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VirtualFleet-Recovery logo
Virtual Fleet - Recovery is a CLI and webAPI to make predictions of Argo float positions

The goal of this repository is to provide a library to make Argo floats trajectory predictions easy, in order to facilitate recovery.
The library produces a prediction patch or cone that could be displayed on a map like here:
More about Argo floats recovery in here:

POC #1

Working design of the procedure

  1. Given a specific float cycle to predict C, we extract:

    • space/time position of the previous cycle C-1,
    • configuration parameters of the previous cycle C-1, such as parking depth, profiling depth and cycling period using the EA API (but these can be overwritten if necessary).
  2. We download the hourly CMEMS velocity fields for a large region around the previous cycle C-1 coordinates

  3. We run a VirtualFleet simulation:

    • where we use a large number of virtual floats located with a random perturbations around the float cycle C-1 position in space/time
    • for the cycle C-1 duration
  4. We compute the most probable position of the float cycle C and prediction metrics and figures.

The reason why we make random perturbations of the float cycle C-1 position is not because the float position is uncertain (with GPS it is fairly accurate most of the time), but because it is a cheap way to account for errors in the velocity field. Indeed, we assume that the phase of the velocity field used to advect floats is the primary source of uncertainties to predict the final position. We do not account for strain errors at this point.


  • Get this repository:
git clone [email protected]:euroargodev/VirtualFleet_recovery.git
  • Add the cli folder to your path, eg:
export PATH="/Users/gmaze/git/github/euroargodev/VirtualFleet_recovery/cli:$PATH"
mamba env create -f environment.yml
  • Install the experimental VirtualFleet "GulfStream" branch:
git clone --branch gulf-stream [email protected]:euroargodev/VirtualFleet.git

Command line instructions


The script allows making predictions, i.e. at this point to produce:

  • a json data files with predictions information for machine/machine applications,
  • and a few figures to indicate where the float will make surface contact and how the probability patch was created.

For a simple help, you can type: -h

To make prediction of where the 99th cycle of the 6902919 float will be, just type: 6902919 99

A few options are available:

usage: [-h] [--nfloats NFLOATS] [--output OUTPUT] [--velocity VELOCITY] [--save_figure SAVE_FIGURE] [--save_sim SAVE_SIM] [--vf VF] [--json] [--cfg_parking_depth CFG_PARKING_DEPTH] [--cfg_cycle_duration CFG_CYCLE_DURATION] wmo cyc

VirtualFleet recovery predictor

positional arguments:
  wmo                   Float WMO number
  cyc                   Cycle number to predict

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nfloats NFLOATS     Number of virtual floats used to make the prediction, default: 2000
  --output OUTPUT       Output folder, default: webAPI internal folder
  --velocity VELOCITY   Velocity field to use. Possible values are: 'ARMOR3D' (default), 'GLORYS'
  --save_figure SAVE_FIGURE
                        Should we save figure on file or not ? Default: True
  --save_sim SAVE_SIM   Should we save the simulation on file or not ? Default: False
  --vf VF               Parent folder to the VirtualFleet repository clone
  --json                Use to only return a json file and stay quiet
  --cfg_parking_depth CFG_PARKING_DEPTH
                        Virtual floats parking depth in [db], default: use previous cycle value
  --cfg_cycle_duration CFG_CYCLE_DURATION
                        Virtual floats cycle duration in [hours], default: use previous cycle value

This script can be used to make prediction of a specific float cycle position.
    This script is for testing the prediction system.
    Note that in order to download online velocity fields from '', you need to set the environment variables: MOTU_USERNAME and MOTU_PASSWORD.

(c) Argo-France/Ifremer/LOPS, 2022

So, don't forget to:

  • set the environment variables MOTU_USERNAME and MOTU_PASSWORD to be able to download the velocity field
  • use the option vf to specify where the VirtualFleet software has been cloned (this is temporary and will change once VirtualFleet will be available on Pypi).

Example 6902915 116

Below is an example of this prediction for the 99th cycle of the 6902919 float.
The really observed 99th cycle is shown at the tip of the arrow (red point) starting from the previous 98th cycle.
The VirtualFleet Recovery prediction is in the probabilistic red shading: the most probable position predicted is in the redder region. Figure

web API (highly experimental)

In order to easily use prediction results with other (web)applications, we set-up a small web API based on Flask.

Server set up

If you used the environment provided with this repo you already have Flask installed. In order to set up the (dev) server to access the VirtualFleet Recovery web API, open a terminal, navigate to the webapi folder and type:

export FLASK_DEBUG=True
export FLASK_APP=myapp
flask -A myapp run


You should know the address of the server where the Flask app is running.

Make a prediction

Method 1

Simply visit the prediction triggering form at:


Method 2

Go the full webAPI way: to make a prediction for the position of the CYC cycle from float WMO, send a POST, request to:


This will return a json file with the prediction results. Predictions are saved in cache, so that if you send a request for a prediction already computed, you will have the json results right away.

Options available :

  • velocity: to select the velocity field to use, it can be ARMOR3D (default) or GLORYS
  • nfloats: to set the number of virtual floats to use in the probabilistic prediction. The default value is 2000.
  • cfg_parking_depth: to set the parking depth, in db, of virtual floats. The default values is that of the previous cycle.
  • cfg_cycle_duration: to set the cycle duration, in hours, of virtual floats. The default values is that of the previous cycle.

Options can be used, or combined:


Visualise prediction results

We made a small webpage with figures and prediction data results. It is accessible at:

# or

Here is a screenshot: Screenshot 2022-12-06 at 16 14 17