18 points are available in this module, though only 12 are needed for successful completion. This creates several "paths" through the assignment that can earn full credit. Additional points will be extra credit.
3 pts for use of GitHub
- 0pts: no repo or a repo with no unique commits
- 1pts: evidence of at least one commit. read me not updated
- 2pts: evidence of semiregular commits, read me updated only partially - either missing name of team member or failing to update the read me from the template
- 3pts: evidence of multiple commits, read me updated to reflect the repos purpose, team member name and handle included
3 pts for RMarkdown
- 0pts: no .md or plots commited. no changes evident on the Rmarkdown file or formatting in Rmarkdown incorrect (e.g. code outside code blocks, text inside code blocks, etc)
- 1pts: evidence of knitting, commiting, and pushing changes to Rmarkdown but knit to an html, pdf, doc, or other not .md output. OR knit only once and .md is totally out of sync with the .Rmd changes.
- 2pts: Synced .Rmd, .md committed, but not all plots committed and/or displaying properly. Markdown looks clean and nicely formatted OR .Rmd, .md, and plot files all committed but out of sync so newest changes and plots add to Rmd not displaying. Markdown looks otherwise clean and nicely formatted OR Synced .Rmd, .md, and all plots committed and displaying properly. Markdown has extreme errors or formatting issues that should have been caught by a cursory review before submission.
- 3pts: Synced .Rmd, .md, and plot files all committed, plots displaying properly. Markdown looks clean and nicely formatted
3 pts for GH Actions
- 0pts: not initiated, GH-Actions badge not added to the readme, GH-Actions build not passing
- 1pts: GH-Actions initiated, correct badge not added to the readme, GH-Actions build not passing
- 2pts: GH-Actions initiated, badge correctly added to read me, GH-Actions build failing OR GH-Actions initiated, badge incorrectly added to read me, GH-Actions build passing
- 3pts: GH-Actions initiated, badge correctly added to read me, GH-Actions build passing
3 pts for written analysis
- 0pts: No supporting text provided.
- 1pts: Minimal text which merely describes figures.
- 2pts: Text provides scientific analysis of observed trends and reflects on implications or hypotheses for those patterns.
- 3pts: Highly insightful analysis that goes beyond the questions provided in the template.
6 pts for tidyverse/ggplot
- 0pts no user submitted code
- 2pts provided some code attempting the exercises but was unable to successfully parse, manipulate and plot data as asked in the assignment
- 4pts successfully completed the exercises (parsing, manipulating and plotting data) but avoided or made minimal use of the tidyverse abstractions we are trying to teach
- 6pts demonstrated use of readr and ggplot commands to parse, manipulate, and plot tidy datatables
Please keep in mind this may be subject to change - especially from term to term - and represents only general categories that communicate the goals of the exercise and what we are looking for.