout. It may also be called with null to flush the output.
  • The error callback is similar to the output one, except it is called when data is written to stderr.

If any of the callbacks throws an exception, it will be caught and handled as if the device malfunctioned.

By default:

  • stdin will read from the terminal in command line engines and use window.prompt() in browsers (in both cases, with line buffering).
  • stdout will use a print function if one such is defined, printing to the terminal in command line engines and to the browser console in browsers that have a console (again, line-buffered).
  • stderr will use the same output function as stdout.

Setting up files and folders

The FS object provides several methods to create files, folders, devices and symbolic links:

  • FS.createFolder(parent, name, canRead, canWrite): Creates a single empty folder and returns a reference to it.

    • (string|object) parent: The parent folder, either as a path (e.g. '/usr/lib') or an object previously returned from a FS.createFolder() or FS.createPath() call.
    • string name: The name of the new folder.
    • bool canRead: Whether this folder should have read permissions set from the program's point of view.
    • bool canWrite: Whether this folder should have write permissions set from the program's point of view.


      var home = FS.createFolder('/', 'home', true, false);
      FS.createFolder(home, 'user', true, true);
      FS.createFolder('/home', 'other-user', false, false);
  • FS.createPath(parent, path, canRead, canWrite): Recursively creates a path and returns a reference to the innermost folder.

    • (string|object) parent: The parent folder, either as a path (e.g. '/usr/lib') or an object previously returned from a FS.createFolder() or FS.createPath() call.
    • string path: The path to the new folder. Any folders missing in this path will be created.
    • bool canRead: Whether the created folders should have read permissions set from the program's point of view.
    • bool canWrite: Whether the created folders should have write permissions set from the program's point of view.


      FS.createPath('/', 'home/user1', true, false);
      FS.createPath('/', 'home/user2/Desktop', true, false);
  • FS.createDataFile(parent, name, data, canRead, canWrite): Creates a file containing given data and returns a reference to it.

    • (string|object) parent: The parent folder, either as a path (e.g. '/usr/lib') or an object previously returned from a FS.createFolder() or FS.createPath() call.
    • string name: The name of the new file.
    • (string|array) data: The data that the new file will contain, either as a string or an array of bytes (integers in the [-128, 255] range).
    • bool canRead: Whether the file should have read permissions set from the program's point of view.
    • bool canWrite: Whether the file should have write permissions set from the program's point of view.


      FS.createDataFile('/', 'foo', 'abc', true, false);
      FS.createDataFile('/', 'bar', [1, 2, 3], true, true);
  • FS.createLazyFile(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite): Creates a file that will be loaded lazily on first access from a given URL or local filesystem path, and returns a reference to it.

    • (string|object) parent: The parent folder, either as a path (e.g. '/usr/lib') or an object previously returned from a FS.createFolder() or FS.createPath() call.
    • string name: The name of the new file.
    • string url: In the browser, this is the URL whose contents will be returned when this file is accessed. In a command line engine, this will be the local (real) filesystem path from where the contents will be loaded. Note that writes to this file are virtual.
    • bool canRead: Whether the file should have read permissions set from the program's point of view.
    • bool canWrite: Whether the file should have write permissions set from the program's point of view.


      FS.createLazyFile('/', 'foo', 'other/page.htm', true, false);
      FS.createLazyFile('/', 'bar', '/get_file.php?name=baz', true, true);
  • FS.createLink(parent, name, target, canRead, canWrite): Creates a symbolic link and returns a reference to it.

    • (string|object) parent: The parent folder, either as a path (e.g. '/usr/lib') or an object previously returned from a FS.createFolder() or FS.createPath() call.
    • string name: The name of the link.
    • string target: The target of the link, a relative or absolute path. The path does not need to exist at the time the link is created.
    • bool canRead: Whether the link should have read permissions set from the program's point of view.
    • bool canWrite: Whether the link should have write permissions set from the program's point of view.


      FS.createLink('/bin', 'g++', 'gcc' true, true);
      FS.createLink('/home/jack', 'log', '/var/log/prog.log', true, true);
      FS.createLink('/home/jack/Desktop', 'test', '../dev/prog/', true, true);
  • FS.createDevice(parent, name, input, output): Creates a virtual device and returns a reference to it.

    • (string|object) parent: The parent folder, either as a path (e.g. '/usr/lib') or an object previously returned from a FS.createFolder() or FS.createPath() call.
    • string name: The name of the file representing the device.
    • function input: The function called when reading from the device. Should return a byte-sized integer if there's data, or null if there isn't. If output is specified, this can be null or undefined.
    • function output: The function called when writing to the device. Will be called with a byte-sizes integer to write data, or null to flush it (if flushing makes sense for the device). If input is specified, this can be null or undefined.


      FS.createDevice('/dev', 'random', function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 256); });
      FS.createDevice('/dev/snd', 'pcm', null, playSound);

Serializing and Restoring

The whole filesystem can be safely serialized and restored at any time by saving the values of FS.root and FS.nextInode, and replacing them with previously saved values, respectively. Keep in mind, however, that devices use functions, which are discarded on a normal JSON.stringify() call, so you might want to use a custom stringifier.