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New validation case to reproduce Calderoni et al. (2008)
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- Input file val-filbe.i
- Debug input file val-flibe_test_BC.i
- Python script to reproduce several measurements
(Ref. idaholab#193)
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federicohattab committed Oct 16, 2024
1 parent 1fa0d61 commit b6a15dc
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Showing 3 changed files with 621 additions and 0 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions test/tests/val-flibe/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import numpy as np
import subprocess

# number of processors
n_proc = 4

filename = 'val-flibe.i'
search_strings = ["T = '${units ",'p_bnd = ',' file_base = ']
command_to_run = "mpirun -np "+str(n_proc)+" ~/projects/TMAP8/tmap8-opt -i val-flibe.i"

# Experimental data pressure and Temperature series
p_exp = np.array([1210,538,315,171,1210,538,315,1210,538,1210])
T_exp = np.array([700,700,700,700,650,650,650,600,600,550])

def run_terminal_command(command):[command], shell=True, check=True)

def substitute_row(filename, search_string, replacement):
# Read the contents of the file
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
# Search for the row and substitute it
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if search_string in line:
lines[i] = replacement + '\n' # Add a newline character for consistency
# Write the modified contents back to the file
with open(filename, 'w') as file:

# Names of output files for each case
output_fname = np.array([])
for p,T in zip(p_exp,T_exp):
output_fname = np.append(output_fname, 'val-flibe_'+str(p)+'_'+str(T))

for T,p,outName in zip(T_exp,p_exp,output_fname):
replacemens = ["T = '${units "+str(T)+" degC -> K}' # temperature", 'p_bnd = '+str(p)+' # pressure', " file_base = '"+outName+"'"]
substitute_row(filename, search_strings[0], replacemens[0])
substitute_row(filename, search_strings[1], replacemens[1])
substitute_row(filename, search_strings[2], replacemens[2])
# Run input file with new BCs
print('########## Run at',p,'Pa and',T,'degC completed. ##########')
285 changes: 285 additions & 0 deletions test/tests/val-flibe/val-flibe.i
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
endtime = 140000 # simulation end time

R = 8.31446261815324 # Gas constant (from PhysicalConstants.h -

T = '${units 550 degC -> K}' # temperature

p_bnd = 1210 # pressure

L_Ni = '${units 2 mm -> m}' # nickel thickness
L_salt = '${units 8.1 mm -> m}' # salt thickness

num_nodes = 200 # (-)

type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
xmin = 0
xmax = '${fparse L_Ni + L_salt}'
dim = 1
nx = ${num_nodes}
type = ParsedSubdomainMeshGenerator
input = whole_domain
combinatorial_geometry = 'x <= ${L_Ni}'
block_id = 0
type = ParsedSubdomainMeshGenerator
input = block_1
combinatorial_geometry = 'x > ${L_Ni}'
block_id = 1
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
input = block_2
primary_block = '0' # Ni
paired_block = '1' # salt
new_boundary = 'interface'
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
input = interface
primary_block = '1' # salt
paired_block = '0' # Ni
new_boundary = 'interface_other'

initial_condition = 0.9e-0
block = 0
initial_condition = 0.3e-0
block = 1

family = SCALAR
initial_condition = ${p_bnd}
order = FIRST
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
initial_condition = 0.001
block = 0
initial_condition = 0.001

type = ADMatDiffusion
variable = conc_Ni
diffusivity = diffusivity_Ni
block = 0
type = ADMatDiffusion
variable = conc_salt
diffusivity = diffusivity_salt
block = 1
type = TimeDerivative
variable = conc_Ni
block = 0
type = TimeDerivative
variable = conc_salt
block = 1

type = InterfaceSorption
K0 = 0.564
Ea = 15800.0
n_sorption = 0.5
diffusivity = diffusivity_Ni_nonAD
unit_scale = 1
unit_scale_neighbor = 1
temperature = ${T}
variable = conc_Ni
neighbor_var = p_div_RT_salt
sorption_penalty = 0.1
boundary = 'interface'

type = DiffusionFluxAux
diffusivity = diffusivity_Ni
variable = flux_x
diffusion_variable = conc_Ni
component = x
block = 0
type = DiffusionFluxAux
diffusivity = diffusivity_salt
variable = flux_x
diffusion_variable = conc_salt
component = x
block = 1
variable = p_div_RT_Ni
type = ParsedAux
expression = '(conc_Ni / (${R} * ${T} * 0.564 * exp(-15800/(${R}*${T}))))^2'
coupled_variables = 'conc_Ni'
variable = p_div_RT_salt
type = ParsedAux
expression = '(conc_salt / (${R} * ${T} * 0.079 * exp(-35000/(${R}*${T}))))'
coupled_variables = 'conc_salt'

type = EquilibriumBC
Ko = 0.564
activation_energy = 15800.0
boundary = left
enclosure_var = enclosure_pressure
temperature = ${T}
variable = conc_Ni
p = 0.5
type = ADDirichletBC
boundary = right
variable = conc_salt
value = 0.0

type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'T'
symbol_values = '${T}'
expression = '0.0000007*exp(-39500/(${R}*T))'

type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'T'
symbol_values = '${T}'
expression = '0.00000093*exp(-42000/(${R}*T))'

type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'T'
symbol_values = '${T}'
expression = '0.564 * exp(-15800/(${R}*T))'

type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'T'
symbol_values = '${T}'
expression = '0.079 * exp(-35000/(${R}*T))'

type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'diffusivity_Ni diffusivity_salt solubility_Ni solubility_salt'
prop_values = 'diffusivity_Ni_func diffusivity_salt_func solubility_Ni_func solubility_salt_func'
outputs = all
type = MaterialADConverter
ad_props_in = 'diffusivity_Ni diffusivity_salt'
reg_props_out = 'diffusivity_Ni_nonAD diffusivity_salt_nonAD'

type = SideDiffusiveFluxAverage
variable = conc_salt
boundary = right
diffusivity = diffusivity_salt_nonAD

type = SMP
full = true

type = Transient
steady_state_detection = true
steady_state_start_time = 40000
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-9
scheme = bdf2 # bdf2 # crank-nicolson # explicit-euler
solve_type = NEWTON # LINEAR # JFNK # NEWTON
petsc_options = '-snes_ksp_ew'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
l_max_its = 10
nl_max_its = 13
nl_rel_tol = 1e-8 # nonlinear relative tolerance
nl_abs_tol = 1e-20 #1e-30 # nonlinear absolute tolerance
l_tol = 1e-6 # 1e-3 - 1e-5 # linear tolerance
end_time = ${endtime}
automatic_scaling = true
line_search = none
dtmax = 10.0
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-10
optimal_iterations = 18 # 6-10 or 18
growth_factor = 1.1
cutback_factor = 0.5

execute_on = timestep_end
exodus = true
type = CSV
file_base = 'val-flibe_1210_550'
time_step_interval = 500

type = BoundingValueElementDamper
variable = conc_salt
max_value = 1e42
min_value = -0.01
min_damping = 0.001
type = BoundingValueElementDamper
variable = conc_Ni
max_value = 1e42
min_value = -0.01
min_damping = 0.001

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