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<title>Left Console Panel A</title>
<!-- Test -->
<area shape="rect" coords="70,67,95,92" title="Fire & Overheat Detect Test Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>Checks continuity of both systems.</li><li>Illuminates the ENG FIRE warning light and the OVERHEAT caution light.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="103,66,131,92" title="Oxygen Quantity Indicator Test Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>OXY QTY - Drives the pointer on the Oxygen Supply Indicator to zero; as the pointer passes 0.5 liters, the OXY LOW caution light comes on.</li><li>OFF - Normal operation.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="141,67,167,92" title="Malfunction and Indicator Lights Test Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>Operates relays which test the illumination of all warning, caution, and indicator lights, the LG warning horn, and the voice message system.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="60,131,85,156" title="Probe Heat Switch" impl="The switch is operable and the caution light comes on but no tests are performed"><ul><li>PROBE HEAT - Energizes the pitot, fuselage air data, AOA, and temperature probe heaters & monitors while on the ground.</li><li>OFF - Airborne, these systems are automatically on.</li><li>TEST - PROBE HEAT caution light flashes 3-5 times per second.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="100,133,127,156" title="EPU Generator Test Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>EPU/GEN - The test switch is spring loaded to the OFF position and provides a means to test the EPU generator and EPU PMG output to Flight Control System (FLCS) on the ground without using hydrazine.</li><li>OFF - Normal operation.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="138,126,169,157" title="FLCS Power Indicator Lights" impl="yes"><ul><li>Illuminate to indicate proper power output of the Flight Control Computer (FLCC) during FLCS power tests.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="137,178,159,203" title="FLCS Power Test Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>TEST - Tests FLCC power output and EPU electrical power output.</li><li>NORM - Normal operation.</li><li>MAINT - Puts the FLCS in maintenance mode for ground tests (not implemented).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="55,29,179,268" title="Test Panel" />
<!-- Anti G -->
<area shape="rect" coords="94,375,134,415" title="Anti-G Test Button" impl="no"><ul><li>Inflates the G suit and tests the pressure-breathing system.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="55,270,179,439" title="Anti G Panel" />
<!-- Flight Control -->
<area shape="rect" coords="248,63,273,92" title="Digital Backup Switch" impl="The switch is operable and the DBU eyebrow light is illuminated but the backup software is not implemented"><ul><li>DIGITAL BACKUP - Selects backup software in the Flight Control Computer (FLCC) in the event of software failures in the primary program.</li><li>OFF - Normal operation using primary software.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="332,63,356,92" title="Alternate Flaps Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>ALT FLAPS EXTEND - TEFs are extended.</li><li>NORM - the trailing edge flaps (TEFs) are controlled by the landing gear status.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="289,130,313,160" title="Manual Terrain Following Radarly-up Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>Enables the airplane to perform an automatic 'fly-up' when manual terrain following is on and the aircraft gets too close to terrain.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="348,126,379,156" title="Run / Fail Lights" impl="yes"><ul><li>RUN - Indicates a FLCS BIT test is running.</li><li>FAIL - Indicates a test failure.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="232,195,258,224" title="Leading Edge Flaps (LEFs) Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>LE FLAPS LOCK - Manually locks the LEFs in position.</li><li>AUTO - LEFs are automatically controlled as a function of mach, altitude, and AOA.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="301,194,328,220" title="FLCS Reset Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>FLCS RESET - Performs servo or electronic reset of FLCS and it clears all warning and caution lights if successful.</li><li>OFF - Normal operation.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="368,195,394,224" title="FLCS Built-in Test (BIT) Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>BIT - On the ground, performs FLCS test which takes ~45 seconds to complete.</li><li>OFF - Normal operations.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="180,38,422,242" title="Flight Control Panel" />
<!-- Manual Trim -->
<area shape="rect" coords="208,266,276,329" title="Roll Trim Wheel and Indicator" impl="yes"><ul><li>Trims ROLL rate (levels the wings).</li><li>Indicates ROLL trim setting.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="344,263,370,292" title="Trim/Autopilot Disconnect Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>NORM - Enables the Trim switch on the HOTAS and permits autopilot engagement.</li><li>DISC - Disables the Trim switch on the HOTAS and prohibits autopilot engagement.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="222,366,257,402" title="Yaw Trim Knob" impl="yes"><ul><li>Trims YAW rate (nose left/right).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="318,317,386,404" title="Pitch Trim Wheel and Indicator" impl="yes"><ul><li>Trims PITCH rate (nose up/down).</li><li>Indicates PITCH trim setting.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="180,243,422,417" title="Manual Trim Panel" />
<!-- Fuel Control -->
<area shape="rect" coords="452,76,483,123" title="Fuel Master Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>MASTER (guarded) - Opens main fuel shutoff valve.</li><li>OFF (unguarded) - Closes main fuel shutoff valve.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="497,97,520,127" title="Tank Inerting Switch" impl="no"><ul><li>Reduces tank pressurization and allows Halon gas flow to F-1, A-1, and internal wing tanks.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="circ" coords="569,109,22" title="Engine Feed Knob" impl="yes"><ul><li>OFF - De-energizes all electric fuel pumps.</li><li>NORM - Energizes all pumps Center of Gravity (CoG) is maintained automatically.</li><li>AFT - Transfers fuel from aft tanks to engine and forward tanks (CoG moves forward).</li><li>FWD - Transfers fuel from forward tanks to engine and aft (CoG moves aft).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="613,85,636,116" title="Air Refuel Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>OPEN - Opens refueling door; places FLCS in reduced gains below 400 kts; and depressurizes external tanks.</li><li>CLOSE - Closes refueling door; returns FLCS to normal gains; and pressurizes external tanks.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="423,54,664,146" title="Fuel Control Panel" />
<!-- Auxiliary Communications -->
<area shape="circ" coords="471,200,22" title="IFF Master Knob" impl="no"><ul><li>OFF - Powered down.</li><li>STBY - Powered up, but not transmitting.</li><li>LOW/NORM - IFF recognition and reply.</li><li>EMER - Transmits an emergency-indicating pulse.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="520,175,543,203" title="Mode-4 Code Switch" impl="no"><ul><li>ZERO - Transponder code is erased.</li><li>A/B - Transponder code slot selection (A or B).</li><li>HOLD - Retain transponder code settings after flight.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="circ" coords="608,191,18" title="Communications, Navigation, and IFF (CNI) Knob" impl="yes"><ul><li>UFC - Provides for normal control of CNI using the Up Front Controls (UFC).</li><li>BACKUP - Provides for alternate operation of UHF, TACAN, and IFF (Mode 4 and EMER functions only) using the backup controls on this panel.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="449,255,473,281" title="IFF Mode 4 Reply Switch (Backup Only)" impl="no"><ul><li>A - Selects Mode 4 Code A.</li><li>B - Selects Mode 4 Code B.</li><li>OUT - Disables Mode 4 reply.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="485,255,511,280" title="IFF Mode 4 Monitor Switch (Backup Only)" impl="no"><ul><li>MONITOR AUDIO - Enables 0.5-second tone when not replying to valid M-4 interrogations.</li><li>OUT - Disables M-4 monitor function.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="520,230,607,288" title="Backup TACAN Channel Selector" impl="yes"><ul><li>The desired channel and band are set via the small bottom pushbutton levers</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="611,244,637,270" title="Backup TACAN Function Switch" impl="Only T/R and A/A TR modes are implemented"><ul><li>T/R - Interrogates and receives signals from TACAN ground stations for DME information.</li><li>A/A TR - Interrogates and receives signals from aircraft.</li><li>REC - Receive-only mode (bearing only; no distance information).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="423,147,664,305" title="Auxiliary Communications Panel" />
<!-- External Lighting Control -->
<area shape="rect" coords="456,332,482,358" title="Anti-Collision Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>Turns on the white anti-collision strobe light on top of the vertical tail.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="507,332,533,358" title="Flash/Steady Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>Controls the flash/steady state of the lights controlled by the WING/TAIL & FUSELAGE switches.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="553,339,579,366" title="Wing/Tail Switch" impl="Turns lights ON or OFF in conjunction with the FUSELAGE lights"><ul><li>BRT - Turns on the red and green wingtip and inlet lights, and the white light at trailing edge of the vertical tail.</li><li>OFF - Turns off the inlet and vertical tail lights; allows the red and green wingtip lights to be controlled by the FORM knob.</li><li>DIM - Turns all lights on dim.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="608,339,634,366" title="Fuselage Switch" impl="Turns lights ON or OFF in conjunction with the WING/TAIL lights"><ul><li>BRT - Turns the white floodlights at the base of the vertical tail on bright.</li><li>OFF - Turns off the white floodlights.</li><li>DIM - Turns them on dim.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="circ" coords="478,415,18" title="Formation Light Knob" impl="no"><ul><li>Varies the intensity of the white formation lights on top and bottom of fuselage and, when the WING/TAIL switch is OFF, varies the red and green wing-tip lights.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="531,398,555,428" title="Master Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>Enables/disables all external lighting except landing and taxi lights, which have a separate switch on the left aux console.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="circ" coords="607,415,18" title="Aerial Refueling Light Knob" impl="no"><ul><li>Varies the intensity of the aerial refueling door lights if the AIR REFUEL switch is open.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="423,306,664,446" title="External Lighting Control Panel" />