This folder contains an implementation of the Aggregate Pattern. The sample consists of two backend services (written in Go and TypeScript) and an aggregate (written in Rust).
In the context of a microservices architecture, the Aggregate Design Pattern refers to a strategy for composing multiple microservices to fulfill a single business operation or query. Instead of relying on a single microservice to handle complex operations, aggregates distribute the workload across multiple services, each responsible for managing a specific aspect of the operation. This pattern helps in achieving scalability, fault isolation, and autonomy among microservices. By decomposing large operations into smaller, manageable tasks distributed across microservices, the Aggregate Design Pattern enables more efficient and resilient systems in microservices architecture.
For demonstration purposes, take the two backend services customers-service
and incidents-service
as given. Although they expose necessary data directly, developers must issue many requests to create a dashboard displaying information provided by those backend services.
Instead, an aggregate is implemented (`aggregates-service) which is responsible for loading data from backend services (via service chaining) and composing a uniform representation for data that should be visualized on the dashboard.
In addition to calling into backend services using service chaining, the Aggregates Service is responsible to transform data according to the use-case.
The Aggregates Service exposes the following endpoints:
GET /aggregates/dashboard
-> To retrieve data for a dashboard view (this data is constructed by calling into the Customers Service and the Incidents Service using service chaining)
The Customers Service exposes the following endpoints:
GET /customers/top/:limit
-> To retrieve a list of N (specified via:limit
) customers (sorted by scoring in descending order)GET /customers/count
-> To retrieve the number of all customersGET /customers/items
-> To retrieve the list of all customers (sorted by name)GET /customers/items/:id
-> To retrieve a single customer using its identifier (:id
The Incidents Service exposes the following endpoints:
GET /incidents/grouped-by-customer
-> to retrieve a list of incidents grouped by customerGET /incidents/items
-> To retrieve the list of all incidentsGET /incidents/items/:id
-> To retrieve a single incident using its identifier (:id
- Local (
spin up
) requires a running redis cache - SpinKube
- Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes
- Rust installed on your machine
- The
target for Rust installed (rustup target add wasm32-wasi
- The
- TinyGo installed on your machine
- Node.js installed on your machine
- Spin CLI installed on your machine
To run the sample locally, you must provide the migrations.sql file using the --sqlite flag to provision the database on the first run:
# Build the project
spin build
# Run the sample
spin up --sqlite @migrations.sql
Logging component stdio to ".spin/logs/"
Storing default SQLite data to ".spin/sqlite_db.db"
Available Routes:
aggregates-service: (wildcard)
customers-service: (wildcard)
incidents-service: (wildcard)