This folder contains a simple Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) implementation written in Rust.
CQRS is a software architectural pattern that separates the responsibility of handling commands (requests that change the system's state) from handling queries (requests that fetch data without modifying state). In a CQRS architecture, commands are handled by a separate component or layer known as the Command side, while queries are handled by another component or layer called the Query side. This segregation allows each side to be optimized independently, as they often have different scalability, performance, and optimization requirements.
On the Command side, operations are focused on enforcing business rules, validation, and updating the state of the system. This side typically utilizes a domain-driven design approach to model the business logic effectively. On the Query side, the emphasis is on efficiently retrieving data to fulfill read requests from clients. This side often employs de-normalized data models and specialized data storage mechanisms optimized for fast read access. By separating the concerns of commands and queries, CQRS promotes a clearer separation of concerns and can lead to improved scalability, performance, and maintainability in complex software systems.
GET /employees
- To retrieve a list of all employeesGET /employees/:id
- To retrieve an employee using its identifier
POST /employees
- To create a new employeePUT /employees/:id
- To update an existing employee using its identifierDELETE /employees/:id
- To delete an existing employee using its identifier
Send data to POST /items
and PUT /items/:id
using the following structure:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": {
"street": "1234 Main Street",
"zip": "02112",
"city": "Boston"
- Local (
spin up
) - Fermyon Cloud
- SpinKube
- Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes
To use this sample you must have
- Rust installed on your machine
- The
target for Rust installed (rustup target add wasm32-wasi
- The
- Spin CLI installed on your machine
To run the sample locally, you must provide the migrations.sql
file using the --sqlite
flag to provision the database on the first run:
# Build the project
spin build
# Run the sample
spin up --sqlite @migrations.sql
Logging component stdio to ".spin/logs/"
Storing default SQLite data to ".spin/sqlite_db.db"
Available Routes:
cqrs-rust: (wildcard)
You can deploy this sample to Fermyon Cloud following the steps below:
# Authenticate
spin cloud login
# Deploy the sample to Fermyon Cloud
# This will ask if a new database should be created or an existing one should be used
# Answer the question with "create a new database"
spin deploy
Uploading cqrs-rust version 0.1.0 to Fermyon Cloud...
App "cqrs-rust" accesses a database labeled "default"
Would you like to link an existing database or create a new database?: Create a new database and link the app to it
What would you like to name your database?
Note: This name is used when managing your database at the account level. The app "cqrs-rust" will refer to this database by the label "default".
Other apps can use different labels to refer to the same database.: little-fish
Creating database named 'little-fish'
Waiting for application to become ready........ ready
View application:
Manage application:
# Ensure tables are created in the new database (here little-fish)
spin cloud sqlite execute --database little-fish @migrations.sql